I stopped at the elevator, sure that I would have to wait for the second one, but Owen reached for my hand and pulled me in. I bumped against his chest in surprise. My eyes were riveted to his chest revealed by the open buttons. He smelled like sandalwood and leather.

I was just coming around to feeling foolish when Owen slipped a hand around my waist and tucked me close to his side. "I'm glad you're here," he said and dropped a kiss on top of my head.

He had done the same thing for years, a quick squeeze and a light kiss on my head, but now there was heat. I felt more than warm all along where his arm encompassed me. His hand flexed against my waist, testing the curving of my hip.

I knew I was not imagining things because I caught an angry flash from Anya's dark eyes.

"Me, too," I agreed and slipped my arm around his back. "How about this time drinks are on me?"

Owen smiled, thinking of the last time we had drank together. The elevator doors opened and we went out together, despite Anya stepping between us. She had made reservations at Mizumi, the Wynn Hotel's four star Japanese restaurant.

She was obviously about to tell me I did not have a place at the table when Owen said. "Good thing Scottie went off with Alison. We won't have to ask them to set an extra place."

Anya smiled at him, but her eyes blazed when they flicked over me. It was obvious Anya had planned more than fun and games for the tournament and I was definitely in her way. She moved deftly between the red and white chairs and somehow insinuated herself between Owen and I. When he pulled out a chair and smiled at me, she slipped into it and thanked him. His lips quirked in a quick frown and he moved to the other side of the table.

"Who wants to order some fugu?" Owen asked.

"No, no thanks," I said. "I've read medical studies on eating blowfish."

"Damn. And here I thought you'd be a sushi virgin," he squeezed my knee.

The sushi was ocean-fresh and the saki warm. Owen was telling stories punctuated by his friends, and I could not stop smiling. Finally, I excused myself to use the restroom and smiled all the way there. Until I realized Anya had followed me.

She slipped in while I was washing my hands and caught my eyes in the mirror. Anya smiled sympathetically. "It is so nice of Owen to bring you here, get your mind off everything. I know he feels like Sienna's death was his fault. You must be the best way for him to assuage his guilt."

She led the way back to the table, knowing full well she had poisoned my evening more assuredly than a plate full of fugu.



I had assumed the gamers were night owls, but when we were still playing and it was 3am, I was barely staying conscious. Owen was going full force, but he noticed and pulled me against him. I fell asleep on his shoulder as the party continued around me.

When I woke up in the morning, I was curled up on the couch under a blanket. Owen was stretched out on the floor beneath me, his arms tucked behind his head as he slept. I looked down and let myself have a long, leisurely study of him. Years of stolen glances wer not enough.

Owen's blond hair was thick and he had it cut short enough to be effortless. Whatever happened, it was mussed perfectly. I was surprised by the sculpted contours of his arms. In between playing, he must work out. Then again, Owen had always looked like a quarterback, lean and hard. While he slept, his wide mouth was curled in a small smile, but his square jaw made him look like a warrior. I half expected him to fly awake and draw his sword.

I squeezed my eyes shut. It was too easy to mix reality with Dark Flag. Especially after spending hours in the game and falling asleep still within its world. I had to remind myself this was the real world, albeit in Vegas, and here, things were different.

There was one similarity, though. In both worlds, I was still an outsider. Owen's friends had spent hours showing me their best moves and giving me all the insider knowledge I needed to navigate Dark Flag, but I was still a newbie. Half of the night, Anya had targeted me and I died countless times. She called it training but it was obvious she was trying to get me away from Owen.

I slipped out of my covers and climbed over the back of the couch so as not to disturb Owen. The truth was I had come to Vegas to be clo

se to Owen, but the more I saw of the gaming world, the more I knew it was the place for me. In a way, Anya was right – if I wanted to be there, I could not slip in on Owen's good will. I had to earn my place.

I grabbed my bag and changed from the wrinkled black dress into a pair of dark jeans and a black tank top. I threw the layers of beaded necklaces on again because the low-cut tank top was revealing, but it was also my only other piece of black clothing besides my black sandals. Once I was dressed, I headed downstairs to the registration desk.

The smile I got from the young desk clerk was encouraging. "Good morning," he said.

"It is," I smiled. "Good morning to you too. Is there any way there is a room available?"

He typed furiously on his computer, but I had the feeling it was all for show. "Actually, it looks like one just came available. We had a few cancellations last night. Single?"

"Yes," I said.

He grinned again and took my driver's license and credit card to fill in the information. "Is there anything else I can do for you? Anything at all, Ms. Thomas?"

"You can call me Quinn for starters," I said, thinking Sienna would be proud of my easy flirting. "Actually, there is. Do you have the registration forms for the Dark Flag tournament?"