“All right, boss. We'll keep searching for the intruder. Maybe we can find something.”

“Get the best private investigators you can hire. We're going to need more than just the cops' help to solve this one.”

“I'm on it. Have a safe flight back, Mr. Sinclair.”

“Thanks, Alan. I’ll see you as soon as I get there.”

I cut off the call and shoved my hand through my hair, frustration setting in. This wasn’t good. I slowly opened the bathroom door and glanced across the room at Lilah as she slept peacefully and I wondered if she was dreaming of me. I hoped so.

I sighed. I hated that I had to leave. I'd been looking forward to spending the next two days with her, sightseeing, wining and dining her all across Paris, following through on what Colonel Tanaka had told me: show her your heart and leave the rest up to her. But this was an emergency, and I had to get back immediately.

I dialed my pilot's number, and he answered with a sleepy mumble.

“G-g-good morning, sir,” he managed to get out.

“Sorry to wake you, Zach, but I’m going to need you to get out of bed, get to the airport, and get the plane ready ASAP,” I said.


“Yeah, now. We have no time to lose. It's an emergency.”

There was urgency in my voice, and I could hear that it was waking him up.

“Yes, sir,” he responded, with far more readiness this time. “We'll be ready to fly as soon as possible. See you there.”

My next call was to my driver, instructing him to stop by my hotel and pick up my clothes and belongings from my room. Then, I gave him the address of my current location and told him to pick me up from this hotel after he was done.

I then googled and called up a local chauffeur company for tourists.

“BD Chauffeurs, how can I help you?”

“Hi. I'd like a private chauffeur for the next two days. Luxury vehicle, on-call 24/7.”

“Certainly, sir. We currently have a senior driver with a Mercedes S-class available if that suits you?”


I gave them Lilah's details and told them to pick her up from the hotel when she called them.

I padded into the room and sat down on the edge of the bed, looking down at Lilah. I couldn't stop myself from leaning over and planting a gentle kiss on her forehead as she slept. She smiled in her sleep and then rolled onto her side. She was lost in the land of dreams. As much as I wanted to wake her, kiss her, and explain what was going on, I thought it would be best to let her sleep. I tiptoed back to the bathroom where I showered and freshened up before heading back into the bedroom where I got dressed in the previous night's clothes. I'd get into a fresh suit in the limo. It was spacious enough to get changed in.

I wrote a note for Lilah explaining the situation and giving her the details of the chauffeur company. I also told her I would have loved to have personally shown her around Paris but, because of the circumstances, she'd have to see it on her own.

I left her a company credit card and instructed her to use it to purchase a first-class ticket back home when the time came and for any incidentals and meals she might need. I also asked if she’d let me know when her flight would be set to arrive in the States so I could arrange for my driver to pick her up from the airport.

As if on cue, my phone buzzed as I was finishing up the note—my driver alerting me that he was waiting downstairs.

I gave Lilah one last kiss on her forehead, then quietly left the room.

Chapter Twenty-Two


I woke up with a smile on my face and feeling . . . well . . . amazing. There was no other way to put it. The night of passion I'd shared with Asher had b

een mind-blowing. It had been physically exhausting and each time had been an experience but, despite this, it had recharged me and left me feeling invigorated. I was positively giddy, in fact.

I opened my eyes to the sunlight streaming in through the half-open drapes, expecting to see the glorious, sculpted form of Asher lying next to me. Anticipating yet another bout of intense lovemaking, I was left disappointed.