Heading down the wide hallway off the main room, he bypassed the bedroom after noting all three king size beds were occupied, glanced at the bright red ass of the woman getting punished with a ruler in the ‘office’ room, stopped a moment to watch the woman strapped down on a gynecology table get her spread pussy slapped before entering the last room at the end of the hall. Low moans, a high pitched cry and the sound of slapping flesh greeted him as his eyes adjusted to the darkened, much more intense atmosphere of Colin’s dungeon room.

He and Colin were more into the BDSM lifestyle than either Brett or Donovan, and Colin, with his full-time sub and wife, Olivia, was even into it heavier than Mitch was. He preferred his women submissive just when it came to sex instead of twenty-four seven. Catering to the different vagaries of alternative sexual lifestyles was a benefit they all enjoyed from the private club. Cultivating and reaping the rewards of maintaining close relationships was an added bonus.

Mitch’s cock engorged to a full blown erection as he spotted Colin running his palms down Olivia’s bare, glistening body strapped down on a padded bench. Her slender body jerked as he pinched her already red, distended nipples and small white teeth nibbled on her lower lip when he cupped her pussy with his palm, her whiskey eyes glowing with arousal and anticipation. Colin’s grin was wicked when he slipped his middle finger down her crack and slowly pushed it inside her rectum. By the time his best friend noticed him and beckoned him over, Mitch was more than ready to hook up with someone. Despite his mental ennui, his cock was always up for a good time.

“I was wondering if you were going to show tonight,” Colin greeted him, his eyes on Mitch as he continued to finger fuck Olivia’s ass with slow, deep strokes. He and Mitch went back twenty years and he knew him as well as he knew his brothers. They all surmised Mitch was feeling like the odd man out since the three of them married and they have done everything they can to let him know otherwise. He has not shared his wife since right before they married, but now seemed like a good time to give Olivia that something extra a good sub deserves every now and then. They both have laid to rest the ghosts of their past and they were secure in their feelings and relationship, and what better way to let Mitch know he was still an integral part of their family than by including him sexually? “Want to play with us?” he asked him bluntly. They knew each other too well to pussy foot around and he had already discussed this with Olivia and she was more than willing. All three of their wives considered Mitch family, same as they did.

Wow, Mitch didn’t see that one coming. Regarding Colin silently for a moment, he wondered if his unsatisfied mood lately was making him seem like a pathetic, disgruntled moron or Colin was simply feeling generous. He hadn’t shared Olivia since their marriage and the possessive way he watched her made Mitch assume he wasn’t inclined to do so again. “Why?” he countered just as bluntly. The last thing he needed or wanted was a pity fuck. He had no trouble getting a willing sub all on his own.

“Don’t get offensive,” Colin told him with a grin as he slowly pulled his finger from Olivia’s ass then palmed both her breasts as he leaned over her. “Olivia’s been such a good little sub lately I thought she deserved a treat.” Kissing her soft, smiling lips, he straightened and regarded Mitch with cool green eyes and a raised black brow. “If you’re not interested, just say so.”

Feeling like an idiot for reading more into the invitation than was warranted, Mitch covered his chagrin by smiling down at Olivia’s flushed face. “I’d be happy to help you reward your sub, if she’s willing.” The pretty gold mesh choker/collar around Olivia’s slim neck shifted as she swallowed convulsively.

“Yes, sir, I am.” Olivia, like her sisters-in-law, was quite fond of Mitch. Watching him move to the head of the bench, his dark brown eyes lingering on her stiff nipples, her pussy gushed with pleasure at the thought of being impaled by both men. She has been looking forward all evening to her first ménage in over six months and she knew her Master and Master Mitch would make it good for her.

Mitch came around to the head of the hip-high bench and looked down the length of Olivia’s naked slim body, his hands coasting over her shoulders and down to her breasts as Colin cupped her ass, lifted her hips and sank his cock balls deep into her pussy with one deep stroke. Ignoring the irritating dissatisfaction he couldn’t seem to shake, he lowered Olivia’s head, released his cock then waited for her slight nod before leaning over her face and dipping just his cockhead past her open mouth. The feel of her soft lips closing around him, her even softer tongue stroking him, quickly obliterated his melancholy, leaving him free to wallow in the lustful pleasure of Olivia’s mouth. Pulling back, he fucked her mouth with short, shallow thrusts, letting her concentrate on just his inflamed head for a moment. As her tongue swirled under the rim, he shuddered in pleasure, those hidden sensitive nerve endings coming alive with each passage. Despite her awkward position and the restraint of her arms, she had no trouble keeping up with his thrusts, no trouble lapping up his seepage almost as soon as it leaked and definitely no trouble in setting fire to his balls.

