“I’m sorry,” he said into her ear, his distorted voice filled with bitter agony. “I shouldn’t have come. You should never have met me. I just make everything worse for you.”

“Don’t say that.” Hayley grabbed his shoulder through the sheet, shaking him a little to break him out of his spiral of self-recrimination. “Don’t ever say that. It wasn’t your fault. And it probably won’t have made any difference anyway. The judge must have already made up her mind by now, surely.”

Griff’s concealed face turned in the direction of the judge. She was bent over her notes, her pen tapping thoughtfully on the paper. Hayley couldn’t read anything in her professionally blank expression…but Griff made a low, agonized sound deep in his throat.

“She had made up her mind,” he said. “And now she’s changing it.”

All Hayley could do was grip his shoulder, trying to comfort him even as she took comfort just from his presence. Minutes crawled by like hours. Across the courtroom, Reiner and his lawyer exchanged triumphant glances.

The judge sat back at last, taking off her glasses. “I am prepared to render my judgment. Ms. Parker, Mr. Ljonsson, please approach with your councils.”

Hayley didn’t want to leave Griff behind, but she had no choice. Michael took her elbow, escorting her up to the front of the courtroom. The judge’s box seemed as high and intimidating as a mountain. Hayley had never felt so scared or so helpless.

“Ms. Parker, Mr. Ljonsson.” The judge folded her glasses, placing them neatly before her. “Based on what I have heard, it is clear that it is in Daniel’s best interests to have contact with both of you.”

Hayley’s heart started beating again.

“However,” the judge continued, and Hayley’s pulse thudded, “this presents logistical difficulties, given Mr. Ljonsson’s stated intention to continue to reside in Valtyra. It is clear that we will have to find a way to divide Daniel’s time between your two countries.”

Reiner scowled. “But-”

The judge gave him a quelling look. “I have not finished, Mr. Ljonsson. It is also clear to me that Daniel is in urgent need of a pride. His recent willful and reckless behavior stems from the lack of a true alpha lion to curb his instincts. This situation cannot be allowed to continue. Although it is not ideal to remove Daniel from his school mid-term, I believe that his shifter education must come first. Mr. Ljonsson, for the time being, I am granting you full custody of Daniel, effective immediately.”

The bottom dropped out of Hayley’s stomach. The room swam in her vision. “No!”

“I know this will be difficult for you to accept, Ms. Parker.” The judge’s stern gaze softened a little. “You are human, and cannot understand the strength of our instincts. But Daniel must have a pride. Mr. Ljonsson can provide him with that. You cannot.”

“But, but you said,” Hayley stammered out. She wanted to beg, to scream, to grab Danny and run away, anything but accept this judgment. “You said he needed to see both of us. He needs me too!”

“This is true. He does. At the moment, his need for a pride is greater, but this will change as he masters his lion.” The judge turned to Reiner, who was practically glowing with satisfaction. “Mr. Ljonsson, after Daniel has integrated into your pride, you will ensure that he has regular contact with his mother. I will draw up a schedule based around school holidays.”

I’m only going to get to see my little boy during school holidays? For just a few weeks, out of months?

“Of course,” Reiner said to the judge, surprisingly meekly. His amber eyes gleamed as he glanced at Hayley. “I will be happy to do so…once Danny is firmly established in my pride.”

“LYING!” Hayley leaped at Griff’s sudden, explosive roar. He surged up from his wheelchair, his concealing sheets slipping away. “He is lying!”

Reiner recoiled in horror from Griff’s bestial, snarling features. In that split-second, unguarded moment, Hayley read the truth in Reiner’s eyes. He was lying. He had no intention of ever returning Danny.

If Danny went to Valtyra, she’d never see him again.

“Your Honor, please, you can’t do this.” Ignoring the shocked gasps at his appearance, Griff took a step toward the judge. His tail lashed from side to side, the feathered tip sweeping across the floor. “Reiner’s lying. Every school holiday, he’ll just claim that Danny isn’t ready-”

“Your Honor, these are baseless slanders against my client!” Paucus interrupted. “I petition that Mr. MacCormick be removed immediately!”

Griff bared his fangs at the shark, making him flinch. “You’re the one who made a big song-and-dance of my eagle abilities. You can’t pretend not to believe in them now. He is lying!”

“Mr. MacCormick!” The judge had visibly paled at Griff’s twisted form, but she banged her gavel down decisively. “You are not under oath, and your motivations are suspect.”

“Then put me under oath-”

“I am not dragging this case out indefinitely, when there is a vulnerable shifter child’s welfare at stake! My decision is final. Stand down, or be held in contempt of court.”

Hayley rushed to Griff’s side as he opened his mouth to say something that would doubtless get him arrested. “Don’t,” she hissed in his ear. She could feel his arm shaking under her hand, and realized he was perilously close to a full-blown seizure. “Not now. We’ll- we’ll think of something, we’ll find a way to fight this.”

His eyes met hers, blazing with intensity. He took a deep breath, and some of the rage left his features…replaced by determination. “Yes. I will.”

Then he turned toward Reiner, drawing himself up to his full height as best he could. “Reiner Ljonsson, I challenge you!”