Page 31 of I Choose You 2

“I love you,” I said.

“I love you too, now what’s up lil mama? I’m working,” he said.

“Baby, I miss you and I’m bored, can’t you come home to me?” I begged.

“No baby, I can’t come home now, I’m working. It’s after 1 in the morning, why you up anyways because I know my daughter is sleep,” he said, knowing Aaliyah’s sleeping schedule too well.

I didn’t say nothing. My feelings were hurt and I felt like my husband didn’t miss me. My husband, knowing me too well, knew that he had hurt my feelings.

“Baby I’m sorry for yelling. I’m going to try my best to be out of here soon within the next hour,” he let me know.

“Okay, I love you,” I confessed, not wanting to hang up the phone.

“I love you too,” he said back.

I noticed that he didn’t hang up, so I just kept the phone to my ear. One minute later, I heard my husband say, “Yeah come in.”

I put the phone closer to my ear to hear who the fuck it was coming into my husband’s office. Now, don’t get me wrong, by no means was I trying to eavesdrop on my husband at all. I swear I was about to hang up the phone, but when I heard a bitch open their mouth, I decided to stay on the phone.

“Hey boss,” I heard that sneaky bitch Symone say to him–that same sneaky bitch that was supposed to be my sister. Fuck she needed to talk to my husband about and one in the damn morning about? I already knew it was about to be some shit, so I put the phone on speaker and walked inside my closet to find me something to wear.

“Hey Symone, what you still doing here? You were supposed to been leave,” my husband told her.

“I know, but I wanted to talk to you about something before I left,” Symone said.

“Okay what’s up?” I heard my husband ask. It’s like this nigga had the phone right there because I could hear everything so perfectly.

“Do you love your wife?” she asked him. Wait what the fuck! Why would she even ask him some shit like that? I swear these lil hoes be real fuckin brave.

“What the fuck type of question is that,

you damn right I love my wife,” Ty barked at her. Good job baby, I said to myself.

“I’m sorry if that was unprofessional, but I just wanted to know. I saw the way you were staring at me earlier, so I just had to know. If you loved your wife like you say you do, you wouldn’t have been damn near drooling at the mouth over me earlier,” she had the nerve to say.

At this point, I had got my baby out of her crib and was out the door. I put her in her car seat and was on my way to Tisha’s house. I texted her and told her to throw on something light because I was on my way.

“Bitch is you fuckin crazy? You know damn well I wasn’t staring at you!” Ty yelled.

“You don’t have to lie Mr. Brown, you know you want me,” Symone said.

“Bitch leave my office, because obviously you got me fucked up,” I heard Tyrone say to her.

“Nigga, I want you to look me in my face and tell me right now you don’t want me,” Symone yelled.

“Bitch I don’t want you, now I done told your stupid ass to get the fuck out my office,” Ty yelled.

I was pulling up to Tisha’s house. I got out with my baby in my arms and knocked lightly. She answered and I went upstairs to put Aaliyah in the bed with Harmony. All the while, I still had the phone on speaker. Otis was in the bedroom, so he was there with the girls.

We made it back to the car and Tisha said, “Bitch what’s going on?”

I shushed her with my hand and pointed to the phone and told her to listen. We made it to the club in another twenty minutes. I took the back entrance and let myself in. I took the elevator up to my husband’s office.

“Can she do you like I’ll do you? Can she fuck you like I will?” Symone asked him

I kicked the door opened and barged in with Tisha on my heels.

“No bitch because I fuck him better!” I said as soon as I got in the door.