Colin was pounding into her now, taking her pussy faster, harder, his face flushed with his impending climax. Olivia’s face was also red and damp and it was obvious she was using all her concentration on pleasing him to keep from climaxing before she had permission. Mitch had no problem taking advantage of a well behaved sub and dipped deeper into her mouth, waiting while she stroked around his rigid girth then pulled back again but not completely out. The air felt cool around his damp root, heightening his pleasure and urging him back into the warm recess of her sucking mouth. He went deeper yet, his cockhead bumping her throat before he shifted and slid past, allowing her to briefly deep throat him. Conscious of her discomfort, he pulled back quickly then set up a fast rhythm, his hands gripping the edge of the bench to anchor himself as he felt his climax rush up from his balls.

Mitch and Colin shouted simultaneously, their cocks pumping Olivia’s orifices over and over as they spewed their pleasure inside her. Her soft mewling cries, taut nipples and damp labia were proof of her own need and as they both pulled out of her, Colin rasped, “Now, Livie, come for us now.” Grabbing hold of her swollen engorged clit, he milked that small appendage until she was crying out and gushing in pleasure.

Watching a woman orgasm was a pleasure in itself and Olivia climaxed beautifully. Her glistening body shook, her glazed eyes rolled back and her soft cries made both men smile. With so much pleasure had by all three of them, Mitch had no reason to feel let down, no explanation for why he thanked both Colin and Olivia and left the club, calling it a night earlier than he has ever done. Getting into his truck, he turned out of the club’s gravel parking lot onto the highway and headed back into Lexington. The thirty minute drive from Casey’s to his home in one of the city’s older, more established neighborhoods had always been a time to wind down from the evening’s activities and mentally make plans for Sunday, lately his only day off, but nothing he came up with seemed to hold much appeal.

Irritated with himself, he pulled into his drive, more than ready for a stiff night cap before turning in. The front room light shining brightly from his neighbors window drew his attention, reminding him Mary’s widowed niece was supposed to arrive this weekend to housesit for the summer while Mary and her partner, Patty, were touring Europe. Neighbors for just over ten years now, he had befriended the women when they hired him to completely gut and remodel their home. During the three month renovation, something the hundred year old two-story brick Tudor had been in desperate need of from new wiring and plumbing to cosmetic updating, he had heard very little about Hannah, the daughter of Mary’s deceased sister, other than the deep affection Mary had for her. Right now, he couldn’t think of anything he wanted t

o do less tomorrow than introduce himself to an Amish widow who was probably a prudish, stick up the ass bible thumper. Still, he did promise Mary, and, as far as neighbors went, she and Patty were the best.

After finishing their renovation, they had not only paid him more than he bid, but had plied him with home-cooked meals for several weeks when he fell off a scaffold while on another job and broke his arm. With mischievous grins, they told him they’d even make the supreme sacrifice of helping him out of his clothes. Had they been serious, and not into each other, he would’ve taken them up on their offer despite the fifteen year gap in their ages. He’d never been into older women, but there were exceptions to every rule. The couple knew they could contact him day or night if they needed anything just as he knew they would be there for him if he ever needed them to be. As far as neighbors went, he couldn’t ask for better, and for that reason, he would go over tomorrow and meet Mary’s niece and hope she wasn’t the preachy sort.

Mitch woke later than usual the next morning and after fixing an omelet, downing three cups of coffee, going through an hour workout in his gym room then taking a really long shower, it was mid-afternoon and he decided he couldn’t put off going next door any longer. Just a quick stop-over, only long enough to let her know she could call him with any problems, he told himself as he stepped out into the bright, warm afternoon. All the homes on this street were considered stately mansions between a hundred and a hundred and fifty years ago and only the elite of Lexington’s society had once called these few blocks theirs. Now, most of the homes have been refurbished, including his, from top to bottom and were owned by upper middle-class families. The individual character built into each home, making it unique, appealed to the contractor in him and was what made this area one of several sought after neighborhoods. Houses like his and Mary’s rarely came up for sale and when they did they sold quickly.

