Mitch grabbed her wrist, snapping, “I didn’t give you permission to touch me, Crystal.” He watched her sly grin turn into a practiced pout, the look she gave when she knew she had crossed a line. Before she voiced

it, he knew what she was going to say next.

“That was bad of me. I hope you won’t punish me too…hard.” Damn, she thought when his frown turned to a dark scowl and he flung her arm away, he really was in a pissy mood tonight. Just her luck. Her favorite Dom had been absent last week and when he finally showed up tonight, it was to make her work for a little attention. Still, he was worth the effort.

“Find someone else to play with tonight. I’m not in the mood,” Mitch stated bluntly before turning his attention to the new girl Jason had tethered spread eagle on the St. Andrew’s cross. Her name was Diana, a pretty redhead Jason had taken under his wing. This was her first night in the BDSM room and it looked like Jason was going easy on her. Her shy innocence reminded him of Hannah and made him wish even more that she was here with him.

“What the hell’s your problem?” Crystal rashly bit out, stung by his rebuttal. “I waited for you all night.”

Sighing, Mitch turned back around and attempted to rein in his temper. It wasn’t Crystal’s fault his mind was on another woman. “I’m sorry, Crystal. Either find someone else, or go home. I’m otherwise engaged tonight.”

“With whom?”

“None of your business.” He wasn’t about to discuss Hannah with her. He left her less than an hour ago, all he could think about was how tightly her pussy had clamped around him, how hard her nipples were on his tongue, what those fey eyes looked like as she climaxed. Fuck but he wanted her again, and again. He had no idea when his interest in her had become an obsession, but it was one he wasn’t in a hurry to get over. “We’ve never been exclusive, Crystal, and I never did anything to let you think otherwise. I think it’s best if you steer your sights on someone else from here on out.”

Mitch walked away before the anger he saw brewing on her face erupted into a rage. Crystal was attractive and sexy and he had fun playing with her, but now he wanted something, or rather someone, different. Picturing Hannah up on the cross, her buttocks striped from a flogger like Diana’s were, had his cock twitching into a semi erect state. God, the things he wanted to do to her here were enough to make him want to rush right back to her place. If he didn’t figure out what he wanted and soon, he was going to make himself nuts.

“Not playing tonight?” Jason asked with a nod toward Crystal who was striding angrily from the room, her look back at Mitch one of pique.

“Not with her. How’s little Diana coming along?” he asked loud enough for the girl to hear.

Jason ran his hand over the red stripes across her white buttocks, smiling when she shifted her hips unconsciously against his caress, her soft moan one of heightened arousal. “Very nicely. She’s a natural, aren’t you, baby?”

“If you say so, sir,” came her soft reply, her thick hair shielding her face from the two men.

“She’s shy, but only until I push her boundaries and have her begging.”

Mitch tried not to envy his friend, but what he wouldn’t give to push Hannah right where he wanted her to go, splintering apart in pleasure so acute she’d never want to be with anyone else.

Chapter Eleven

“Roxy’s going to love it out here,” Hannah commented when Mitch pulled into the gravel parking lot of the McGilley Farm stables and parked next to a large pickup. She had been pleasantly surprised when he phoned her this morning and asked if she was interested in packing a picnic lunch and spending the day out at his friend’s farm, one of the best breeders of American Saddlebred horses in the state.

“And there’s no end to the mischief she can get into, especially if she pals around with Duke. It’s a good thing Ethan offered to watch her while we ride,” Mitch said as he parked and snapped a leash on the overly excited bundle of furry energy.

“Better here than at home. I’ve already got enough explaining to do to Aunt Mary.” Stepping out of the car, Hannah shielded her eyes against the late morning sun and looked out upon acres and acres of rolling green hills topped with large mature trees and surrounded by pristine white fences. Gorgeous, long-legged horses pranced with high stepping gaits or galloped with show worthy strides, their well-groomed coats glistening from their exertions, their long manes and tails whipping around them adding to the picturesque vista and making her wish she had her camera. Her grandmother would love seeing pictures of the prize winning mares, equines so similar yet so different from the draft horses Caleb used around the farm and the pair of American Standardbred they owned for pulling their buggy.

