Page 5 of I Choose You 3

Once I changed into my pajamas, I got in my big California king-sized bed with my baby. Before I knew it, I was knocked out.

Chapter 4: Otis

It was two in the morning, and I was just leaving out of my club. It’d been a rough couple of weeks. Since the whole thing with Tisha calling off the wedding, I’d just been staying at the Four Seasons by myself. I can’t lie; I missed Tisha’s ass so much man, but damn, she really pissed me off by calling off the wedding like that. I admit, it’s kind of fucked up of me to not have called to see if her and my daughter were okay, which is why I was on my way over to the house now to make sure everything was okay; I was leaving after that. It’s not that I was being a bitch ass nigga by staying away; it’s just I didn’t know what I was capable of doing when I saw Tisha. Her ass knew how to hit that nerve, and I’d regret it for the rest of my life if I ever laid hands on her. To avoid that, I was choosing to stay away.

I pulled up to the house and I noticed Tisha’s car outside. I jumped out of my car and headed up to the front door. When I made it inside, I shut off the alarm and headed upstairs towards my daughter’s room. Of course, she wasn’t in there. I crept down the hall and cracked open the door to Tisha’s and my bedroom. The sight before me was absolutely breathtaking. Harmony was stretched out on her stomach with her tiny arm resting on Tisha’s chest. They looked so peaceful, and I felt like a fuckin fool by staying away from them for the past two weeks. I pulled out my cell phone and took a picture of my two favorite girls in the world. Even though I was still mad at Tisha, I still loved her, with her funny acting ass. I walked over to the bed and went around to kiss Harmony on the check, which caused Tisha to stir in her sleep. Tisha wasn’t a heavy sleeper, so I knew that it was a possibility that she might make up. She looked at me and jumped, as if she’d seen a ghost.

“So now you decided to bring your ass home?” she started with the bullshit as she sat up in the bed. I knew that shit was coming, but I figured since she was sleep that she would drop the conversation for another day.

“Tisha chill, I just came over to make sure my daughter was good,” I told her.

“What about me?” she rose, her voice a little louder.

“Chill Tisha, before you wake her up!” I said, walking towards the door. Of course, she made it her business to follow behind me.

Here we go with the bullshit! I thought to myself.

“Otis, what about me? You didn’t come to check up on me?” she asked me, walking around and getting in my face.

I ignored her ass all the way downstairs to the front door. I just wasn’t in the mood for that shit right now, and knowing Tisha, she wasn’t going to let the shit go no time soon.

“Let me ask you something,” I said, completely ignoring the question that she just asked me. She looked at me with those beautiful hazel eyes, and I swear that she had to be the most beautiful woman on this Earth, but I couldn’t let that distract me from the matter at hand. I was still mad with her ass, and I wasn’t letting her get off that easy, no matter how fine she was.

“You pregnant?” I asked her. I only asked because I could sense that shit. The mood swings, the constant crying, everything. I was supposed to ask her that when I went and picked her up from the police station, but her ass pissed me off so bad that I had completely forgot to ask. She looked at me crazy, sucked her teeth, and waved me off.

“No, I’m not pregnant,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“Let’s go find out,” I said, directing her towards the bathroom because I knew she kept those tests under the cabinet. Only reason why I wanted to confirm it is because I knew she had been drinking, because I saw the open bottle sitting on the counter when I walked past the kitchen. Even though we were beefing, I didn’t want her doing anything that could harm my child. We walked inside the bathroom, and she tried to close the door in my face.

“Can I have some privacy?” she asked me, still trying to close the door like she didn’t want a nigga to see what she had or some shit.

“Ain’t nothing on your body I haven’t seen already, so hurry up,” I ordered, kicking the door open with my foot.

Deep down inside, I was praying Tisha was pregnant even though I already knew she was; I had a feeling that she knew she was pregnant as well. Let me find out she knew and she was in here drinking, I swear I was gon’ hurt her ass up in here. I watched her pee on the stick, then she sat it down and went over to the sink to wash her hands. We waited in the bathroom five minutes for the results. We saw one line come on the screen and a few seconds later, it was followed by another one.

I slapped her on the ass real hard. “I already knew,” I said cockily.

“Why the hell you made me take the test then?” she asked, brushing past me and walking out the door. With her back turned towards me, I grabbed her by the back of her arm, putting enough pressure on it to let her know that I wasn’t playing with her.

“You knew you was pregnant?” I asked her. I waited for her reply and when I didn’t get one, I shook her to get her to answer me.

“Answer the damn question, Tisha,” I said, not in the mood to play with her ass.

“I didn’t know for sure, but I knew that it was a possibility that I could be,” she said, and

I released her arm and headed to the front door.

“Where you going? What did I do?” she asked, following behind me.

“You knew it was a possibility that you could be pregnant, yet you chose to still get your ass drunk. Fuck you was trying to do? Kill my baby because I wasn’t talking to your ass?” I barked, getting all in her face.

“First of all Otis, I didn’t get drunk. I had one cup and like I said, I didn’t fuckin know that I was pregnant for sure,” she yelled back at my ass.

“Yo, I’m out before I hurt your stupid ass in here,” I said, turning around.

“Fuck you Otis! You act like a fuckin pussy, I swear!” she yelled, getting all in my face and pointing her finger in my chest.

“I’m glad I didn’t marry your ass. Fuck you too!” I said, and the minute it left my mouth, I swear to God I regretted that shit. I watched as a lone tear dropped from Tisha’s eyes, and she quickly went to wipe it.