My stomach lurched. The thought of the two of them alone together, practicing Drew’s song seemed awfully intimate. Like they were a couple. I had no idea if they were or if things had fizzled out between them after that date but they sure seemed like they were getting closer.

“There’s something missing in the chorus,” I said. “It builds up and then goes nowhere.”

I hummed the bit so he could see what I meant.

“You’re a good singer too. You and Gina could sing it together.”

“I wasn’t singing, I was humming, you fool.”

“Same thing, though. It’s holding a tune. That would be awesome, Jackson. Say you’ll sing my song with Gina. You don’t have to play guitar, just sing. That should be okay.”

“That will never happen in this lifetime. Get that fool idea out your head.”

“You can give me a challenge. Anything.”

He looked so damn innocent when he said that but I knew better now. He’d defeated me and he’d defeated Carlie. He wasn’t so innocent. He lived his life like a pool shark. Who knew what hidden skills he had? I’d not be taking him on again in a hurry.

“Just play the bloody song.”

“Gina’s really pretty, isn’t she?” he said as he played.

I choked on my drink. Yes, she was really pretty but I had no intention of discussing that with Drew.

“I think you hurt her feelings, Jackson.”

I definitely did that and I wasn’t proud of it. Every time I saw her, the icy-cold hand of guilt gripped my heart. Until the day I died, I’d never forgive myself for hurting her but I’d done the right thing. I had to believe that.

“You’re here to learn guitar, not to discuss Gina or anyone else.”

My breath caught just from saying her name.

Of course, she’s pretty. She’s pretty when she wraps that strand of hair around her finger when she’s nervous. She’s pretty when she sits at the bar, glancing at me when she thinks I don’t notice. Even the questions in her eyes look pretty but my answers will always be as ugly as hell.

“Okay, give that a rest now. You played ‘Rock Princess’ for me before, so I’m going to put it on and see if you can keep up.”

He nodded as I queued up the song.

The beginning was fine. He had that down. The chorus was pretty simple too but, once he got into the second verse, there were some tricky chord changes. I’d see how much he’d been practicing.

Drew had my guitar and he had Gina and all I had was my own bitterness. It made me question if that was worth holding onto.

Chapter 14 Gina

THE PARTY WAS ALL EVERYONE at the bar talked about. Razer finished the festivals and had arrived back in town with the rest of his band.

“Who is Alex getting to replace Violet?” I asked Drew.

“Sally. She was so excited when Alex wanted to talk to her but I think she came out of the office looking sad because she likes Alex. She wanted him to ask her on a date, not give her a promotion.”

Of course, Sally would be a great replacement. I didn’t know her very well but she seemed nice.

Not many people had turned up yet but I’d wanted to get there early because I had to sing with Drew. I couldn’t keep still. I hated having attention on me and I was sure I’d muck up Drew’s song.

“Are you sure you want me to sing with you?” I asked him.

He nodded. “Positive.”

I shoved my hands in my pockets so I wouldn’t fidget.