Page 22 of Billionaire Beast

“So tell me about this Daniel character? Is he putting out?”

“He really knows how to butter my biscuits, if you know what I mean.” She let out a deep sigh and narrowed her eyes and leaned closer as if we weren’t the only two people in her house. “I swear that man comes honey-butter, he’s so sweet. He goes three rounds every time, and I’m beginning to think he’s got an extra testicle. His sac is huge.” By the time she finished telling me about him, we were in stitches.

“My cheeks hurt from laughing.” I rubbed my jaw.

Bre waved a hand at me. “Girl, you know it’s from giving blow jobs, don’t even pretend.” She burst out laughing and got to her feet. “I’m going to make a pitcher of tea. Sweet or lemon?”

“Lemon, please.” It was good to laugh, and I hoped she wasn’t that disappointed in me. Bre was one of the most important people in my life. I didn’t think I could make it without her.

Two hours later, we were gathered around my parents’ table as my mother rambled on about renovations at the beach house. She had big plans, and I couldn’t help but be sickened knowing it would possibly be Aiden’s money footing the bill. I hoped that their plans for the suit would fall through.

“I think that we should invite the Tompkins over when we get it all finished. We haven’t had a nice beach vacation with them in years. Not since the kids were little. I bet Jeffrey is out of college, same as you, Lexa. You should give him a call. Last time I saw him, he was quite the handsome young man. Perfect teeth and no signs of a receding hairline like his father’s.”

“Jeffrey is out of college, Mother, and I talked to him at the funeral. He and his husband are opening a boutique in Atlanta.” I popped another bite into my mouth as my mother’s eyes widened.

“I had no idea he was married.” She curled her lip and changed the subject. “Well, maybe we could have the Taylors instead. I hear that their son is a chief in the Navy. Good stock, that one. He was always such a beautiful boy.”

Bre kicked me under the table, and we exchanged a giggle. She’d met Brad Taylor on vacation one year when we were around thirteen and made out with him until her lips chapped. She’d later told me that he’d felt up her shirt and she’d given him a hand job through his shorts. We’d called him Bradley Spunkpants ever since.

“Are you listening, Alexandra?”

“Yes, you were hoping I’d go out with Brad Taylor.” I cut into my steak with enough force to curb my aggression.

“You could do worse. You need to settle down.” She pointed at me with her knife to prove she knew what she was talking about.

“Yes, Mother.” I didn’t feel like arguing and hoped the meal would end so I could leave.

My father’s cell phone rang. I hadn’t realized he’d brought it to the table until he picked it up and hurried away. It had to be something important for him to behave that way and sure enough, a few minutes later, he returned to the table looking like he had terrible news.

“That was Jones down at the attorney office. He says that Walker’s defense team is trying to get us to settle for less than half of what we’re asking.” Dad seemed to brace himself for my mother’s erupting temper.

“Less than half? I’m not settling for less than one penny of what we’re asking, not even if it means them losing their precious mansion. We’re up to our eyes in debt since the accident, and I, for one, am sick of living like this.”

“You act as if you’re living in squalor! You’ve got a home you’ve paid off outright so you could retire debt free, and you’re entertaining the idea of renovating a beach house, which you also own. If you’re in debt, it’s because you put yourself there with your own poor choices. Don’t blame this on Shawn’s death.”

“We’re not blaming Shawn-” Dad held up a hand to intercede, but Mother cut him off.

“Do not speak to me that way. We’ve paid off our homes to better ourselves, but there are taxes and other responsibilities that aren’t a product of frivolous spending, so you mind your tongue.” Her voice as laced with venom. Bre excused herself from the table and headed to the restroom.

“I do not agr

ee with this suit. You’re not taking into consideration that the man on the other end of your greed is suffering, too. He’s lost his entire family: mother, father, and only sister. Think for one minute the pain you’re causing, or are you even capable?” I pushed my chair back and folded my arms.

“We’re looking out for this family!” She slammed her fist against the table; the plates clinked together so hard they might have chipped. “I don’t have time to worry about anyone else.”

I stood to my feet and threw my napkin down on the table. “I’ve heard enough. You people make me sick to my stomach.” I went to the living room, gathered my things and left. I was so glad that I was self-sufficient and didn’t depend on their money. I didn’t want a dime of anything they took from Aiden. He deserved better.

I rushed past Bre’s car and to my own, and as I climbed behind the driver’s seat, my phone rang. I glanced down to see Aiden’s number and quickly answered it.

“Yes, Aiden?” I tried to catch my breath and hoped I didn’t sound ridiculous.

“Hey, I wasn’t sure you wanted me to call, but I’ve missed you. Thought I’d try again and see if you’d give me the time of day.” He chuckled, and something about it was so endearing that I wanted to cry. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine. I want to see you, too. I’ve been busy, but how about tomorrow night?” I knew that I was only being rebellious, but I didn’t care. It was time to do something reckless one more time.

“Tomorrow night sounds good. I’ll see you then.” His end of the phone went dead, and I heard a tapping at my window. I looked up to see Bre with a genuine look of concern.

“Are you okay?”