Owen shook his head. "Who knows? Someone might take me down during the tournament. That's half the fun of Dark Flag – anyone can rise to power."

"My liege," a trio of blushing young girls bowed to Owen as we passed.

"Right. Guess you gotta soak it up while you can," I said. With all the attention Owen was getting, I had a new theory of why he wanted me there. "So, you needed me in a fake girlfriend situation to fend off all the crazy Dark Flag groupies?"

Owen laughed. "Not a bad idea, but no. I really thought you would have fun here."

I tried not to be disappointed but lagged behind when someone tapped me on the shoulder. "Seriously? You look just like your avatar. I recognize you from Dark Flag."

I turned to face a perfect oval

face with bright violet eyes. Her long black hair was straight to her waist and shining black. "You recognize me? That's a little weird, isn't it?"

The gorgeous gamer scoffed. "If you're not observant, you're not going to be a very good player. You've been stalking the Light Slayer and hanging around. Kinda pathetic, don't you think, newbie?"

I looked at my fingers interlaced with Owen's as we made our way slowly through the crowd. "Does this look like stalking?" I asked.

Owen turned around. "Anya! It’s so good to see you. How are you?" He let go of my hand and embraced the black-haired woman.

She smiled at me around his shoulder. A fiery irritation flashed over me, but she was right – I was just hanging around Owen.

"Anya, this is Quinn. Quinn, this is Anya. She's one of the first gamers I worked with when I was learning code. Her first game made millions. She's the one that's redefining the gamer lifestyle," Owen said.

"I didn't catch what you do, Quinn. How do you two know each other?" Anya asked. She held out a delicate and bejeweled hand.

Owen shifted from one foot to the other. "Quinn and I have known each other forever. I used to date her sister Sienna."

"Really?" Anya cocked a sleek black eyebrow at me. "You don't look anything like her." She pulled Owen farther away from me. "I thought you were done with Sienna. She was no good for you. And now you're with her sister?"

I prayed my cheeks did not look as red as they felt. Owen shook his head and hesitated. "It's not like that."

"Well," Anya said, "I have our suite all ready. Let's get you settled in." She took Owen's arm.

"Your suite?" I asked.

Owen unhooked Anya's arm. "It’s kind of a tradition. Anya springs for a big suite and all our gamer buddies stay there. Not the most sophisticated way to travel. It’s more like a big sleepover, but it gives us time to practice."

"Don't worry," Anya said, "I'll let my security guy know who you are. You can visit anytime."

I stopped and looked back at the crowded registration counter. There was a slim chance I would get a room in the same hotel.

"Sorry, Anya. This is Quinn's first tournament and I promised I would show her the ropes," Owen said. "We'll check in and meet you."

"Nonsense. There's room enough for strays in the suite too. If that's what you want, Owen," Anya said.

Owen smiled and picked up our suitcases.

The suite turned out to be an exclusive two-bedroom villa. The main room featured a fireplace flanked by two couches. The dining area had an eight-foot table and full bar. There were two bathrooms and every luxury imaginable.

"I've got the master suite. Artemis and Alan have one bed. Tony and Milan have the other. Scottie called one couch, but I saw him reuniting with Alison in the lobby, so you might be able to snag that. Oh, you know how it works, Owen. You're welcome anywhere," Anya said. She smiled at him and strolled to the door of her room. "Get dressed. We're going to dinner."

I had the distinct feeling she was not talking to me, but after I met the small crowd of friendly gamers, it did not matter anymore. Luckily, Darla had thought to pack a little black dress because Anya was not kidding when she said dress up. She reappeared in a shimmering sequin dress that caught the light like fireworks.

"You look wonderful," Owen said.

I was surprised he was talking to me. The black dress fit like a second skin and the neckline was lower than I was comfortable with. I had layered a few beaded necklaces on in order to make it feel more decent.

Owen, on the other hand, looked stunning in his fitted black suit. He wore a black shirt underneath with no tie and had left the top few buttons opened. I was about to tell him how handsome he looked when Anya whisked him away. I was left to follow with the rest of the rag tag gamers.