“We’re getting a recording contract too. They’ve booked us a studio in Berlin to lay down the album. Who’d have thought it, huh? Berlin.”

Alex glared so hard, I thought he’d break something inside. His rivalry with Razer wasn’t just over Violet but the whole band thing too. And Razer raced way ahead of him there.

Violet gulped but she seemed like she wanted to smile.

“I’ve been offered the job of tour manager. The promotion company spoke to Razer about it and I’ve just been on the phone to them. I’m going to miss the fuck out you guys but it’s too good a chance to miss. Plus, there is no way we’re going to be apart for months. Four weeks has been enough.”

Drew jumped up and threw his arms around her. I think he was hugging Razer a little bit too.

“I’m going to miss you guys. Are you having a farewell party? Can I play guitar at it? Jackson is teaching me. Look, Violet, I have callouses.”

Razer laughed. “Hell yeah, you can play guitar. I hadn’t even thought of that. I’ve got to go back and finish off these dates, then I’m back in town for a few days before we leave.”

Carlie folded her arms. She didn’t congratulate Violet. She leaned against the sink.

“You can’t have it here,” said Alex. “We have our own gigs planned. We can’t rearrange the entire roster just for you. Sorry.”

“We can have it on the 18th,” Violet said. “The headline canceled today and I’ve been trying to fill the spot. The other two bands we had planned will be happy to work around it.”

“And how will I make money out of this? No one is going to pay to see Drew play and none of your friends ever pay for drinks.”

“That’s because they are all staff, knob head,” said Carlie. “We don’t pay for drinks. Let them have their party and stop being a big douche canoe about the whole thing. If they have it somewhere else, your entire staff will be at the party and not working, I can promise you that. The place will be empty for the night and it’ll be only you here, serving drinks. To yourself.”

Alex pursed his lips. He hated being wrong and it seemed that Carlie had bested him twice in one night.

“There’ll be no free drinks for staff then. I’ll have to close the place and I’ll be losing a ton of money.”

“Whatever. We’re having a party.” Carlie bit her lip, suppressing a grin.

The rest of the night was spent planning the party and getting upset over Violet leaving. Holden came in after rehearsal and offered to play. Then Razer said he wanted to play too, even though it was his party. The two of them discussed doing a song together while Alex sat in the corner getting all pissy because he couldn’t jump in to join them after opposing the party in the first place.

“The three of us can do a song together,” said Drew. “That’ll be all kinds of awesome.”

In the midst of the excitement, with all the attention on Violet and Razer, I glanced over and noticed Jackson watching me. I tried to ignore him but it felt like I was so obviously not looking at him. My hair flopped down in my face and I tucked it back but that seemed like a nervous gesture.

I ended up moving from my seat. If he had no interest in me, he could keep his eyes to himself instead of making all this heat shoot through me.

Chapter 13 Jackson

“ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT to do this?” I asked Drew. “You are going to be up on stage with Razer and Holden. Those guys are good. They’re really good.”

“But no one expects me to be as good as them. They are heaps older than me.”

I wasn’t sure how old Drew actually was. Sometimes it seemed he wasn’t old enough to be working in a bar but he’d gotten the job so he had to be at least eighteen. And he was right that no one would expect him to be as good but, if it were me, I’d want to make damn sure I could hold my own.

“So long as you’re okay with that. Go through it one more time. There are a few bits that you need more work on.”

He started playing again. He’d decided he wanted to play the song he’d written himself at Violet and Razer’s party.

When he got through it, he looked up at me. “I’ve written some words to it too.”

“You aren’t going to sing?” God, that would be the last thing anyone wanted.

“No, I asked Gina to sing. She’s a really good singer but you probably knew that already.”

I didn’t know that and I had no idea how Drew knew. I wasn’t about to ask him. I read over the lyrics he’d written. The only bit I had to worry about was that he could play it well enough.

“We’ve been practicing together a lot. She’s awesome.”