Page 21 of Billionaire Beast

Chapter Twelve


Bre threw the door open with a smile so wide it brightened the room. “Come in, come in!” She stepped aside, and I walked past her dropping my purse on the table in the foyer.

“Did you even notice the new table?” She grabbed my shoulders and pointed me in the direction of the table I’d walked right past without a second glance.

“It’s adorable and so handy for my purse, but I thought you were getting a new table for the breakfast nook.” I stepped back and took a closer look at the thin table.

“I did. I got both. You know me, can’t pass up a deal. The man sold me both in a bundle, and I even got a lamp for the living room.” She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin as if to show me how satisfied she was, and then she led me into the kitchen to check out the other bargain.

“Nice. I love them both. You need to come decorate my house; I’m no good at that stuff.” My style was somewhere between practical and functional.

“If you’d ever have a day off where you want to hang out, I would. How’d the last one go? You went to see Aiden Walker, didn’t you?”

“Yes, and don’t bring him up at dinner later. I haven’t told anyone else I’ve seen him.” I sat at the nook and pulled out my phone. He hadn’t texted but once since and I still hadn’t called him back. I wasn’t s

ure what to say or do.

“I’m not; so does that mean you’re not seeing him again?” She didn’t want me to see him to begin with, but I hoped she would be supportive no matter what.

“I don’t know.” I deflated and slumped down in my chair.

“You should forget about him and do a double date with Daniel and me and one of his friends. He has a friend that I think would be perfect for you. He’s a pharmaceuticals rep, and he’s so hot. I’d date him myself if I wasn’t with Daniel.” She gave me a nudge. “Don’t seem so interested.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t know if I’m ready for any kind of dating. I’m so mixed up.”

“What did he do to you? Did you tell him who you were?” She narrowed her eyes as I looked away and took a deep breath. “Oh wow, you can’t even look me in the eyes; it must be bad. Is this one of those I told you so moments?”

“Possibly, but I don’t want to hear it. I don’t regret what happened, but I regret that I didn’t tell him who I am.”

Her eyes widened, and she plopped down across from me, her chair making an awful screech against the tile. “Tell me everything.”

“I’m not telling you everything.” My face stung with blush, and she closed her eyes and shook her head.

“You slept with him? On the first date?” She covered her mouth with her hand as if she dare not speak another word of it.

“So?” I gave her a challenging glance. “It’s not like you’ve never done it. You earned your slut card before middle school, Madame.”

“So, was it worth it? Is he packing? Nice ass? I mean, you’ve already fucked up, so don’t leave out the good parts now.”

“It was hands down the best sex of my life, Bre. It was like we have this connection… I can’t explain it. He fills all my voids, and I think I fill his. He was so sexy, and he took charge, but he still let me, too, it was a perfect ebb and flow. I didn’t even mind his awful beard.”

“He has an awful beard?” She made a face, and I nodded.

“Yeah, it’s so long scraggly, but seriously, it would take a hammer to the face to make that man ugly. He’s so rugged and sexy. He’s so muscular, I felt like a little doll against him.” Warmth spread through my core as I remembered his touch, causing me to cross my knees.

“Rich boy is rugged and sexy? That’s hard to imagine.” She shook her head again, and I nodded.

“I screwed it all up, though. I had my chance to come clean, and I didn’t. I left there abruptly, too, and I hope it wasn’t obvious. I tried to not run out of there like my ass was on fire, but I think it may have come across that way. He’s tried to reach out, but I haven’t responded.”

“Then don’t. Move on. There’s a reason you’re not letting yourself reach out. You know this is wrong, Lexa, as wrong as your parents’ lawsuit, wrong. I can’t believe you did this.” She frowned and looked at the table where her hands were clamped tight. “I mean, it’s hot, and I’m glad you got laid, but I’m not sure being nailed by Aiden Walker was a good idea.”

“I’m not, either; but more than that, I can’t believe I want him, Bre. I want more. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

“You need to be with someone who can help you move on, not someone who is dealing with three times your grief, who you’ve already labeled an asshole. I’m disappointed in you, and the more I think about it, the angrier I get at the whole situation. Nothing good is going to come of this, Lexa!” She snapped the words out at me, and I flinched back from her. “Sorry. I don’t want us to fight over this, so let’s drop it, okay?”

I nodded. One thing I could count on was no matter what: Bre was going to tell me what she thought. “I want to be normal and happy for a change.” Aiden had done that for me, but I would respect her wishes and not bring it up again. Instead, I opted to change the subject to something I knew she’s light up over.