His fingers were digging into my flesh, and his manhood, hard as steel, pressed with an almost explosive force against me.

Still, I refused to relinquish control.

I detached myself from our passionate kissing and grabbed a fistful of his hair. He reached up to grab my arm, but quickly, I shot out a hand and caught his wrist, preventing him from grabbing me.

“No,” I said. “You're going to do something for me first.”

And then, I sat on the edge of the tu

b and pulled his face down, still gripping his hair as I did. I spread my legs open for him, and felt the tightly-clenched muscles of his arm grow loose in my hand as his head moved towards the opening between my thighs.

With a sudden surge of strength, however, he yanked his arm out of my grasp, and then put both of his hands around my waist, almost forcefully.

It appeared that he wasn't willing to relinquish all aspects of control, after all.

Then, with a boost of primal strength, he lifted me up in the air, holding me aloft as if I were nothing but a child. The raw power in those heavy, muscular arms made my pulse race even faster. This was a true beast of a man, a wild savage beneath that cultured exterior.

Then he opened my legs and pulled them over his broad, muscle-knotted shoulders, so that his face was right up against my hot, wet, waiting opening. He kept me balanced there as he started to use his tongue, finding the exact center of sensation in but an instant.

With his powerful arms cradling me and stabilizing me, he began to lick rhythmically and steadily, building up wave after wave of sheer pleasure. I moaned and gasped as the rushes of pleasure became bursts of ecstasy, and then sheer, body-shuddering elation as an orgasm started to build with the patient yet vigorous action of his tongue.

As I stared up at the magnificent artwork splayed across the high ceiling above, it started: the first orgasm of the night.

The painting began to swirl, the figures coming alive with the intensity of the orgasm. I cried out in utter ecstasy, my whole body shuddering with a beautiful violence. And below me, still supporting me, he looked up, panting, gasping, and smiling with smug pleasure.

“That's just the first of the evening,” he said. “But the rest are going to be on my terms, Lilah—my terms.”

Chapter Twenty-One


I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating somewhere in the room. Lilah was still fast asleep next to me. Groggily, I leaned over the edge of the huge canopy bed trying to reach my pants lying on the floor with the phone buzzing incessantly in one pocket. I half crawled, half fell out of the bed. Luckily, the rug in the floor was thick and plush, so there wasn't much of an impact or noise to wake the sleeping beauty beside me. I fumbled around with the pants and eventually managed to extricate the phone. Just before I answered, I glanced at the time. It was just after 4:00 in the morning.

“Hello?” I mumbled, still half-asleep but also trying to be quiet.

“Mr. Sinclair? It's Alan Weiss, head of security.”

I sat up straight, immediately feeling more awake. I quickly scrambled to my feet and headed for the bathroom so I could talk without being too loud.

“Alan, hi. Sorry, it's really early in the morning on this side of the world. I didn't recognize your voice. What’s going on?”

“I completely understand, sir. Listen, I'm gonna cut straight to the chase: there's been a break-in at your building.”

“What?! When?”

“We're here now, sir. The silent alarms went off 15 minutes ago. By the time we arrived, the perp had already fled the scene.”

If I hadn’t been awake before, I was on full alert now.

“What did they do? Did they steal anything? Any idea what they were after?”

“We're not sure yet. Whoever it was, they knew what they were doing. We've discovered tailor-cut photos taped over the security camera lenses to match the areas being surveyed. Whoever did this had done their homework—they knew where all the security cameras were and the exact view each security camera had.

“On a quick review of the footage, our best guess so far is that the intruder snuck in about an hour ago, slipped the photos in front of the cameras, and then calmly went about their business. They eventually triggered the silent alarm—the one that only you and I know of, sir—but like I said, by the time the onsite guards made it to the top floor, there was no one around.”

I sighed. This could be bad—stock plunging bad. There was a lot of sensitive information in those top floor offices. I didn't care about anything material being stolen, aside from a few fairly priceless historical relics in my office, but the theft of that data could bring my company to its knees.

“I'll call my pilot right now and be there as soon as possible, Alan.”