"Yeah, the first time I traveled with you I could feel it. It was almost like a resistance. I'm guessing it's because your own mind wants to be in control of your travels."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I accused.

"I wasn't a hundred percent. More importantly, though, is why your Archie Haniel didn't tell you," he stated.

"Believe me, we covered that topic last night too," I answered. "Haniel was as helpful as ever," I added sarcastically.

"Yeah, Haniel has always been a rule follower. Believe me, his secrets have bit us all in the ass at one time or another," Robert stated.

"Rules are fine, but not when Jordyn's safety is in question, that's not cool," Emrys said, sounding pissed.

"Awww, you're like my own knight in shining armor," I teased, touched over his misplaced anger. His protectiveness was sweet though unnecessary.

"Can you please help me feel like a man and at least pretend I can protect you?" he grumbled.

"Oh, my, I do believe that's a bee over there. Be still, my scared beating heart. I need my big strong manly man to kill it for me," I said in the weakest Southern accent ever.

Robert and Lynn busted out laughing as Emrys reached over to mush my hair. "You're a regular old jester," he growled in my ear before dropping a kiss on my neck that instantly sent my pulse racing.

"Jester, what are you, seventy?" I teased.

"Give or take a few years," he answered, shrugging his shoulders.

"Gross. I can't crush on an old man," I said, gagging like I was disgusted.

"Crushing?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"That can be construed in many different ways. I could be saying that it'd be wrong to crush an old man."

"Is she always this cocky?" he asked Lynn and Robert.

"Every second of every day," Lynn answered dryly.

"Yeah, we'd gang up on her and give her a dose of humbleness, but she'd most likely kick all of our asses without breaking a nail," Robert griped good-naturedly.

"Hey, it's what I do. Don't hate on the awesomesauce of my abilities," I joked, blowing on my nails.

Lynn snorted at my words. "Awesomesauce? Where do you come up with this stuff?"

"What? That word is oh-so-popular with the crowd from my school. Matter of fact, it's starting to grow on me. I think everything is going to be awesomesauce."

"I'd like to see a little humblesauce," Robert quipped, turning the car into the theater parking lot.

"Envysauce makes you look like babysauce," I teased, climbing from the vehicle.

"OMG, enough with the sauce," Lynn complained, slamming her car door.

"Babe, angrysauce won't earn you any Goobers," Robert teased.

"Say goodbye to sexysauce if I hear it again," she threatened.

"Ooooh, Robert. You better stay down for the count. You just got knocked cold," I laughed.

"And you. There are other ways to get you. You're not always awake," she threatened me before turning back around to grab Robert's hand.

"Grumpysauce," I whispered to an amused Emrys whose shoulders were shaking with suppressed laughter.

"You're a nut," he said when he was finally able to talk.