"Truth," I answered, grabbing his hand as we bought our tickets for the movie. The moment felt so normal I couldn't help grinning. Looking at us, you would've thought we were human. Lynn and Robert were already at the concession stand ordering when we joined them. >"Truth," I said, fist bumping him before heading off to my room. Clicking the door closed, I debated climbing in my bed, but I felt way too keyed up to actually sleep now. Instead, I grabbed my laptop off the desk and sat on the edge of my bed with it open on my lap. Finally, when my server connected to the Wi-Fi, I Googled famous buildings in Rome. I'd been thinking about Italy since Emrys had mentioned it earlier that evening. I was curious to see the place he talked so fondly about.

Multiple sites pulled up from my search and I clicked on the first one I recognized. A large picture of the Pantheon popped up. Leaning in close, I took in the marble flooring and centuries-old architecture. Placing the computer on the bed beside me, I studied the image one last time, picturing myself standing beneath the elaborate dome of the building.

In an instant, I found myself lying atop a very irate overweight elderly gentleman. I jumped to my feet, reaching a hand down to help up the poor guy I had landed on.

"I'm sorry, I must have stumbled," I tried apologizing, but it came out as a laugh. He refused my hand, attracting even more attention by obviously cussing me out in a language I didn't understand. He looked at me like I'd appeared out of thin air, which essentially I had. I tried helping him up again, but my laughter only insulted him more. I left him behind, looking bewildered as I tried to maneuver around the crowds in the building. I hadn't even considered the time difference or the fact that the Pantheon would be teeming with tourists. Afraid the angry man I had just given a lap dance to would hand me over to security, I headed for the far side of the room, intent on putting more distance between us. After several minutes had elapsed without sirens and a lynch mob to drag me away, I loosened up and enjoyed the breathtaking sights around me. Sunlight worked much like a spotlight, streaming down from the small opening at the top of the dome. The rays danced across the marble flooring, showcasing just a small section of the room. Looking up, I was fascinated by the complexity of the massive dome above me. I could have spent all day there, but knew that it wouldn't bode well if Krista and Mark discovered I wasn't in my room. Moving away from the crowds, I found a relatively empty area behind one of the pillars. I focused on the bed in my room, intent on landing in the same spot I had departed from.

My bed bounced slightly beneath me as it adjusted to the sudden weight of my body. I smiled at Mouse who was nestled on the pillows on my bed.

"I did it, Mouse," I said, grinning broadly.

Mouse acknowledged my words with a plaintive meow that could have loosely translated to "good for you" before standing up and stretching and settling back in the same spot.

"You're just a big baby," I said, leaning over to scratch him under the chin where he liked. Fatigue finally caught up to me as I settled in beside him. I kicked off my shoes and dragged my quilt over me before sleep could claim me completely.


"Holy shit, you can Place Travel," Lynn shrieked in my ear hours later as she threw herself on my bed where Mouse had been when I fell asleep.

"What?" I said groggily, too tired to pry my eyes open.

"Krista called a powwow this morning to tell us about your newest freak-ass gift," she said, pushing on my shoulder to wake me. "Is it true you really fell from the top of the Empire State Building?"

"Uh-huh," I mumbled with my eyes still shut.

"Holy monkey balls. I bet that was insane."

"You could say that," I said, yawning. "What time is it?" I asked, finally opening my eyes. The light through the French doors made me squint as I peered at her.

"Just after ten," she said, sitting cross-legged beside me.

"I thought you had a rule about waking before noon?" I asked, blocking the sunlight with my forearm. "And why are you so chipper? If I didn't know any better, I'd say your body has been taken over by body snatchers."

"I can be pleasant," she said, smacking my arm. "What? I can," she said when I snickered. "Now, are you going to get your lazy buttface up out of bed and tell me about last night, or do I need to push you out of bed?"

"Fine," I said, dragging my body up so I could lean back against my headboard. "Hey, before I forget, do you and Robert want to double tonight?" I asked.

"Sure. Where do you guys want to go?"

"Um, I'm not sure. We kind of forgot to talk about that part. I guess maybe dinner and a movie," I answered, yawning again.

"Sweet. Now stop stalling and tell me about your new talent."

"Fine, bossy mossy," I grumbled, launching into a detailed explanation of everything that had transpired the evening before. I omitted my trip to Rome from the discussion, pretty sure if Krista found out I would be in deep shit.

"And you don't need, like, recharging time?" she asked when I finished.

"Nope. The traveling doesn't sap me at all. If anything, it seems to energize me."

"That's pretty sweet," she said.

"Yeah, it just adds to my cool factor," I quipped, ducking out of reach as she took a swing at me. "Did Haniel say anything about sending you guys back out?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Nah, I think they wound up sending someone else since you required babysitting," she teased, rising from my bed. "I better hit the road. I have several jobs I need to finish up today before we go out tonight," she added.

"What, no more babysitting?" I said rolling my eyes. "Do you need any help?" I added. She worked as a freelance graphic designer and had a wide spectrum of clients that ranged from web designs to cover art for books. She was responsible for all the covers in Krista's Dark Night novels. Before she and Robert had left the last time, she showed me a few things and let me help her on a couple of her projects.

"Not today, but I have a big job booked next week that I would really appreciate your help with."