Chapter One

Mitch swiped over the already clean as a whistle bar top again, wondering why he was delaying closing up the bar and heading upstairs. The last patron had cleared out over an hour ago from Casey’s, the club owned by the McGilley’s, his best friends. Still, he found himself lingering down here when, not six months ago, he would have been anxious to end his Saturday night by spending a few hours upstairs in their private club. He couldn’t pinpoint when the discontent with his life started as there have been numerous changes lately. Recently, he found little satisfaction in hooking up with a willing club member and indulging in a bout of uncomplicated sex, not even if the woman was eager for his brand of dominate control. He refused to blame his discontent on turning forty recently, labeling it middle age dissatisfaction as society so often liked to do. He did admit, to himself anyway, that seeing how easily, and happily, Brett, Colin and Donovan have settled down into married life made him wonder if that was what he wanted, especially now that he has done just about everything else.

He knew he was in trouble when he found himself envying his ex-wife her happiness with her fifteen year marriage, two kids, mortgage and dog. Not that he regretted his and Kate’s amicable divorce seventeen years ago or their short, two year marriage. They met in college, and even though Colin, his roommate at the time, warned him he was jumping into something he was going to regret, he married her right before they graduated anyway. Discovering Kate was more than willing to explore the BDSM practices he was just getting into had seemed like a good sign for their match. Luckily, they both came to the same conclusion, that they had been too young and inexperienced to settle down, and have remained friends.

Mitch locked the liquor cabinet, rechecked the lock on the front doors and did a last visual sweep of the dark, silent space as he crossed the club to the private exit. It would be nice, he mused as he rode the elevator to the second floor, if he had someone waiting expectantly just for him. When had he started dreading instead of looking forward to the time and effort he usually expended in choosing a partner for the evening? The light flirting or cat and mouse foreplay had always been fun and was usually necessary in picking a woman whose desires and need matched what he wanted to dish out. But as he stepped into the main gathering room of the second floor private club, he couldn’t help but wish there was someone waiting for him who knew him and what he wanted as well as he knew her and what she needed.

Taking a deep breath, he shoved his melancholy aside and strode to a small sitting area where he spotted Donovan with his attractive, redheaded wife, Anna. “Don’t you look pretty tonight, Anna?” Bending, he kissed her cheek, noting the sated look in her grey eyes, the post coital softness of her nipples and the pink tinge of her bare folds. He had a good memory, and he had no trouble recalling the wet, tight feel of her pussy the one and only time Donovan had shared her with him.

“Thank you Mitch,” Anna responded drowsily as she snuggled against Donovan’s chest, the movements of her ass teasing his cock until he was hard again.

“Stop that.” Donovan’s voice snapped as hard as his hand on her bare thigh, but the grin that split his stern face said he was anything but annoyed. “What the hell took you so long? We were beginning to think you weren’t going to join us tonight.” Their friend had been absent from the club more than present lately, leaving the brothers to wonder what was going on with him.

Shrugging, Mitch sat opposite the couple, his seat facing the wall length padded bench that was getting well used by six couples, all of them in various positions. “Just making sure everything was tidied up,” he replied evasively as he cocked his head, wondering how Crystal, a long-time member, could contort herself that way. “Jesus, how does she do that?”

Donovan swiveled his head and saw Crystal with one leg draped over her partner’s shoulder, the other one wrapped around his waist as he pummeled her pussy with deep, hard strokes. “She may have Kayla beat with that one.”

Mitch grinned as he looked at Kayla sitting astride Brett’s lap, his hands hard on her red ass as he tried to control her movements. “It’ll be some time before she can try to outdo Crystal again.” Turning his dark brown eyes back to Donovan, he complained good-naturedly, “Wasn’t it bad enough you three had to go and get hitched within a month of each other? Do you have to ruin all my fun by adding kids?”

Anna laughed at Mitch’s disgruntled look, mostly because she knew it was feigned. “You were just as pleased at the prospect of becoming an uncle as Donovan and Colin were when Brett announced Kayla was pregnant.”

Well, she had him there. Mitch couldn’t deny he was looking forward to watching how the brothers coped with fatherhood after remaining single for so long. Given the sappy, overindulgent and possessive way they handled their wives, he figured they would be even more so with the next generation of McGilley’s. “I get the fun part,” he told them. “I can spoil him then send him home and let Brett and Kayla deal with the repercussions.”

“Let’s hope it’s a boy,” Donovan said with a smirk, “because if it’s a girl and she takes after Kayla, Brett’ll be totally gray before he’s fifty.”

“As if you’ll be any different,” Anna scoffed. “All of you will be complete saps over a little girl as well as every teenage girl’s worst nightmare once she hits puberty.”

Donovan pinched her nipple making Anna gasp and push her breast into his hand. Mitch watched that soft bud harden instantly, the flush on Anna’s face spreading down her neck. Donovan, like Brett, had introduced his wife to the kinkier side of sex they had both been curious about and it had been fun watching the two of them embrace the lifestyle their husbands craved. There was something heady as well as satisfying about tutoring a submissive woman in everything she didn’t know she wanted and had been missing from her sexual encounters. He used to get that heady satisfaction from his online advice column. A friend of his ran a BDSM website and asked him years ago to sign on as an advisor, something he has enjoyed doing until lately. That sidekick has also gotten stale for him, giving him little pleasure. Maybe he was becoming jaded, but it seemed more often than not, the men and women writing in asking questions or for advice were doing so more out of debauched curiosity or for kicks instead of a real desire and need to learn if what he had to say to them was what was missing from their sex lives.

Mitch’s cock stirred as Donovan lowered his head and drew the nipple he had pinched into his mouth and suckled strongly. Apparently his little head wasn’t as disgruntled as his big head. As Donovan spread Anna out on the sofa, released his cock and thrust into her pussy, Mitch rose to go in search of someone to ease his physical discomfort.

The private upstairs club didn’t boast a dance floor or bar. Those amenities were offered downstairs in the public club and by the time those friends and acquaintances allowed access to the second floor gravitated upstairs they were ready to end the evening indulging in their kinky proclivities. The softer, muted music and brighter lighting in the main gathering room was a welcome change after

spending several hours downstairs in the louder, dimly lit atmosphere of Casey’s and as Mitch made his way across the large gathering room, stopping to visit or to watch an erotic scene, he once again questioned his dissatisfaction with his life.