Hayley chewed on her lip. “Let’s hope that means it’s a good sign for us.”

“Thank you, Mr. Cabell,” the judge said, as Michael finished his statement. “Do you or your client have anything further to add?”

Michael flashed a quick, inquiring look at Hayley and Griff. They both shook their heads slightly in answer.

“We have no further evidence to present, Your Honor.” Michael sat down on Hayley’s other side.

The judge turned to Reiner and his lawyer. “Mr. Paucus, your closing statement, please.”


e shark shifter stood. “Before proceeding to my closing statement, I would like to submit one further testimony on behalf of my client, Your Honor.”

The judge steepled her fingers, casting Paucus a stern look over the tops of her glasses. Griff didn’t recognize her. He’d only been involved in criminal court cases before, not family court matters. He could tell from her body language that she was a wolf shifter…and also that she was eager to close the trial. She didn’t look pleased by this last-minute disruption.

“You have had three days to present testimonies on behalf of your client, Mr. Paucus,” the judge said to the lawyer. “Is there a reason why this one seems to have slipped your mind until now?”

The shark shifter made a courteous little bow. “This witness was previously unavailable. I apologize for the irregularity, but I strongly believe that this testimony should be heard before you reach your final decision.”

The judge blew out her breath. Her eyes flicked to the clock, and back to the lawyer. “You may have five minutes. No more, Mr. Paucus. This is not the only hearing scheduled for today.”

“Thank you, Your Honor.” The shark looked straight across at Griff. “We call Griffin MacCormick to the stand.”



“What are they up to?” Hayley whispered to Michael.

Her lawyer shook his head, watching his opposite number with narrowed eyes. “I don’t know. I’d have said Paucus was planning to cast doubt on Griff as a reliable witness…except that he isn’t a witness. I didn’t include any testimony from him in our defense case, for exactly this reason. His condition means he’s too easy to discredit.”

Hayley twisted her hands in the hem of her tunic, her palms sweating as Griff stiffly struggled out of his wheelchair. The hospital sheets wrapped around him like a shroud, hiding even his face from view. Waving off John’s assistance, he managed to get himself into witness box on his own two feet, though she could tell the effort it cost him to stand upright.

He shouldn’t even be here. What if the stress causes him to have another seizure? Is that Reiner’s plan? Is he vindictive enough to hound Griff into a heart attack, just because Griff’s twice the lion he’ll ever be?

Reiner, however, didn’t look like this was all part of some scheme. His jaw was set in a tight, unhappy line, his muscular arms folded across his chest. Paucus said something to him, and Reiner snarled back under his breath, glaring at his lawyer. Hayley was certain that whatever was going on was Paucus’s idea, not Reiner’s.

That wasn’t very comforting. Reiner was petty and arrogant, but not devious. Paucus was another matter.

“Mr. MacCormick, kindly remove your…coverings,” the judge said, when the official had finished swearing Griff in. “The court must be able to see your face.”

“Mr. McCormick has a severe medical condition,” Paucus said smoothly, before Griff could speak. He looked meaningful across the courtroom at Danny. “Some here would find his appearance upsetting. I respectfully beg that the court permit Mr. MacCormick to retain his privacy, Your Honor.”

The judge nodded. “Granted. You may proceed with the witness. Five minutes only, Mr. Paucus.”

The shark shifter turned to Griff, hands clasped loosely behind his back. “Mr. MacCormick, would you please state your heritage and nature for the benefit of the court?”

“My maternal line are eagle shifters, and my paternal line are lion shifters,” Griff said warily. “I possess two inner beasts, both lion and eagle.”

“Mr. MacCormick’s unusual status is a matter of public record,” Paucus said to the room in general, as a small murmur ran round the court. “Mr. MacCormick, you possess the renowned perceptive abilities of the Scottish Highland white-tailed sea eagles, do you not?”

“I do.” Even with the sheet hiding his face from view, Hayley could tell from the way he leaned forward that he was focusing those very powers on the lawyer right now, alert for any hint of trickery.

“In layperson’s terms, Mr. MacCormick, is it accurate to say that you are able to detect when other people are lying or concealing the truth?”

“Yes.” Griff’s growl made the word a threat.

“And you have previously been called to use those powers when testifying in criminal court cases, haven’t you?”