His driveway abutted Mary’s and was shaded from the decades old pin oaks that towered majestically over their roofs, their full leafed limbs spreading wide enough to lend some welcome cooling shade across the green lawns all summer long. Their drives led side by side to their unattached garages in the back and as Mitch glanced down them, the sight that greeted him had his lips quirking with humor. Mary’s open garage door afforded him an unobstructed view of a nicely rounded ass bent over the raised hood of the car parked inside. Walking down the drive, he took note of her calf length, dull brown skirt, short white socks and tennis shoes. Strange attire for working on a car engine, let alone for early June and a temperature of eighty-five degrees.

Muttering from under the hood greeted him as he strode up behind her and noticed the book, Auto Mechanics for Dummies, opened on the side. Hair with every shade of brown woven through it lay down her back in a tightly woven braid and as those lush hips shifted in impatience and aggravation, the lengthy plait slid over her side until a greased hand flipped it back irritably.

“Ooooh, gosh darn it!”

Gosh darn it? Mitch couldn’t help it. His mouth split into a wide grin at the innocent explicative as he offered neighborly, “Need any help?”

Her head jerked up and smacked against the hood, making her stomp her foot and repeat, “Oh, double gosh darn it!” before turning to face him.

It wasn’t often Mitch was struck dumb by a woman, but looking down at that grease smeared face with loose tendrils of hair clinging damply to her cheek and into wide silvery/blue eyes, he found himself not only taken aback by how young Mary’s niece looked, but by his instant, cock hardening reaction to the arousing contrast between her innocent, fey looks and a full, mouth-watering figure that her loose, drab clothing couldn’t disguise. Son of a bitch but the woman packed a wallop. The clothing gave one indication of where the term, ‘Plain People’, came from, but there was nothing plain about those striking eyes or the full, soft lips parted on a startled gasp. Between that fuckable mouth that inspired lust filled fantasies, those odd colored eyes that dominated her face and the nicely rounded, full breasts her plain white blouse couldn’t hide, Mary’s niece stirred his libido in a way he has missed lately which in turn aroused his interest in a way he hasn’t felt in the past few months. Unfortunately, he was pretty sure Mary wouldn’t appreciate the thoughts running through his head right now and given the woman frowning up at him was Amish, he reined in both his thoughts and his lust as he held out his hand.

“Mitch Burnett. I live next door and promised Mary I’d check in on you.”

“Did you also promise her you’d sneak up and give me a heart attack?” Despite the scare his unexpected presence gave her, Hannah smiled and took his hand before she remembered the grease. “Oh, I’m sorry! Let me get you a rag.”

Rubbing his palm down his jean-clad thigh, Mitch replied, “Don’t worry about it. These jeans are ready for the laundry anyway. You’re Hannah?”

“Hannah Hershberger, Mary’s niece. It’s nice of you to come over.”

If she knew what he was thinking, she wouldn’t think he was so nice, Mitch thought as he willed his cock to behave. Since when did he get a boner from looking at a pretty face and touching a soft hand? On one hand, his physical response was a welcome change from the past months of relative indifference towards anyone of the opposite sex, but on the other, considering the odds of him getting under that skirt, he wasn’t pleased with his body’s choice to be reawakened to.

Nodding towards the car, he asked, “What seems to be the problem?” As far as he knew, Mary hadn’t been having any trouble with the Mustang. The bright yellow sporty convertible fit Mary perfectly but she was flamboyantly open and carefree, not shy about flaunting her gay lover and dressed in brightly colored clothes that fit and showcased her slender figure to its advantage, a far cry from her prim and proper niece whom he could easily picture driving a horse and buggy.

Hannah blew at the few wisps of hair that escaped her braid to avoid smearing her face any worse and sighed in frustration. “It won’t start. I turn the key and…nothing.”

“Did you try jumping the battery? It’s been sitting awhile.” The blush that stole across her cheeks told him she hadn’t thought of the simplest solution first before diving under the hood. “Get in and I’ll tell you when to try it.” Entering the garage, he acted as if it was no big deal and quickly found Mary’s jump box and attached the cables to the battery. “Okay, turn her on.” Now why did that simple statement have his cock twitching again? He was going to have to keep his distance this summer if he couldn’t control his thoughts and his reaction to them any better than this.