“Thank you. It’ll taste great with a cup of coffee in the morning.”

Both women wrinkled their noses in distaste then Anna rose, picking up her empty plate to take to the sink. “Thank you so much, Hannah. I hate driving that county road after dark, so I really need to get going.”

“And I’m meeting the guys at Casey’s, so I’ll follow you, Anna. What’re your plans, Mitch?”

Mitch glared at Ethan, not amused by him. Ethan was well aware he spent Saturday nights in the private club above Casey’s just as he had a good idea what went on upstairs. “I thought I’d help Hannah with the dishes. Other than that, I haven’t decided.” Where the hell did that idea come from? The last thing he needed was to spend alone time with Hannah, especially right before he went to the club.

“Oh, you don’t have to do that, Mitch.” Flustered at the thought of being alone with him again, Hannah quickly picked up the other plates and joined Anna at the sink. “It won’t take me any time at all.”

Anna nudged her with her elbow, saying quietly, “Let him stay. You know you want him to.”

“Is it that obvious?” Hannah felt her face warm. Was it obvious to Mitch too? God, she hoped not.

“Probably only to me,” Anna reassured her even though Mitch would have to be blind not to see her infatuation. From the looks he thought no one noticed, Mitch was just as drawn to Hannah. Turning, Anna asked Ethan, “Can you put my number in Hannah’s phone? We’re going to get together for lunch soon.”

Hannah started filling the sink with sudsy water after handing her phone to Ethan. They were gone a few minutes later, leaving just her and Mitch. She felt him move up next to her, his arm brushing hers as he set more dishes down. Without the distraction of Ethan, Anna and the dog, her desire for Mitch rose to the forefront. She wanted him. She couldn’t believe how much she wanted to be with him again, how she longed to find out if last week was a fluke or the real thing, something she could experience over and over again.

“What’re you doing?” Mitch asked as he stepped up next to her at the counter and saw her putting dishes in the sink instead of the dishwasher.

She smiled up at him with humor. “I grew up without a dishwasher and old habits are hard to break. Really, Mitch, you don’t have to stay and help.”

“Really, Hannah, I want to stay and help.” It was how much he wanted to stay that was bothering him. Standing side by side, Hannah washed and he dried, putting them away as she told him where they went. By the time he was reaching above him to put away the last glass, Hannah had grown tense and refused to look at him. He was about to ask her what was wrong, even though he had a damn good idea, when she looked up at him and took a deep breath before saying quickly, “Do you want to go upstairs with me again?”

Mitch had to act quickly when the glass slipped from his fingers, which caused him to bang his forehead on the cabinet door. “Son of a bitch!” he swore as he glared at her, her sudden request taking him completely off guard and not what he thought was on her mind. He had been expecting her to say last week was a one-time occurrence. “You’ve got to quit surprising me with blunt statements like that.”

“There’s no reason to curse. And I don’t know of any other way to ask you if you want to have sex with me. As you know, I’m not skilled in the art of seduction. I don’t even know how to flirt. If you don’t want to have sex with me again, just say so.” Hannah turned from him only to have him whip her back around and pull her up against that hard body she was dying to get naked with again.

“There is nothing, absolutely nothing, I want more right now than to have sex with you again.” Grabbing her ass, he pushed her groin against his, let her feel his thick erection so she’d have no doubt about how much he wanted her. “Is that blunt enough for you?”

She should be appalled, mortified, indignant. She was none of those things. Heat infused her, but it wasn’t from embarrassment. Her pulse sped up, her nipples tightened and her core, now nicknamed her happy place, felt swollen and achy. “That’s pretty blunt.”

Mitch kissed her, hard and demanding, as he shoved aside all the reasons he shouldn’t be doing this, with her, again. His need for her left no room for questions or second guessing himself. The last hour had been hell sitting across from her, watching her laugh at their stories as he pictured that lush body sprawled out for him to feast on. Her shy glances of longing fed his ego as well as his lust until it was either leave with Anna and Ethan or stay and try to talk her out of her clothes. The contradiction between her wholesome, shy demeanor and her straightforward way of meeting a challenge head on both amused and excited him. Her soft moan accompanied the hesitant stroke of her tongue over his and had him tightening his hands on the soft globes of her ass. Another moan had her shifting against him, rubbing her mound against his cock, the age-old movements coming instinctively, ramping up his lust until it threatened his control. Releasing her, he grabbed her hand and pulled her behind him, his urgency palpable.

“Mitch, wait, let me go upstairs and get ready first,” Hannah said as he practically dragged her out of the kitchen.

Mitch didn’t stop or turn around as he headed upstairs saying, “No need. I’ll get you ready.”

“At least let me get the light,” she protested weakly.

“No, tonight I want to see all of you clearly.” More importantly, Mitch wanted to see her reaction when she experienced oral sex for the first time.

Hannah was too excited to argue even though having him watch her undress made her uncomfortable. Thankfully, he kissed her again when they got to her room, taking her mind off baring herself again.

Mitch unbuttoned her blouse as he distracted her with his mouth, keeping her occupied to lesson her embarrassment. If there was a chance they were going to do this again after tonight, and he had a feeling there was, she was going to have to get over her shyness with him, because eventually he’d demand they take their play out of the bedroom. He pulled back when he reached the waistband of her skirt, keeping his eyes on her flushed face as he spread her top open and unerringly opened the front clasp of her bra. When her hands rose automatically to cover herself, he stated firmly, “You don’t want to do that, sweetheart. Keep them at your sides.”

Mitch smiled to himself when she obeyed without a word, her eyes not shying away from his as he looked at her. She tensed when he exposed her breasts, but that simple directive had her relaxing again, much like she did last week when he instructed her to hold onto the headboard. That small telltale sign told him a lot, but not enough to get his hopes up that this would ever go beyond a few nights of exploratory sex for her.

Hannah wanted to close her eyes when Mitch reached up and cupped her breasts, but she could no more shut out the intense look of pleasure on his face than she could ignore the pleasure sweeping through her. He wasn’t gentle as he kneaded her flesh and she liked it. She unconsciously pushed towards him when he rasped over her nipples, biting her lip to stifle a moan. His dark eyes moved from her breasts back up to her face, watched her intently as he pulled tautly on her swollen tips, the instant, searing pleasure ricocheting down to her sheath, igniting a firestorm of sensation that threatened to buckle her knees.

“Mitch,” she gasped as she clasped his forearms to steady herself, “I’m going to collapse if you keep that up.”

“Well, I wouldn’t want that.” Mitch reluctantly lowered his hands to her waist and loosened her skirt, watching it puddle at her feet before pushing her down on the bed. Running his hands from her shoulders down her arms, he slowly slid her top and bra off, flinging them behind him carelessly. “Lean back on your hands and don’t move, Hannah.”

Her eyes widened in shock when he knelt on the floor between her spread knees but she lifted automatically when he hooked his fingers in the waistband of her plain white panties and slowly pulled them off. Running his hands slowly back up her legs, spreading her knees wider before moving up the insides of her softly rounded thighs, he stopped at the juncture of her pelvis, his eyes on her damp, caramel curls. “You are pretty everywhere, Hannah, but especially here.” Without looking at her, he shifted his hands and used his thumbs to spread her labia provocatively, revealing the pink, moist walls of her pussy.

Hannah silently waged a battle with her mind and her b

ody, one telling her this was wrong the other demanding it was right. Despite her embarrassment, she couldn’t look away as he slid his hands under her butt and lifted her hips to his descending mouth.