Page 15 of Billionaire Beast

“Yeah, who else did you expect calling from my number?” His warm laugh was a welcome tone, but I had mixed feelings about its effect on me.

“I didn’t think I’d hear from you.” I pulled my lips into a tight line, regretting the way the words may have sounded.

“Didn’t think you would, or didn’t want to? I can hang up if you like.” His tone was back to the familiar bitter one I’d come to know and loathe.

“No, don’t. I didn’t mean it that way; I’m glad you called. What’s happening? Are you healing up well?”

“If I say no, will you come over here and kiss my boo boos?” The suggestion made me warm all over, and I could imagine the smirk on his face matched one I’d seen before.

“You should be so lucky. I’ve been told my kisses are magical.” If he wanted to flirt, I could give it right back to him. I wondered if he hoped to shock me.

“I can imagine. But on a serious note, I wondered if you’d consider coming by for some lunch. I’d like to thank you for taking such good care of me and pulling strings to get me out of there so fast.” The original offer had been drinks, but lunch sounded much better. I had hoped we’d have more time to talk.

“Sure. I have the day off, so I think that’d be great. What time?”

“Noon is fine, if it works for you?” His tone was hard to read, but it was almost as if he didn’t care if I showed up or not.

“I’ll be there.” We said a short goodbye, and I hurried back into the room where Bre waited with her coffee.

“So, that sounded like plans were made.” She gave me a nudge as I across from her and sipped my coffee.

“It was.” I took a deep breath knowing it was time to tell her. “That was Aiden Walker.

Her face fell, and she sank back from me. “The Aiden Walker? As in Allison’s brother, Aiden Walker?” I nodded, but I knew she wasn’t finished. “So, did you reach out to him because of the suit?”

“He had a wreck on his motorcycle and ended up in my ER. I tended his wounds and then drove him home.” I closed my eyes and shook my head. I didn’t have to tell her that I had other thoughts; she was my best friend, and if she couldn’t tell by looking at me, then she didn’t need me to admit it.

“You drove him home? Wow. I’ve never known you to take such special interest in your patients.” She smiled and gave me another nudge. “Is he gorgeous?”

“Yeah, but that wasn’t it. He didn’t exactly have anyone to call.” I didn’t need to tell her why. Her face fell into a frown.

“That’s horrible. I’m assuming since I’m only hearing about this now that you didn’t tell your parents you two are talking.”

“He doesn’t know who I am.” Her mouth fell open, and I held a hand up to hold her off as I explained. “I told him my name was Lexa, but I didn’t feel right telling him I’m the girl whose parents are suing him. He was being assholish enough.” I knew that wouldn’t help my case.

“Wait, so he was being an asshole?”

“Yeah, He’s kind of an asshole. I mean, he can be, but I don’t know… There’s something there. I don’t know if it’s because he reminds me so much of his sister and I’m hoping there will be a light inside him as bright as hers, but I’m interested to find out.”

She put her cup in the sink. “If he’s capable of being an asshole, it could get worse. Promise me you won’t get in over your head with this guy.”

“I promise.” I held my hand up to swear.

“How serious could it be with you lying about who you are, much less your parents not knowing what’s going on? Are you going to hide him from them forever? You can’t hide who you are.” She placed her hands flat on the counter and took a deep breath. “Aren’t you the least bit nervous he’ll flip out on you when he learns your secret?”

“Yes, but I don’t plan on keeping it from him forever. I’ll tell him before it gets too far.” I felt a wave of panic thinking of how he might react. The last thing I wanted was for him to hate me.

“The look on your face is frightening, my friend. I’m not convinced that you should entertain this another minute, but I know you. Once you set your mind on something, you’re going to go through with it.”

I knew she couldn’t begin to understand the way I felt. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings because she’d been there for me through everything with losing Shawn, but at the same time, I had felt so alone in my grief. Maybe a small part of me needed to be close to someone who was feeling the same thing, someone who understood that grief the same way I do, who experienced the same pain.

“I’ll be careful, but promise you won’t say anything about him in front of my parents.”

“I’m not crazy. No one wants to see that aftermath, much less be caught in the crossfire. If it comes down to it, you can tell them when I’m nowhere around.” She took her bag from the counter and fished out her keys.

“It’s a deal.”