Dai jerked his chin at John. “He was trying to slip away.”

John reflexively straightened to attention as Ash’s eyes turned to him. “Commander. As I told you this morning, my other duties call, and I must answer. My task here is finished. I no longer have excuse to tarry.”

“But your mate-“ Chase began, but Ash lifted one hand slightly. The pegasus shifter instantly fell silent.

“I am aware of your attempts to entice John’s mate here without his knowledge.” Though the Fire Commander’s level voice and set expression never changed, disapproval radiated from him like heat from a furnace. “John, do you wish to see her?”

John opened his mouth to say no, but the simple word lodged sideways in his throat. He did want to see her. With all his heart, he longed to. He could not dishonor himself with a lie.

“It is not a matter of my desires,” he said at last, painfully. “It is a matter of necessity.”

Ash nodded slightly, as if in understanding. “Daifydd. Stand aside. Let him pass.”

“Stay right there, Dai, or you won’t be setting foot in my pub again.” Rose put her hands on her ample hips, scowling round at them all. “John, listen to your friends. I know what’s in your heart. It isn’t duty that’s driving you into the sea. It’s fear, plain and simple.”

“Rose.” Ash made a slight, abortive motion, as if he’d started to put a restraining hand on her shoulder but then checked himself. “It is John’s decision. We must respect it.”

“Oh, I could smack you sometimes.” Rose rounded on Ash, glaring up at the Phoenix without the slightest hint of trepidation at so disrespectfully addressing the most powerful shifter in Europe. “You’re just as bad as he is. All that stoic suffering. Well, what about John’s mate? Doesn’t she get a say in this decision? Why does John get to unilaterally decide what’s best for them both?”

John had the rare experience of seeing the Phoenix look discomfited. The crack in Ash’s calm lasted only an instant before sealing over again, his expression settling back into its usual impassiveness.

“Chase,” the Fire Commander said, turning to the pegasus shifter. “Where is John’s mate now?”

Chase hesitated, his black eyes sliding away from his commander’s as if not quite able to meet his gaze. “Ah. Well. At this precise moment in time, she’s…not actually in my range.”

“What? She’s still at least five miles away?” Hugh slapped the heel of his hand against his forehead with a groan. “I chase my own tail all day trying to keep this overgrown idiot from wandering off prematurely, and now you tell me she’s not even coming?”

John should have been grateful that his mate understood the hopelessness of their situation just as well as he did. He should have been thankful for her own honorable nature and strength of will. He should have been relieved.

Instead, he felt as though he’d been disemboweled.

They went to find her and bring her to me…and she refused?

Ash lifted one eyebrow at Rose. “It would seem that John’s mate is of the same mind as he is.”

“No,” Rose said firmly. “It would seem that Chase is drunk.”

“Excuse me?” Chase looked mortally offended. “I’ve only had one bottle of champagne! It takes a lot more than that to put me under the table, as you should know.”

“Well, all I know is that your pegasus is utterly addled. But my swan isn’t. There’s nothing wrong with my ability to sense mate bonds.” Rose’s full lips curved into a smile as she pointed triumphantly across the room. “John’s mate is standing right there.”

Chapter 8

Neridia’s nerves failed her right at the entrance to the reception room. Clasping her father’s pearl—safely strung round her neck once more—she tried to summon up the courage to push open the closed door and take that final, irrevocable step. She could hear fiddles and drums playing a bright, lively tune inside, and what

sounded like hundreds of people dancing and laughing.

I can’t. I can’t do this. They’re all going to stare at me.

“Hi!” said a bright voice behind her, from somewhere around the level of her thighs. “Are you Sir John’s sister?”

Neridia nearly leaped out of her skin. Whirling round, she saw a small blond boy of about five or six beaming up at her. From his adorably miniature morning suit and waistcoat, Neridia guessed he had to be part of the bridal party.

“Wow,” the boy added, leaning back and craning his neck. “You’re really tall. Are you a sea dragon knight too?”

“Um, no.” A little awkward in her one good formal dress, Neridia crouched down on her heels. “I’m not. A knight, or a sea dragon, I mean. I’m…Griff invited me.”

The boy beamed at her. “That’s my da. What kind of a shifter are you? You smell funny.”