?t be too upset.

“Well . . . I’m uh . . . pregnant,” she said, blushing down at the tablecloth.

“Pregnant?” Yero said in an hysterical tone.

“That’s so nice . . .” I started.

“Fuck, no! Y’all aren’t ready for this,” Yero said, causing a scene.

Joanne looked shocked at his reaction and turned crimson. Khari grabbed her hand and turned to his brother in fury.

“Damn, Yero, why are you trippin’?”

“Why am I trippin’? Because you two need jobs, that’s why! I can’t believe this shit!”

“First of all, you shouldn’t be all up in my shit; we’re going to get jobs but it’s just going to take a little more effort, that’s all.”

Joanne still had her head down and I could see her eyes welling up with tears.

“They’ll manage, Yero,” I said, trying to sound chipper.

“Ah, that’s great. Didn’t Joanne have an abortion once already?”

We all were horrified by his question and I couldn’t believe he said it. Joanne got up and ran to the bathroom Marcia Brady–style.

“I should drop you right now for what you said,” Khari said, getting up to get Jo.

“If you feel froggy, then go ahead and leap,” Yero said with his arms outstretched. I was appalled by the whole incident. Yero had never acted like this before and I can’t believe Joanne has had an abortion. Khari looked at him like he wanted to rip him to shreds but chose to check on Joanne instead.

“You know that was wrong for you to do that, right?” I asked, glaring at him with my arms folded.

“Hell, no! Khari had no business getting Jo pregnant when he knows that neither one of them has any income. Besides, they’re both lazy and once the baby gets here Mama will have to do all of the work. She raised her kids already, it’s not fair to her.”

“I understand all that but it’s done now and you should have let it go.”

“I’m going to speak my mind. You don’t understand Khari like I do. Mama had to pay for Joanne to get the first abortion. We always end up fixing his messes.”

“A baby is never a mess, Yero,” I said softly, looking away.

“You know what I mean,” he said, touching my hand, sensing my disappointment in his statement. “I’ll love that kid once it gets here but I just wish he would’ve waited until he could do his thing with a job in his own house.”

“I know but let’s not discuss this any more tonight. We’re supposed to be having a good time. Let’s try to salvage what we can of this evening.”

He shook his head as if reason was coming back to him.

I got up to see what was happening with Jo and Khari.

As I walked by, a tall white man in a uniform approached me. “Excuse me, miss, but I’ve been getting complaints from other customers about the noise in your area. If it doesn’t stop pronto I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

“I’m sorry but the situation is under control now.”

“Alrighty, then,” he said, strolling away.

I went to the ladies’ room to see what was going on.

Khari was waiting for Jo to come out. His jaw was locked with rage.

“Khari, I’m sure Yero’s sorry for what he did; he just wants the best for you guys and it came out the wrong way.”