Uncertainty, mortification and need so strong it made her shake all fought for supremacy, but it was pure, unadulterated lust that won out when he took one slow lick up her center, his tongue gliding ever so lightly over her clit before he raised his eyes to her.

“Do you want me to continue?” he asked her, trying desperately to be respectful of her beliefs yet at the same time wanting just as desperately to show her all she has been missing.

“Yes,” she whispered tremulously, her body’s thirst for more taking precedence over any moral objections she might come up with if she could think straight.

A whimper of pleasure escaped when he caressed that sensitive spot again followed by a gasp as he buried his mouth between her legs and seemed to literally feast on her flesh. She should protest such an act, demand that he stop and make love to her like she was used to. But they weren’t making love, she reminded herself as she felt his finger slip inside her to join his tongue in tormenting her. This was sex and apparently the difference was anything pleasurable goes.

The dual rhythm of his tongue and finger were an impossible duo to ignore or turn away. He played her beautifully, his lips pulling on the tender skin of her folds, his tongue dipping deep, stroking harder, faster over her clitoris while that one finger found the same spot he had caressed last week. That small area that drove her to heights of ecstasy she had missed out on achieving until Mitch. Her hands fisted as he drove her to the brink then pulled back again and again, teasing her clit then retreating, stroking her sheath over and over with light pressure that stimulated but stopped short of the harder touch she needed to reach that pinnacle she attained last week and had been aching to experience again ever since.

“Mitch, please,” she whispered tremulously, ashamed to sound so needy but powerless to do anything about it.

Mitch gave in, knew she was ready and could take the hard fucking he knew he was going to need after tasting her come in his mouth. Latching onto her clit with his lips, he drew tautly on the small bundle of nerves before using his teeth to nibble. Alternating nips with suckling, it took only seconds to feel the first tremors of her orgasm around his finger and tongue and taste the first gush of her release.

Closing her eyes, she lost the struggle to keep herself braced back on her arms as pleasure flooded her body, starting between her legs and spreading upward, making her breasts swell, her nipples pulse and her heartbeat erratic. The darkness behind her closed lids suddenly lit up with bright stars from the exploding pleasure, her cries filling the room as he repeatedly brought her to climax over and over.

Mitch didn’t give her time to recover let alone think. To her shock, he left her knees draped over his shoulders as he rose above her, the position automatically elevating her hips, making it easy for him to slip into her still convulsing vagina. Her gasp as he filled her, stretched her tightly, was muffled by his mouth, his lips and tongue as demanding as his penis as he thrust into her. It took her a moment to realize the odd taste on his tongue was from her body, something that should have repulsed her. Instead, she found the intimacy of tasting herself on him highly erotic, adding to the heat he was re-igniting. With her knees leveled with her head, his body pinning her shoulders to the bed, she could do nothing but take the onslaught of his pounding strokes, utter nothing but cries of escalating pleasure as his well-aimed thrusts tossed her right back into the swirling throes of ecstasy.

Mitch tried, he really did, to temper his movements, but the feel of her tight pussy clamping around him, her juices soaking him, drove him to the brink of release without the luxury of a slow build up. He could feel her heat even through the latex barrier, and it threatened to scorch him alive. Her wide, startled eyes quickly glossed over with pleasure, her shocked gasp just as quickly turned into a cry of blissful release as she climaxed again. Her orgasm pulled his out of him. Her silken walls milked his cock as his jackhammer thrusts increased until his balls drew up so tightly they ached right before his orgasm spewed out his cockhead with such force he saw black pinpoints before his eyes.

It took him a moment to come down from the incredible high, took her groan of discomfort to remember to lower her legs, slowly to avoid giving her a cramp, and took her smile of satisfaction to tell him he was in way over his head with the wholesome girl next door.

“You’re okay?” he asked even though he could see she was.

“A little flummoxed, but definitely okay. I had no idea so much pleasure could be found from…” she stopped there, turning crimson as she realized she couldn’t finish that sentence without sounding as naïve as she felt.

