Page 14 of Billionaire Beast

“Wait.” She reached for my phone and unplugged it. “Maybe there’s enough charge to see if it works?” She pushed the power button, and as I took it from her, it lit up.

“It seems fine. A new screen and I’m all set.”

She placed her hand on mine where I held it. “Good, so maybe you can test it out and add my number? Maybe call me back over sometime for that drink? Like, when I haven’t been working all night.”

“Sure, but I’m not shaving my beard.” I opened up my contacts and handed her the phone.

She typed in her number and handed it back. “I think I could get used to it. Or maybe I’ll shave it myself. I’m just as handy with a razor as I am a pair of scissors.” Her face reddened as she laughed.

It took a second to realize what she meant. “You really cut my clothes off? Was I ass naked in front of God and everyone?”

“In nothing but all of your glory in front of a roomful of nurses — yes, you were.” Her laughter made me want to kiss her. “But don’t worry, we’ve seen it a thousand times. No one was gawking at you.”

“Well, why the hell not? I like to be watched.” I braced for her elbow as it sailed my way, and then I realized I needed to ask one more thing. “This might sound terrible since you’ve seen me naked, scrubbed my wounds, and given me a ride home, but I don’t know your name.”

The blank expression on her face made me feel horrible, and I tried to remember her having a name tag. But then she offered me a smile that put me at ease. “I have a lot of junk hanging off my name tag at work, so no worries. I’m Lexa. I put it in your phone.”

“Thank you, Lexa. For everything. Maybe next time I even the score and take off your clothes?” I gave a friendly laugh to let her know I was kidding, but then she shook her head and giggled.

“You’re terrible.”

“So I’ve been told, but hey, fair is fair.” I wanted to kiss her, but I’d wait for another time. I had a feeling I was walking a thin line, and I really wanted her to come back for that drink. I got out of the car, and she giggled again as I shut the door.

“Goodbye, Aiden.” She drove forward through the circle, and I stood and watched her go until she was well down the road.

Chapter Eight


I rolled over and the warm sun of Saturday morning hit my face. I winced at the light and threw my arm up to protect me. I had left the shades up the day before and hurried to my feet to close them. I was glad to be done with my night shift duties for a while and hoped to enjoy my first full day off in weeks.

It had been a couple of days since I’d dropped Aiden off, and though he’d texted me to ask for instructions doctoring his wounds, he hadn’t gotten personal. I had made up my mind that was probably for the best, even though something inside wanted to get to know him better.

My phone rang as I heard a car pull up outside. I unplugged it from the charger on the nightstand and answered it as I walked downstairs to make a cup of coffee and answer the door. “I see you outside, Bre, but thanks for the ten-second head’s up.”

“Hey, I didn’t want to show up unannounced.” She giggled through the phone, and I could hear her on the other side of my front door.

I opened it up and hung up the phone. She held hers up and winked. “Like my new phone case? Isn’t it adorable? I got it on sale for half price at the mall. I got you one.” She pushed past me and hurried into the kitchen where she placed the case she bought for me on the counter and headed to my Keurig. “So what’s going on this morning?”

“I was about to make a cup of coffee. I only opened my eyes three minutes ago.”

“I’ll make it for you. So, I bet you’re glad to be off. Any plans?”

“Not yet, and it’s kind of nice. I want to take things slow, so the day lasts as long as possible.” I hadn’t had a day like that in ages, and I was afraid Bre would try to pull me out to the mall for another one of her shopping trips. She had a bit of a shopping addiction.

“I’m off to the flea market today, if you want to come. I’m on the hunt for a new table for the breakfast nook. If I can’t find one I like, I’m painting the old one. I’m thinking a tiffany blue, what do you think?

“That would be pretty, but no thanks. I’m hoping to stay off my feet as much as possible, and I know the way you drag me around. I can’t keep up.” I’d come home with blisters and a sunburn the last time she’d forced me to go.

“I understand, but I want us to go hang out. I feel like between Daniel and your crazy hours, we never get to spend enough time together.” She passed me the coffee and then inserted another cup for herself.

“I know, and I really need some girl time, what with this damned lawsuit bringing me down. My parents are acting like I don’t exist again, including my suffocating father, which comes as a shock. I think he’s being weird because the whole thing was Mom’s idea.” I pulled the coffee cup to my lips and blew softly before taking a sip.

Bre shook her head. “Do you really believe that, or is it easier to think since you’ve always been a daddy’s girl. I mean, they both seemed pretty on board at dinner, and he didn’t bat an eye about it.”

I took a deep breath and raked my hands through my hair. “You’re probably right. They’ve both changed, and I don’t know why anything either of them does surprises me at this point. I’m not used to being the only child. I miss Shawn.” My heart broke over and over each time I thought about my brother, and what sucked the most was nothing was ever going to change that. Not time and not circumstance.

My phone vibrated, and I glanced at it to see Aiden’s number. “I’ve got to take this.” I stepped into the other room after a shrug from Bre. I hadn’t had a chance to tell her about Aiden, and I supposed I’d have to after the call. “Aiden?”