Page 32 of I Choose You 2

When I saw her, her shirt was unbuckled and I could see her bra.

“Bitch I knew you was gon’ be a fuckin problem,” I said to her.

“Your husband seems to think otherwise,” this bitch had the nerve to say.

“Hoe shut up, I heard the whole conversation. You are fuckin pathetic. I listened to you sit here and beg my husband to fuck you, you dumb bitch,” I screamed.

With that being said, I punched that hoe right in her mouth. I started fuckin her up real good. I been dying to do this since the day I met her ass. After a few minutes, Ty came and got me off of Symone. Her whole face was bloody.

“Alright Lani that’s enough,” Ty said, holding me up in the air.

I wiggled my way out of his grasp and kicked that hoe in the mouth one last time.

“Consider yourself fired hoe. Sister or not, I will still kill your ass on sight if I see you here again,” I yelled at her.

I walked out of the door pissed off. Ty knew not to bring his ass running behind me, because he knew that I would only take my anger out on his ass. Not saying that he did anything wrong, he just knew I was going to snap on his ass regardless.

“Tisha let’s go,” I screamed, because her dumb ass was standing there trying to record the shit.

We walked back to the car and I drove back to Tisha’s house. When we got inside, Tisha started laughing.

“Hoe what’s funny?” I asked, pulling out of the parking lot.

“How did you even know she was in there?” Tisha asked me.

“Because I was on the phone with him earlier and the asshole didn’t hang up. I heard the entire thing from when the bitch knocked on the damn door,” I said.

“Let me call Tamika and Kyla,” Tisha said, still laughing. She put the phone on speaker phone and I turned the radio down so I could hear these bitches talk shit about me.

“Bitch do you see the time?” Tamika asked, picking up the phone.

“I got something to tell y’all, call Kyla,” Tisha said.

“Hold on,” Tamika told Tisha.

Two minutes later, the phone clicked back over and Kyla and Tamika both were on the line.

“So y’all guess where me and Lani just now coming from?” Tisha asked laughing. I looked at her and rolled my eyes, because watch this bitch exaggerate the fuck out of this story with her immature ass.

“Where?” they both asked in unison.

“The damn club!” Tisha said.

“How y’all hoes gon’ go to the club without us?” Kyla asked.

“Wait sis, listen, let me finish,” Tisha said.

“So, y’all, it’s about 1 in the morning and my phone started vibrating. I looked at it and Lani had texted me and told me to dress comfortable. I already knew some shit was about to pop off, so I threw on my sweats. When Lani got here, this hoe was walking around with the phone on speaker listening for clues and shit. So, she went upstairs and put the baby in the crib with Harmony. We went to the car and I didn’t know what was going on at first until I heard Tyrone and Symone start talking. We pulled up to the club and Lani started putting Vaseline and shit on her face and-“

“Okay Tisha you lying now,” I cut her off saying. This bitch stayed doing that. Always be trying to add extra shit in the story, knowing damn well the story didn’t even go down like that.

“Hoe shut up, so anyways, we took the back way into the club and headed for Ty’s office, and Symone was in there with her shirt unfastened and shit. Lani didn’t ask no questions, she just started beating the fuck out of that girl. I mean this bitch looked like she could be Mayweather’s sister,” Tisha said, trying to be funny.

This bitch was in tears now laughing at her corny ass jokes, and Kyla and Tamika were dying laughing too.

“Where she at right now?” Tamika asked, still laughing.

“She right here driving, she got an attitude though. Y’all on speaker so she can hear y’all,” Tisha told them.