“From oral sex? I loved going down on you, Hannah, tasting you, feeling you come in my mouth. Not all men do, but I haven’t met a woman who didn’t like being on the receiving end.” He smiled when that small frown appeared between her brows.

“What about men?” she asked him bluntly, refusing to back away from the subject despite the way his graphic words made her want to bury her face in his neck in shame that stemmed from how excited they made her.

“Sweetheart, there isn’t a man alive who doesn’t want a woman’s mouth on him.” If he was ever lucky enough to feel Hannah’s lush lips exploring his cock, he would make sure her hair was free of that braid and draped around his hips, could just imagine how the ends would feel caressing his body as she caressed his shaft. “Let me know when you want to reciprocate,” he said hoarsely, his semi-hard cock growing and flexing inside her with the image he had conjured up.

The feel of his penis getting big again while still inside her drew her attention away from his comment. “Again?” she squeaked in surprise.

Mitch laughed, delighted with her, then grabbed hold of the full condom as he pulled out of her with slow reluctance. “While I have no doubt I could go another round, there is absolutely no way this rubber is going to hold any more.”

Hannah watched him cover his very nice backside before padding into the bath as she gingerly stood up on wobbly legs and picked up her clothes. She wanted to think he was still clothed because he had been too impatient to have her to take the time to undress and prayed it wasn’t because he wanted to make a fast exit. She hoped Anna meant it when she told Hannah she was available to talk any time. After this evening, she needed advice from someone who knew what she was struggling with before she decided to ask Mitch for yet another one-night stand.

“You look like you could use a drink,” Colin greeted Mitch when he entered Casey’s Sunday night for their weekly poker game. “Bad week, weekend or both?” Colin knew Mitch as well as he did his brothers, in some ways better. They had explored their mutual interest in bondage and domination together while college roommates and forged a bond that was as tight as the one he shared with Brett and Donovan. They knew the mistakes each of them had made in those early years as well as the successes. Mitch stood by him, along with his brothers, a few months ago when he had come clean about the circumstances surrounding his partner’s death and their unconditional support eased Colin’s misplaced guilt and enabled him to finally claim Olivia openly. From the look on Mitch’s face it looked like he was the one who could use a sounding board this time around.

“Neither really,” Mitch sighed as he took the whiskey Colin handed him and they moved to sit at their usual table to wait for the others to arrive. “Yesterday I had to spend the day dealing with pain in the ass paperwork, but that’s par for the course and nothing new. Today I did some work around mom’s then stayed for dinner when the gang showed up.” And spent the whole afternoon thinking about how much his mother and sisters would like Hannah, Mitch thought.

“So what happened to put that look of doom on your face?”

Mitch didn’t realize his mood was so transparent, then again he never could hide anything from Colin. He didn’t want to discuss his relat

ionship with Hannah simply because he had no idea what their relationship was. Were they back to being friendly neighbors now or was she going to ask him for another night of sex? And since when was he so fucking wishy-washy over where he stood with a woman? That was easy enough to answer. He felt like he was drowning ever since she lifted her head from her car’s engine to look up at him with guileless pale blue eyes without an ounce of discomfort over her disheveled appearance. Two nights of relatively vanilla sex hadn’t been enough of a deterrent to save him. On the contrary, despite knowing the danger of going under, he kept fantasizing about going back for more.

“Nothing,” he finally answered Colin without elaborating.

“Does this nothing have to do with you not joining us upstairs last night?”

Astute bastard. “Yes, and we’ll leave it at that,” Mitch replied as Brett, Donovan and Ethan came in.

Colin nodded. Having experience wrestling with personal issues, he knew there was a time and place to confide in friends. “Pepsi, Ethan,” he called out as his youngest brother, who was only nineteen, started to grab a beer.

“Sheesh, you’re such a hard ass, Colin. I’m riding with Donovan. One isn’t going to land me in jail,” Ethan complained thinking that having an older brother who used to be a cop was a pain in the ass.

Brett slapped Ethan on the back of the head, saying, “I took care of that speeding ticket, pup, but that’s where I draw the line.”