Page 6 of I Choose You 3

“I’m sorry Tisha, I didn’t mean that shit!” I said, walking towards her and trying to touch her, but she quickly backed away.

“I appreciate your honesty. Too bad I’m not glad I didn’t marry you. I been kicking my ass about that shit since it happened. Goodnight Otis,” Tisha said, and I could tell that she was trying so hard not to cry.

I didn’t even have the courage to chase after her after that foul shit came out of my mouth. God knows I didn’t mean that shit, but she fuckin pissed me off, so I wanted to say something that would hurt her. I really did think that this was the end for me and Tisha’s relationship. I honestly couldn’t see her taking me back after what I had just said. Shit!


It was a Saturday morning, and Cevon and I were doing a little shopping. We had just came back from having a nice breakfast at IHOP not too long ago. So far, things between Cevon and I had been pretty good for the most part. My only complaint was that I felt as if he was spending way too much time at the studio. Since being together, I decided to move in with him in his five-bedroom, three-bathroom home out in Sunny Aisles, Florida. A bitch wasn’t dumb, though–I still kept my old apartment just in case things didn’t work out between us; then a bitch wouldn’t be stranded with nowhere to go. That’s where these females mess up at! They be so quick to move in with a nigga and put give own place up. Not me though; I needed a backup plan. I didn’t want to risk getting into it with Cevon, just to have him tell me to get out and be left with nowhere to go. Until I felt like I could truly trust him, I was going to hold on to my apartment just a little while longer.

Lately, Cevon had been coming in the house around 3 or 4 in the morning. I just felt that there couldn’t be nothing that damn important at work that would keep him out all night. I swear to God that if I found out this nigga was cheating on me, I was leaving his ass with no hesitation. It’s not like this nigga didn’t have a past when it came to cheating on me. I done been through so much shit with this nigga that you would think that I would have been left his ass already. I remembered the first day that I met his ass.

It was at Norland High School and Tisha, Ka’lani, Tamika, and I were sitting outside on the patio and eating lunch. I didn’t know Cevon at the time, but I did know of him and I knew that he sold drugs, because that was the talk around school. What high school freshman did you know that drove a Camaro and that had a different pair of shoes for every day of the week? Not to mention his swag was through the roof. Back then, Cevon was still rocking his dreads, but they weren’t as long as they are now. So anyways, as my girls and I were sitting outside eating lunch, Cevon and his crew walked out, heading for one of the tables. They would always come outside with a loud ass radio, and all the girls would be all over him and his crew.

On that particular day, the girls and I were in our cheerleading uniforms because we had a game that night, so we had to wear our uniforms to school.

“Y’all, he is so fuckin fine,” I said to my girls, damn near drooling over Cevon’s fine ass.

“Who?” they all asked in unison.

“Cevon,” I said, smiling.

“Girl, your ass is in love with that nigga! Why you don’t go over there and say something to him?” Tisha asked me.

It wasn’t that I felt like I couldn’t have him; I was just scared that he would try and downplay me. I was used to all the boys at the school trying to get at us, but it was like Cevon didn’t like me or some shit. Either that or the nigga was blind.

“Hell no, I’m not about to go over there and have him embarrass me,” I said, looking at Tisha like she was crazy.

“You scary as fuck, girl. I would have been went over there,” Tamika said, and I knew it was true because her ass didn’t give a fuck about shit.

“I’m not scary!” I said, getting offended.

“Okay, then go over there and talk to him,” Ka’lani said, nudging me with her elbow.

I took a deep breath and prayed to God that I didn’t embarrass myself walking over there. I stood up from the bench, fixed my uniform, and headed over in Cevon and his crew’s direction. As soon as I got over there, I wanted to turn my ass around, but it was already too late. Cevon was sitting on top of the table wearing a tan Sean John sweat suit that went perfect with his beautiful honey skin. On his feet were a pair of crisp, white, low-top Air Force Ones. His gold sunglasses sparkled along with the diamond that he had in his left ear.

“Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?” I asked, walking up on him. I wasn’t that scared anymore, because nobody was paying us any attention. Everybody was just chilling, vibing to the music and doing their own thing.

“Talk to me about what?” he asked and when he opened his mouth, I could see the two, gold fang pullouts that he had in his mouth. I swear, this nigga was even more fine up close and personal.

“If you walk with me, you’ll find out!” I said to him, not fazed by his tough demeanor at all. He smirked and then told his boys that he would be back. After that, we turned around and headed towards the side of the building. Yes, I was nervous to be alone with this nigga, but I was the type of person to go after what I wanted, and that’s what I did.

“So what’s up? What you wanna talk to me about?” Cevon asked me as soon as we were alone.

“I want to get to know you. I would like for us to talk,” I told him.

“What’s your name?” he asked, not even bothering to respond to what I just said. I swear, I felt so fuckin embarrassed.

“Kyla,” I said, looking down at the ground.

“Look Kyla, I ain’t the one for you. I ain’t no good. I’m telling you I would fuck around and fuck your whole life up,” he said, lifting my chin up and looking me dead in my eyes.

“Well maybe you should let me be the judge of that,” I shot back, matching his glare.

“I can see it now. Your lil ass gon’ give me a run for my damn money,” he said chuckling, and I smirked.

That was the day that I should have turned my ass around and kept it moving. This nigga told me that he was going to fuck up my life, and he did exactly that. I swear to God as soon as we made our shit official, I was constantly fighting bitches over him, skipping school–hell, I even fucked around and got pregnant my senior year in high school, and he drove me to get an abortion that my mom or nobody else but Cevon and I knew about to this day. I swear, growing up, I thought that this nigga would be the death of me, and it’s crazy because no matter how many times he would fuck up, my dumb ass always came right back, and I think that’s the reason why he did that shit–because he knew that I was going to take him back.

The last straw was when I came home one night early from work and caught his ass in bed with another woman. I swear, that day I found my intelligence and I got the fuck out of there. I completely cut him off after that. I changed my phone number and I moved back inside of my apartment. It’s one thing to do your dirt, but to bring a bitch to the house, in the bed that we share was totally disrespectful, and it wasn’t no coming back from that. It wasn’t until we reunited again at th