“Yes,” Griff repeated, starting to sound slightly perplexed by the line of questioning.

Hayley was too. She had no idea where Paucus was going with this, and the uncertainty made her heart hammer in her throat.

It’s like Paucus is trying to build up his credibility, not knock it down…

Paucus addressed the judge. “I have personally been present at trials where Mr. MacCormick’s testimony was accepted as proof as to the veracity of other witnesses. I can provide references on request. For now, Your Honor, are you willing to accept that Mr. MacCormick can indeed do what he claims?”

“I am,” the judge said, glancing at the clock again. “Time is running out, Mr. Paucus. Is there a point to this?”

“Just a few more questions, Your Honor. Mr. MacCormick, you are romantically involved with Ms. Hayley Parker, and were previously alpha to her son, Daniel Jamie Parker, correct?”

“Yes,” Griff said shortly.

“Is it true to say that these facts naturally lead you to be antagonistic toward my client, Mr. Reiner Ljonsson?”

“I don’t like him, if that’s what you’re asking,” Griff said dryly. “Though I would dislike him just as intensely if Hayley was not my mate. He-”

“Apologies for interrupting,” Paucus said, in a tone that was anything but apologetic. “As time is short, please restrict yourself to answering only the questions I ask. In the past, have you physically confronted Mr. Ljonsson?”

“Yes. Several times. He started them all.”

“Just the direct question, please, Mr. MacCormick. You also lost a dominance challenge to him, and were forced to relinquish alpha rights over Daniel Parker?”

Griff’s assent was more of a snarl than a word. Reiner smirked across the courtroom at him.

“But he-” Danny started. His social worker whispered urgently in his ear, making him quieten down again.

“In summary, Mr. MacCormick, is it fair to state that you violently dislike my client, and personally wish him to lose this case? You have no reason to come to his defense?”

“You’re the one who hauled me up here,” Griff growled. “Yes. All of those statements are true.”

“Thank you. Just one last question. Please answer based on both your eagle powers of observation, and your personal knowledge of my client.” The shark shifter bared all his teeth in a cold, predatory smile. “Would Mr. Ljonsson ever knowingly endanger his son?”

Click. Hayley could practically hear the trap springing shut. Her breath froze in her throat.

From Griff’s absolute stillness, he’d stopped breathing too. He didn’t say anything.

“Your answer, please, Mr. MacCormick,” Paucus pressed. “I remind you that you are under oath.”

“I…” Griff hesitated. “Reiner’s judgment is-”

“It’s a simple question, Mr. MacCormick! Would my client ever knowingly endanger his son? Yes or no?”

“Objection, Your Honor!” Michael leaped to his feet. “Mr. Paucus is badgering this witness!”

“Overruled.” The judge was gazing thoughtfully at Griff, her brow furrowed. “Please answer the question, Mr. MacCormick.”

Griff’s shrouded head bowed. “No,” he said, very softly.

Paucus turned his back on him, smiling sweetly up at the judge. “No further questions, Your Honor.”

Michael’s eyes were burning red with anger. “Your Honor, I would also like to question this witness.”

“You have already made your closing remarks, Mr. Cabell. You had plentiful previous opportunity to gather a statement from Mr. MacCormick if you so wished.” The judge checked the time again. “I will take a moment before rendering m

y verdict. Mr. MacCormick, you may step down.”

Hayley jumped up, running to the witness box so quickly she even beat John. Griff’s paw clutched at her arm as she helped him back into the wheelchair.