Page 71 of Her Secret Daughter

“Me, either,” declared Bob. “If I’m going to have a working relationship with that fine young woman, I want it off on the right foot from the get-go. And now, I’m going to stop by Henderson Architectural and see if they can make my thoughts look a little better than these chicken scratches I did on my own. I want Josie to see this the way I picture it. Might help persuade her to my way of thinking.”

“And you and Addie have some errands to run?” Sheila asked.

“We do.” Jacob palmed Addie’s head and grinned. “We’re going to spend the day exploring and seeing if any of the properties Miss Linda wants to show us are just right.”

“Then we’ll see you tomorrow. And Jacob?”

“Yes?” He turned.

“Your dad and I were wondering which church you go to. Just in case we’re up in time and have a mind to go.”

“We like lots of them, but I like Grace Haven Community best, Memaw.” Sincerity marked Addie’s earnest look. “It’s got the best candles.”

“And there you go.” Jacob flashed his mother a smile. “The candles take it, every time. Service begins at nine.”

“Nine?” She didn’t sound delighted about the early hour, but she didn’t wince, either. “Nine it is.”


Dinner with Jacob’s parents?

Josie left the Bayou in Terry’s capable hands a little after two on Sunday, wishing she hadn’t let Bob Weatherly talk her into coming over.

She went home, showered and slipped into a soft, flowy shirt and midlength thin cotton skirt, the kind that swirled with each breath of wind.

She blow-dried her hair and brought it over her shoulder in a long, simple braid, then fastened hoop earrings to her ears, before finishing the look with a long, beachy shell necklace.

A business deal…

That’s what Bob Weatherly had said when he stopped by the barbecue kitchen on Saturday morning. He didn’t mention Addie, or Jacob, or their unusually convoluted attachment. He simply smiled, complimented her on the food again and asked her to supper.

She’d faced him, squashed her nerves and accepted graciously.

And now she figured she was about to get sick to her stomach with a war of nerves.

She turned onto Sunrise Road, almost directly across the lake from the Eastern Shore Inn.

The road entrance was flanked by woods, but as the road approached the water, the view flared before her. Pretty homes, waterfront tones, shady trees and an amazing view.

She’d grown up in the village, close enough to the beach to be a water baby, but in a much more humble setting than the western shore of Canandaigua Lake.

Their driveway sloped to her left. She parked the car in the shade of wide-trunked maples and slipped out of the seat.

Cool shade softened the thick July air. And a whispered breeze made the leaves dance above, shifting a shimmering pattern of light.


Jacob’s voice, from a few feet away. She deliberately pretended to misunderstand and turned while motioning to the trees, the house, the setting. “It is.”

He smiled.

He didn’t correct her, or tease, he simply smiled, knowing she’d get it. And she did. “Do you know what this is about and should I be forewarned?”

He fell into step beside her. “Only if you’re the sort who ruins Christmas by sneaking a peek ahead of time.”

“I did that once, and ruined the entire day.”

“A lesson learned. Hey, kid.”

Addie flew their way in a brightly patterned sundress. “Look! We’re both wearing dresses! I really, really think we’re so much alike!”

Such sweet words and emotion! Josie sank down to her level. “Except that yours has flowers and my skirt has vines.”

“I really like it.” Addie tipped her gaze up to Josie and studied her with a look of intensity. “It’s so beautiful on you.”

“Well, thank you. And I must say that I’m quite partial to yours.” Addie grabbed Josie’s hand, then Jacob’s with her other hand, linking them as they rounded the lakeside home.

The waterside gazebo was laid out for a casual summer supper. Long, flowing sheers draped the openings, offering shade as needed. A table that would easily fit eight was centered inside, surrounded by built-in benches. “What a lovely setting. Mrs. Weatherly, this is gorgeous.”