
“Excuse me a minute, baby.”

I watched as Yero approached one of his coworkers—a middle-aged woman who took one glance at me, murmured some words back to him, and then took his place at the stamp window.

I said hello and backed away.

The next thing I knew, Yero was by my side looking handsome in his light blue postal shirt and navy pants. He gave me a kiss and took me by the hand to a sort of quiet place near the rented mailboxes.

“What’s the matter, baby?”

Now I felt silly. He could get fired.

“Saundra, you never come here.” He touched my face gently. “And you’re crying. Tell me what’s made you come unglued.”

I told him about Evelyn’s suggestion, Daddy’s selfish reaction, and how something strange was going on in their relationship. Something that Daddy refused to tell me until after all my special events were over because he knew it would upset me.

“If you want to get your family together, we can do it at my house. Your father can either join us or stay home,” Yero answered matter-of-factly. “As far as their relationship is concerned, it really isn’t our business. You’ll have plenty of time to be upset when he tells you the story. Why waste the precious days and hours that God will hopefully see fit to give you in the meantime?”

“You’re right, but I just know the story is something that will hurt Evelyn.”

“Baby, Evelyn can take care of herself. Trust me, she’ll be fine.”

And with Yero’s words, the pieces of my world fell back into place.

Chapter 15


As I traveled down Guy Brewer Boulevard in a van to the train station, I chose to block out the loud reggae music and the incoherent shouting of the Jamaican driver by looking out the gray tinted windows. The lightning speed of the van and the freezing weather were no match for my wandering thoughts and the flames of passion that burned deep within me.

Yero and I were intimate at his house last night. His mother and younger brother, Khari, went out and we had the rest of the evening to spend quality time together. Sex wasn’t planned but I wore my prettiest rose panty and bra set just in case. He had citrus-scented candles strategically placed around his room and a tape with the sounds of a tropical rain playing softly in the background. His strong hands massaged my back and neck as I took in the atmosphere and the feeling of complete surrender to any and every thought. Removing his shirt and then my own, I kissed him passionately, swaying slowly along with the sound of the wind blowing through the trees. Placing his hand gently on my stomach and pulling back the comforter with the other, he guided me to lie down on my back. I will never forget the wonderful sensation of my warm skin pressed against the cool cotton sheets as he gave me a sensuous foot massage. After being pampered and rubbed tenderly with beautifully scented oils, I experienced sexuality so pure, so elevating that I reached levels of consciousness beyond time and space.

Usually with the men I’ve been with in the past, it was like being in bed with an animal in heat. They clawed, grappled, charged, screamed, and did everything but foam at the mouth. Yero took his time and actually looked into my eyes. At no point did I feel like a nail being hammered into the wall; and that’s how it’s supposed to be.

Afterwards he held me close and murmured how beautiful I was as he stroked my hair. It sure beat the “I need a cigarette and some sleep” losers of yesteryear.

This is going to be a hectic week for me. I’m organizing a Black Heroes Day celebration for the children at the community center down the block and I have a lot of schoolwork. I was surprised when I was asked to take on the project even though I often stopped by the center and read stories to the kids. I didn’t think anyone noticed, nor did I care; the children loved it and that was all that mattered to me. I feel so sorry for some of those kids; most of their parents just sit them in front of the Cartoon Network and let Bugs and Daffy raise them. Or worse, they sit them in front of music videos, complete with materialistic wannabe players and self-proclaimed superfreaks. A couple of months ago I met a little boy who knew the verses of all the latest rap songs but could not recite his times tables. That wasn’t cute at all.

Although I’m swamped in responsibility, I decided to be supportive of Yero and go out tonight with him, his brother Khari, and Khari’s girlfriend, Joanne. Today is Khari’s twenty-second birthday and Joanne wants to surprise him with a party at Red Lobster. I’m real cool with Khari and Joanne but the thought of being around all that seafood already makes me nauseous. Even before I became a vegan I couldn’t stand the smell of seafood. Hopefully, we won’t stay too long.

Joanne told us they’d be at the Green Acres Mall Red Lobster by six-thirty. Of course because of CP time it was now seven-fifteen. We had been seated twenty minutes ago and were tired of picking at bread and listening to the elevator music they provided. Just when Yero was about to start complaining, they came in. Their heads swiveled in an attempt to find us in the crowded room and I motioned to them from our booth in the back.

“Hey!” Khari shouted to us.

I got up to give them hugs and I noticed a small bulge when Joanne opened her coat. Nah, it couldn’t be.

“Hi Jo! What’s up K; Happy Birthday!” I said, wrapping my arms around them.

“Thanks, sis.”

“You’re getting old, K,” Yero said, giving his brother a pound.

“But I’ll always be younger than you,” he said, laughing.

Yero chuckled and sipped his glass of water.

“What’s new, Jo?” I asked, sitting back down. I looked at her and smiled. I knew what was coming and I hoped Yero wouldn?