Page 63 of Indulge Me Tonight

“I’m scared of what he may do, period. The man was a terror when he lost you. That’s why Asia’s so upset with you.”

Tielle was quiet as the image of Grae’s cousin emerged in her head.

“It’s not good for a man that powerful physically and businesswise to have anger issues.” Leo gave Tielle a measuring look. “When you left, folks were almost afraid to e-mail him, much less talk to him.”

“He came to see me.” She looked around the room again. “He wanted to talk about Faro using this place for the retreat and asked how I felt about it. He seemed calm then.”

Leo nodded. “You’ve spent a year apart. The time alone did him a lot of good, got him to see his fault in all this, but, Tielle, he was working off the assumption that you were right about Faro. That he was being unfair and should work harder to make things better between them. That’s all out the window now. He’s angry with Faro, but madder at himself for not listening to what he knew was true about his brother.”

Leo quieted, and Tielle used the time to mull over his words and wonder where she resided on her ex-husband’s anger meter.

Chapter 14

A fresh dusting of snow had settled during the night, but that didn’t stop the retreat’s guests from heading out early the following morning. The cook staff didn’t need to bother with full breakfast prep, but they did supply the group with fresh coffee, Danish and bagels to provide a little nourishment for the day ahead.

Tielle kept to her office for much of the morning and didn’t care if the act effectively labeled her a coward. She did busywork until the bulk of the group had set off. Armed with a mug of tea, she met Laura on the main porch.

“Think they’ll recommend us to their friends?” Laura teased as they watched the last of the family clear out.

Laughter flowed softly between Laura and Tielle.

“So when do you plan to hit the road?” Laura asked once she’d sipped her tea.

“Humph. Trust me, I won’t need to be bullied into taking a vacation. I’m more than ready to head someplace hot and sunny.”

“Sounds fabulous, but I meant when are you hitting the road to see Grae?”

Tielle looked down into her cup. “I don’t think he’s in the mood to hear from me right now.”

“I don’t believe that.” Laura sent Tielle a sidelong glance. “Not after what I’ve seen this past week. He still loves you, Ti. It’s obvious you still love him, but the man can’t even seem to move when you’re in his line of sight. I don’t think a man that in love with a woman would want to be away from her that long.”

Tielle snuggled into the gray wool wrap she’d thrown on over her jeans and sweater. “This is about more than lost love, Laura,” she said while taking a seat on the porch step that had been cleared of snow. “What do I say to him about this? He’s insanely in love with his family, and now this. I can’t even imagine what’s going through his mind let alone figure out what to say to him about it.”

“Maybe he doesn’t need you to say anything.” Laura rested against one of the porch columns. “Just be there.”

Tielle cast a look at her. “You tryin’ to get rid of me?”

“Not at all. Just trying to get you to do what you really want to be doing.”

“Right. And get rid of me in the process.”

Laura blew a kiss Tielle’s way. “Take it how you want. Let me know if you need help packing.”

* * *

Leo sat on his desk, head in hands as he prayed for an end to the incessant traffic in and out of his doors. It had been that way since his return from the retreat two weeks prior. That morning’s events had merely layered more frustration to an increasingly agitating day.

“Does he hate him this much, Leo?” Simon Clegg asked. He had been overseeing daily operations of the firm while Grae and Leo attended the family gathering in Canada.

Three Cleggs stood in Leo’s office. One of them had brought the morning’s paper.

Leo reread the story’s headline: Clegg CEO Not a Clegg.

“What’s he hoping to accomplish with this?” Gerald asked. “Our clients don’t care what Grae’s bloodline is, only that he’s making them money.”