“As the challenger, I get to name the time and place,” Hugh added. “I pick next Tuesday.”

Despite himself, the corner of John’s mouth twitched up. “A valiant effort, shield-brother. But I apologize for my inadvertent insult, and thus you must withdraw your challenge.”

Hugh shrugged one shoulder, leaning back against the wall again. “It was worth a try.”

“I am deeply touched by your efforts to force me to linger,” John said gently. “But delaying the inevitable only compounds the pain of parting. I must go.”

Other couples were joining Griff and Hayley on the dance floor now. Chase and his mate Connie whirled past, Connie laughing as the pegasus shifter spun her clean off her feet. Red dragon shifter Dai Drake stepped a more sedate measure with his mate Virginia, one of his strong arms around her waist, the other cradling their slumbering infant daughter. Even Fire Commander Ash had been compelled to take part, forcibly hauled by both hands onto the dance floor by swan shifter Rose, the owner of the Full Moon pub.

This is how I wish to remember them. All of my dearest friends, joining together in celebration.

Almost all of his dearest friends, that is. John glanced sidelong at Hugh, who was also watching the dancers. The paramedic’s handsome face wore his usual faintly sardonic expression, but there was a hint of wistfulness in his ice-blue eyes.

“You too watch from the side.” John rested one hand on Hugh’s shoulder. “But if I could find a mate unexpectedly, perhaps you are also mistaken in your belief that you must be forever solitary. I hope that it is so.”

“Believe me, that would turn out even worse for me than it’s worked out for you.” Hugh scowled at him, that momentary vulnerability hidden once more behind his spiky defenses. “If you’re going to go, then just go. No need to start wishing me ill-fortune on your way out.”

“I shall leave before I can make further blunders, then.” John shifted his grip to clasp Hugh’s forearm, in the gesture of one warrior to another. “It has been my honor and my privilege to call you my friend.”

Hugh’s fingers tightened on his arm. Though the paramedic’s expression remained uncaring, the physical contact meant that John could sense the true sorrow behind his comrade’s sarcastic manner.

It also meant that he could not help but be aware of Hugh’s loud telepathic shout, even though it wasn’t aimed at him.

*I’m losing him! Chase, for God’s sake tell me she’s nearly here!*

“Tell you that who is nearly here?” John said out loud.

Hugh jerked his hand away as if burned. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you it’s rude to eavesdrop?”

A terrible suspicion formed in his mind. “Yes,” he said, coldly. “But not as rude as it is to cowardly attempt to undermine another’s honor. That would be a truly unconscionable act. Especially from a comrade-in-arms.”

The guilty look that flashed across Hugh’s face told John all he needed to know. Anger lit in his blood at the betrayal.

How could he? How could they?

Hugh was opening his mouth, but John did not give him a chance to make whatever feeble excuses he planned. He turned his back on the paramedic—only to discover his path blocked by Chase.

“Now, calm down-“ Chase started, holding up his hands.

“Out of my way,” John snarled at him, fingernail-scratch harmonics of outrage nearly drowning out the human words.

Chase was barely half his own mass. John held his full strength in check, but the pegasus shifter still slammed back into the wall with a thump, all the breath knocked out of him. Heedless of both the shock in Chase’s eyes and Hugh’s startled curse behind him, John started to stride on—and was one again forced to stop in mid-step.

“You going to hurl me into a wall, John?” Dai said, broad shoulders set and green eyes blazing.

The red dragon shifter would indeed have been a much more formidable opponent, but that was not what made John pause. Dai still cradled his sleeping infant, her tiny head nearly hidden in his large hand.

“This is a low tactic, kin-cousin,” John growled, quietly so as not to disturb the child.

“I’m no knight. And I’m prepared to fight dirty if that’s what it takes to stop you from making the worst mistake of your life.”

“If it is a mistake, it is mine to make!” John’s hands curled into fists, shaking. “How dare any of you presume to know what is best for me? No dry-lander could ever hope to fathom the ocean’s heart. Now stand aside!”

“You are beginning to attract attention, gentlemen.” John started at Fire Commander Ash’s quiet but ice-cold voice. “Control yourselves.”

Soft-footed as ever, the Phoenix had managed to appear right at his elbow without him noticing. Rose was at Ash’s side, brow furrowing as she looked around at them all. The enigmatic swan shifter had the ability to see what was truly inside a person’s heart. John wondered what she was seeing now.

“I will not have any of you casting a shadow over Griffin’s happiness today,” Ash continued, his dark, cool gaze sweeping over his crew. “What is the problem here?”