She cleaned up and eyed the third note, then picked up her phone and texted one quick word. Yes.
She put down the phone, half-afraid he wouldn’t text back, and just as afraid he would. And when he did, she lifted the phone quickly to see what he said.
We’re so glad.
Just that.
Her heart jittered. So did her breath. She wouldn’t read too much into this, because there were two days to wait, but seeing those notes and that text soothed her heart and her soul. Josie Gallagher got her first good night’s sleep since seeing Addie hop out of that car nearly two months before.
* * *
“Mom. Dad. Addie and I have something to tell you.” Jacob snugged his arm around Addie’s shoulders and faced his parents on Saturday morning. “We’re going to stay in Grace Haven.”
“Like forever,” Addie added helpfully when his parents didn’t react.
“I’m looking at houses…”
“And cows,” chimed in Addie. “But we’re not really exactly sure what color cow to get, so I think Farmer Gallagher can help us decide. Maybe.”
He watched his parents exchange a look, then his father rose, crossed the floor and handed him a sheaf of papers. “See what you think.”
What he thought? Jacob examined the top copy, then leafed through the sheets below before shifting his attention back to his father. “You want to franchise the Bayou Barbecue?”
“If Josie will let me, yes.”
“Dad, I—” He clutched the paperwork, dumbfounded.
“It’s an amazing opportunity,” his father went on. “There’s nothing up here that holds a candle to her cooking, and I saw that right off. If we open several different spots, dotting the county, at least this one and the next one, we’ve got the entire Rochester market covered, and it’s a perfect time to jump into New York business. They’re doing tax incentives like crazy for the next decade. No time like the present, Jacob, and I am sick to death of retirement. Are you interested?”
His father pointed to the papers. “In running the show? I’ll be here to launch with you, but I have no intention of staying up north all year, every year. A man would have to be daft to think such a thing, and Mother and I would still have a few months of calm and quiet along the Gulf Coast. And then I would come back and jump in. It’s in your wheelhouse, son. It’s what you do best. Build things and oversee restaurant quality.”
Addie squealed once she realized what the exchange meant. “Dad, let’s do it! Oh, won’t Josie be pleased!”
“Will she?” He aimed a look of question at his father.
Bob shrugged. “We won’t know until we ask her, so I invited her over tomorrow after her shift. She’s done early, so mother’s planning a four o’clock supper in the gazebo. She wanted to have it catered, but I think Josie’s more the hots and hamburgers type.”
“She said yes?”
“Well, I did my fair share of sweet-talking, so in the end, there was little else to say.”
Addie grabbed hold of Jacob’s arm. “That means I don’t have to wait until Monday to see my mom!”
Sheila’s eyes went wide when Addie slapped a hand over her mouth.
Jacob nodded. “I’m not big on secrets, and I explained that Josie loved her so much that she wanted to find a nice home, the nicest home ever for Addie to be in. But when unexpected things happened, God brought her and me here, right here, to Grace Haven. We didn’t know her mother lived here. But God did. And now we do, too. Now all that’s left is for us to find a place.”
“I’m going to surprise Josie and tell her when I see her, so we have to keep it a big secret. Okay?” Addie grabbed his parents’ hands, imploring.
“It’s very okay.” Bob scooped her up and gave her a big hug. Sheila joined him, her arms wrapped around him and the girl. And when Addie dashed off to make pictures of how she perceived her new life, including a full menagerie of animals, he turned to his parents. “I hope it’s all right that I told her. I didn’t mean to spring it on you guys like that.”
“Better the truth than a lie, Jacob. Always.” His mother looked sad but resolute. “It’s our turn to fix things, and I’m not afraid to do my share.”