A pang of nostalgia hit her as she turned away and, her hand held tightly by Mitch’s, followed him toward the wide open doors of the stables. The smell of hay and the sound of laughter coming from inside reminded her of home and how much she had enjoyed feeding and grooming their livestock while joking with Caleb and his brothers. Even though Caleb frowned upon spoiling farm animals, which meant any animals because that’s all the dog, cats and horses were to him, she managed to sneak carrots and sugar cubes to the horses, bones to the collie, Max, and set out an occasional bowl of cream for the barn cats.

Even though the day was going to be warm, she wore the jeans she had picked up along with the rest of the new wardrobe Anna, Olivia and especially Kayla had talked her into. Thankfully, Kayla had recognized right away that her conservative taste wasn’t ready to be tested as extravagantly as Kayla’s preferences and she had helped her pick out clothing that was comfortable as well, she was assured, sexy without being slutty. These jeans fit her a little tighter than she was comfortable with, but because of the appreciative look on Mitch’s face, she didn’t mind a little discomfort. She had replaced the shoes Roxy chewed and managed to keep this pair out of the puppy’s greedy little mouth.

Hannah wasn’t sure what Mitch’s invite today meant. Thus far, with the exception of their first meeting, their encounters had all been sexual. She was still battling with her conscience over her behavior last night in the restaurant and she knew she wasn’t ready for another public display today. But so far, other than giving her a very thorough, toe curling kiss before they left home, Mitch hadn’t said or done anything of a sexual nature, which had her a little worried.

She hadn’t understood the obsessive attitude towards sex people in the modern world seemed to thrive on until she met Mitch. The lure of the modern world, which included a freer sexual lifestyle, drew a lot of the young people away from their Amish roots. She had been the exception to the rule because her love for Caleb went way beyond her desire for the materialistic conveniences she was willing to give up for him, but now she was a prime example of such gluttony. Now that she had a taste of what she had been missing, she wanted more, and apparently, if her behavior last night was any indication, she was willing to do what was necessary to get it. At the rate she was going, she’ll probably succumb to all seven of the deadly sins by the end of summer.

That admission didn’t sit well with her and, with a tug of her hand, she asked Mitch, “Do you mind if I walk around outside for a minute?”

Mitch looked down into her face and saw indecision struggling with longing etched plainly on her pretty features. The pale blue of her blouse accentuated her pale blue eyes and the inner turmoil she was dealing with. He had worried her actions last night would plague her in the bright light of day, which was only one of the reasons he had suggested this non-sexual outing today. Although, he might very well regret his chivalry if he had to spend the afternoon looking at how those jeans hugged her ass tightly and the enticing way her breasts filled out her closely fitted top.

“Go ahead, sweetheart. I’ll find Ethan and turn Roxy over to him then see which horses Donovan wants us to take out.”

Turning, Hannah walked towards the pastures instead of entering the stables. Leaning her arms on the fence, she asked herself just how far she was willing to stray from her values in pursuit of pleasure. It was a question she could find no answer to. She had done what she always believed was right and waited until she fell in love and married to have sex, and while she had enjoyed the intimate times in their marriage bed, not one of them had come close to giving her the pleasure she has found being with Mitch. It has taken a man she liked but wasn’t in love with to show her what her husband, who claimed to love her, should have cared enough to do.

The sight of a huge black mare meandering up to her made her temporarily shove aside her internal turmoil. “You are definitely not an American Saddlebred,” she murmured as that big head practically knocked her over with a friendly nudge to her shoulder. “Want some attention, do you?” she laughed as she reached out and stroked her velvety nose.

“You think she’s bad, you ought to see her offspring.”

Startled, Hannah turned to see Anna had joined her. “What breed is she? The only breed I know that’s this big is the Clydesdale.”