Page 55 of Mate With Me

“Those two rarely use a room,” Grace giggled, wishing her

own mate would get down here soon.

Damien released Abby, smiled down at the glazed look in her eyes then turned to the other two. “We’re working our way through every room. Our guests should be arriving soon, so I’ll let you get to your dinner and see you in the great room after our meeting.” Kissing Abby again, he whispered against her moist lips, “Go with Susan and Kim when they get here and do what they say.”

Before Abby could question him, he was striding out of the kitchen, leaving her to wonder what he meant. The past few days had been fraught with tension, and the three of them knew the guys were worried about what Isabelle had planned next, and that they weren’t going to wait any longer to find out. On one hand, she was anxious for them to put an end to that bitch’s existence and the threats against them, but on the other she was terrified for their safety. Damien had been broodingly intense lately, hovering over her as if she could disappear at any moment. A few times she had caught him looking at her with the saddest expression, as if he wasn’t ever going to see her again, and that worried her more than anything.

Damien was a strong man, had strong convictions and an iron will that was sometimes intimidating and nearly unbendable. That she had managed to break through his reservations about fucking her, then taking her without someone sitting nearby as if on guard duty, still surprised her, especially since she still had no idea why he had been so reluctant to do so given she was his chosen mate and his strong feelings for her. That curt order he just gave her made her think, again, that he was planning something special for this evening, and hearing from Ava and the other mates what went on when they all got together, she was hoping he was going to give her the ultimate pleasure, and honor, of blood bonding with her.

“Get your head out of the clouds and bring that gumbo over here,” Caitlin told Abby when she just stood there staring after Damien with a bemused look on her face. “That is if you want to be ready for what he has planned.”

“I’m already more than ready,” she responded as she carried the small pot over to the table and sat down. “But I am worried about what they have planned afterward.”

“Yeah, me too.” All Jacob would tell Grace was that they were going to end the threats against them tonight, one way or another.

“You don’t think they can defeat this psycho bitch?” Caitlin couldn’t imagine anyone being able to escape unscathed from these guys, and if they were worried about them, that meant this Isabelle was one scary blood sucker.

“I think they can, especially now that all of them have mated and will face her and her minions with the full capacity of their strength and powers. But that doesn’t mean they’re infallible or can’t be hurt or even killed.”

“You can’t think like that, Abby,” Ava said as she, Emma, Susan, Kim and several other women entered the kitchen. “They need us to send them off with positive encouragement, and nothing less.”

Ava had her ‘I’m the boss’ look on her face, the one Abby remembered when she was a child getting lectured about something she had done. “Yes ma’am.” Abby jumped up and threw her arms around her. “I’m so happy to see you again. Here, come meet Jacob and Jon and Luc’s mates. Grace, Caitlin, this is Ava, Gideon’s mate. Emma and Beau are still newlyweds.” She stopped after introducing Susan and Kim, the other seven women now all crowded into the kitchen strangers to her.

“It’s wonderful to meet you and hear the last of the brethren have fallen. Let’s hope our guys are successful tonight and you get the chance to have as many years with your mates as we’ve had.” Ava turned back to Abby with a twinkle in her eyes and a small, secretive grin. “Abby, you need to go upstairs with Susan and Kim so they can prepare you per Damien’s instructions. The rest of us will go to that gorgeous ballroom and make ourselves comfortable while we wait for the guys to finish their meeting.”

No one argued with Ava, not even Caitlin who followed her with a frown and a questioning look toward Abby, which she answered with a shrug. Abby knew Caitlin balked at being told what to do, but she didn’t know much more at this point than she did.

“Come on, Abby.” Kim grabbed her hand and practically danced up the wide staircase with Susan following them. “Damien said he set the table up in your room.”

“Table, what table and what exactly do you mean, prepare me?” Abby was sure she was going to like whatever Damien planned to do to her tonight, but she wasn’t sure she was going to like what came first.

“Relax,” Susan told her with a wide grin as shut the bedroom door behind them. “This’ll be fun. We promise. Now, we don’t have much time, so strip and lie on the table.”

Abby looked at the padded massage table as if it was a torture device instead of a device used to give pleasure. Since Kim and Susan had disappeared into the bathroom, she couldn’t stall by asking questions, so she did as instructed and stripped out of her clothes and laid down, the cool leather a balm against her heated skin. She didn’t mind being naked in front of the other women, and she already knew what it was like to be felt up by Kim and she had found that experience very enjoyable. But the not knowing what they had planned made her nervous, and if she didn’t like what they were going to do then Damien will be dealing with her wrath tonight instead of Isabelle’s.

Warily, she watched Kim and Susan approach her, their arms laden with an assortment of products that didn’t look too suspicious. “A razor?” she squeaked when Susan set a bowl of hot water and a disposable razor on a small table.

“Damien wants you completely bare tonight and that means this,” Susan tugged on a pubic curl, “has to go. Believe me; once you go bald you’ll never want to let it grow back.”

Abby wasn’t so sure of that, but was careful not to move as she lathered a cloth and proceeded to soap her up, then held her breath when Susan traded the cloth for the razor. The smooth glide made her shudder, the slight tug of hair coming off made her nervous and Kim’s oily palms covering her breasts made her jump in excited startlement. “Oh God,” she moaned as the other woman leaned over her with a knowing smile and started kneading her soft mounds, spreading the oil from her neck down to her waist, making sure she covered every single inch of flesh.

“See, we told you you’d like it,” Kim said with a smirk as she rotated her palms over Abby’s nipples. The soft buds quickly hardened under her hands, Abby’s eyes going glassy with her arousal. “I knew you’d be easy. Look at your tits, and we’ve just started.”

Abby looked down and Susan looked up, all eyes on her nipples that were pointing straight up in all their aroused, slick glory. “Now, that’s a pretty sight. Wish I could suckle you again, but I was told to save that for Damien.”

Thank God, was all Abby could think. She wasn’t sure she wouldn’t embarrass herself if Kim used her mouth on her. By the time she had worked the oil down her arms and moved down to start at her feet, Susan was rinsing her off, the warm cloth on her newly exposed skin the most erotic thing she had ever felt.

Damn it, Abby cursed silently as she felt moisture seep from her newly bared labia. She was only human, and there were hands touching her in very sensitive places, places that didn’t care whose hands they were. Her arousal was merely a drop compared to the flood she experienced when with Damien, but it was embarrassing nonetheless, as was the knowing looks on Susan and Kim’s faces when they stared unabashedly at her crotch.

“I’d like to see you two remain unaffected under these circumstances,” she snapped in defense, then felt herself blush even more when they laughed at her consternation.

“Relax, sweetie,” Susan tried to comfort her. “Most of us have already been through this and know exactly how effective preparation can be. That’s why the guys like us to do it. By the time you go downstairs, you’ll be so primed, all Damien will have to do is touch you and you’ll go off like a firecracker.”

“As long as he takes my blood, I won’t care what he does or how fast I get off,” she admitted to them, eager now to get downstairs.


I think that’s a given tonight, and you’ll love it.” Susan oiled her hands and laid her palm over Abby’s pussy, taking her time rubbing it in to the soft flesh, checking for any nubs or hairs she might have missed as she delved between her splayed legs.