“Tell me about your week. What’d you do besides clean up after Roxy.”

Hannah told him about the engagement pictures shoot and the two new clients she picked up. By the time Raoul cleared the salad bowls and was placing steaming plates of pasta in front of them, Hannah’s senses were on sensory overload. Mitch had managed to reach her core, his warm palm cupping her entire crotch nearly sending her into orgasmic orbit. Her new friends hadn’t been lying. The absence of pubic hair made his touch that much more potent, the

warmth hotter, just the hint of pleasure to come consuming. His fingers played lightly over her folds, tantalizing newly exposed nerve endings, making her visibly shudder in an effort to hold back from pleading for more.

“Mitch, I can’t eat with you touching me like that,” she whispered in shameful need. Right now, she needed to climax more than she needed more food, but that was simply not an option here. She absolutely refused to give in to her carnal cravings until they left.

“Don’t worry, Hannah. I’m not ready to let you climax yet.” Mitch explored the soft flesh of her labia for a moment, just until her hips shifted under his hand and her eyes glazed over. It was difficult, but he managed to leave the treasure of her baby soft, slightly damp folds and once again rested his hand an inch below paradise.

She refused to ask him what he meant about allowing her to climax, as if he could control her response. But when he shifted back to her inner thigh, she quickly discovered what he meant. Breathing a sigh of both relief and frustration, she concentrated on her pasta.

“Oh, this is wonderful,” she moaned around a bite of tangy linguine, her teeth sinking into a large, succulent shrimp. “Think your friend will give me the recipe for this sauce?”

“No, but we can come back here whenever you want.”

She wanted she realized suddenly. She wanted more dates with this man, more erotic sexual encounters, and more lessons in what he liked and how to please him. And by the time they finished their pasta, the dishes were cleared and Mitch was turning sideways in their seat, caging her in the corner, she wanted to come so bad she knew she wasn’t going to be able to hold back if he touched her again.

“Scoot your hips forward,” Mitch demanded tightly, the need to touch her again nearly overwhelming.

The moment was saturated with lust as she obeyed his guttural command, shrinking the world around them to that dark corner. The sensitivity of her newly bared skin combined with his teasing touches had her primed and ready to combust when he cupped her again. Confident now that, even if Raoul returned, Mitch’s body kept him from seeing anything, she widened her legs at his insistent urging.

“Good girl,” Mitch whispered in her ear, his fingers parting her soaked flesh before delving in deeply. “God you’re tight. And so fucking wet I want to sink my cock in you instead of my fingers.”

“We…we can’t do this,” she tried to tell him, hoping he’d have more restraint than she. Because, God help her, if he found that special spot then touched her clitoris, she was going to go up in flames without any further urging.

“Yes we can, or rather, you can.” Mitch didn’t intend to tempt fate and drag this out. He knew her g-spot now and zeroed in on it without delay. A few strong strokes over that area followed by a grip on her swollen bundle of tortured nerves and she was clutching his fingers in a tight orgasmic fist.

His mouth silenced her cry as Hannah felt her nerve endings explode in blissful ecstasy, shredding her control as well as her sanity. By the time she was reduced to racking small tremors, Mitch’s free hand keeping the pleasure alive by pinching her nipple, she was slowly coming to the conclusion she had no control or sanity around Mitch.

Mitch wasted no time hustling Hannah out of the restaurant and into his truck. With every other woman his control had been iron clad. But with Hannah, that control that was not only so much a part of him, but was necessary for his sexual indulgences, was constantly tested every time he was with her. That didn’t bother him nearly as much as the thought of not being with her. Right now, watching her stare out her window, certain she was questioning the right and wrong of what she had just allowed him to do, he didn’t have the luxury of time to delve into his growing feelings for her. Not only was his cock demanding relief, but if allowed left to wallow in moral indecision, he would be risking losing her. Keeping Hannah on edge as well as satisfied was the key, for now, to keeping her locked in to their affair.

“Mitch, I…” she started to say when Mitch followed her inside the house fifteen minutes later only to cut off her statement and her breath with his mouth.

Backing her against the wall, Mitch filled one hand with her hair and the other with her right breast. His mouth devoured her, the ruthless assault on her senses mimicking what he was feeling. The silky feel of her top over her breast wasn’t enough and, as he made a sweeping exploration of her mouth, he pulled her top up and damn near came in his pants at the feel of her malleable, soft flesh.

Lifting his lips a fraction, he switched from kneading the fullness of her breast to grasping her nipple between his finger and thumb and rolling the taut bud into an even stiffer pinpoint. “Tell me you want me,” he demanded, hating, resenting the thread of desperation that colored his voice.

“I want you,” Hannah admitted, too shocked over the greedy hunger of her need so soon after climaxing and then battling her conscience to hesitate. Unfortunately, her body didn’t care that greed was another of those pesky deadly sins.

“Thank God.” Mitch released his cock, slid his hands under her skirt then under her ass, lifting her while demanding simultaneously, “Wrap your legs around me.”

Hannah had no choice but to comply if she wanted to hold on. His cock filled her with one deep stroke, making her shudder and wonder how she had managed to go a whole week without feeling him moving inside her. And then he was pounding into her and she ceased to think. Awash with sensation, she came quickly, her inner walls clamping around his thick girth as he stretched her and filled her almost to the point of discomfort. Her bare nipples rasping against his shirt, his heavy breathing hot on her neck and in her ear and his large hands clasping her buttocks all worked with the deep plunges from his thrusting hips to drive her over the edge into the soaring abyss of engulfing pleasure.

Mitch barely heard her cry out with her orgasm through the roaring in his ears as her slick vaginal walls sucked his own climax to the surface. His balls drew up tautly within moments of being surrounded by her white hot heat, her slick juices raining over him eased his way as he vied to bury himself deeper with each stroke. Her legs tightened around his waist as he exploded inside her in kaleidoscopic, body racking ecstasy.

“Are you all right?” he managed to ask her as she slowly unwound her legs and let them drop. She looked dazed, completely flummoxed, like someone who hadn’t heeded the warnings and had gotten blown off course by an unexpected storm.

“I think so. I’ll know better when I can feel my toes again.” A giggle escaped her before she could hold it back. “Wow.”

That small sound and the look in her silvery/blue eyes went straight to his heart and Mitch knew she had gotten to him in a way no other woman ever had. Now the only questions remaining were just how deep did his feelings run and where to go from here. Unfortunately, he needed to get out to the club and didn’t have time to take this any further tonight.

“Wow is right, but I have to go, so we’ll have to pick this up later, sweetheart. Besides, I think I hear Roxy calling for your attention.”

As much as she would like Mitch to stay the night, Hannah was actually glad to put a little time and space between them right now. She had some soul searching to do, and she couldn’t think straight if he was anywhere near. “Thank you for dinner and sex, again,” she told him with a cheeky grin, feeling lighthearted besides the inner turmoil she couldn’t seem to escape every time they were together.

“You’re welcome, again.” Mitch kissed her quickly and left without a backward glance, afraid that smile would entice him to shuck his promise and linger until it was too late to keep it.

“You’re awfully quiet tonight, Master Mitch. Anything I can do to perk you up?” Crystal cooed as she ran a finger lightly over his crotch and pressed her bare breasts against his arm, hoping to entice him to play.