Page 62 of Indulge Me Tonight

“Faro…” She sighed once her nephew’s name had passed her lips. “He was always such a terrible child. Blackhearted and conniving almost from the day he could talk.”

Des laughed shortly. “I can’t count the times that we all sat around laughing at how things turned out. Faro was less like Ken or even Grace, for that matter. He was the one nobody could believe was a Clegg.” Her laughter tumbled out robustly for a while and then turned into sobs. “Do you think he’ll ever speak to me again, Tielle?”

“I’m sure he will.” Tielle reached over to pat the woman’s knee. “But he’s going to want answers, and it’d be wise not to keep anything else from him.”

“There’s nothing else,” Des swore. “At least nothing I’m keeping.” She turned wet eyes to Tielle. “Do you think he’ll ever forgive me?”

Tielle’s answer lay in the solemnness of her expression—potent even against the firelight. Desree bowed her head and began to cry.

* * *

Sometime later, Laura found Tielle alone in her office. The firelight had dimmed, and the embers were low yet fought to regain their former glory.

“How are you?” Laura joined Tielle on the sofa facing the fireplace.

“Same as everyone else, I guess.” Tielle’s voice was monotone.

Laura nodded. “How’d it go with Mrs. Clegg?”

“Humph.” Tielle rested her face in her hands. “I think this’ll be our first retreat where people leave worse off than they were when they got here.”

“Oh, I don’t think so.” Laura bumped Tielle’s shoulder with her own. “Faro’s motives were probably misplaced, but now that this is out in the open, the family can move forward.”

Tielle reached over to squeeze Laura’s hand. “I hope you’re right, because right now I really can’t see it.”

* * *

It was past midnight when Tielle overcame her nervousness and decided to check in on Grae. She’d seen most of the men who had rustled him off earlier in the halls or out for a stroll or drink at the terrace bar, and she hoped the time was right to speak with her ex.

She found the door apparently closed, but upon nearing it, she discovered it was ajar.

“Grae?” She eased into the room, finding it quiet and tidy. There was no trace of Grae.

“He’s gone.”

She whirled around, finding Leo in the doorway.

“Maid already got the room fresh for the next guest.”

“Where?” Tielle could add no more to the question.

“My guess is back to Portland.” Leo stepped closer. “I’m sorry, Tielle.”

Her lips pursed. “I’m the last person you should be giving apologies to. You should save them all for Grae.”

Leo nodded, lowered his head. “I know, but it doesn’t look like apologies are being accepted right now.”

“Will you give up?” she asked.

Leo smiled. “Never. I love that kid like he’s mine. We’ve had disagreements before. Grae always cools off after a day or two.” He shrugged, looking uncertain. “I’m sure it’ll take longer than a day this time.”

“Well, you’re welcome to stay.” Tielle gave up a smile. “We won’t close for the holidays until another week or so. We certainly aren’t in any hurry to book our next retreat.”

“Thanks,” he said, grinning, “but it’s probably better I head out. Some of the family left not long after Grae cleared out.”

“And Faro?”

Leo muttered an expletive. “Hopefully he’s taken a one-way train to hell.”

Tielle studied the room Grae had used. “Do you think he’ll give up on getting what he wanted out of this?”

“Not a chance. Putting this scheme in place was part of all the fun. He’s been wanting to tell this for a long time. Now that the cat’s out of the bag, he’ll milk it for all it’s worth. You can believe that.”

“And where does that leave Grae in all this?”

“Angry,” Leo said without hesitation. “That’s the scariest part of the whole thing.”

Tielle bristled at the chill that raced down her arms. “Are you scared of what he might do to Faro?”