Page 54 of Mate With Me

Caitlin laughed, telling them, “I haven’t been sure of much this past week, guys, but of this, now I’m sure.” Wrapping her hands around their cocks, she slowly pumped their rigid flesh, marveling again at their size and at how much she wanted to feel both of them stretching her orifices again. Her hands barely fit around them, but that didn’t keep her from stroking every inch or from cupping their bulbous, smooth heads with her palms.

It only took a few minutes before they both muttered a curse, jumped up and shucked their clothes. Gripping his cock, Luc told her hoarsely, “I’ve never been this hard, Caitlin. You damn well better not be toying with us. It wouldn’t be smart.” He curled his lips just enough to show her the tip of his fangs, letting her know just how aroused he was, ignoring Jon’s scowl. She needed to face the unvarnished truth and consequences if she continued on this course.

“What my uncouth brother is trying to say….” Jon began before she could freak out, only to have her cut him off by reaching for their cocks again with a secret, sultry smile.

“I know what he’s trying to say, and I know what I finally want.” Her mouth had gone dry at the sight of all that hard male flesh, those rippling muscles and those two bare, silk covered, hard as steel cocks. Harder than they’ve ever been, if she believed them, all for her, the troublemaker foster kid from the wrong side of the bayou that no one wanted. And that just wouldn’t do, because she was going to need all the saliva she could muster to explore those lovely cocks with her mouth.

Leaning to her left, she took Luc’s cock into her mouth while tightening her hand around Jon’s. Moving in tandem, she worked their cocks with her mouth and hand, her intention to drive them to the height they had driven her to before they had walked away. Luc’s cock filled her mouth at halfway, stretched her lips as wide as they would go, but that didn’t deter her from stroking over every inch, every ridge, licking every drop. Stroking her thumb over Jon’s crown, she spread his seepage over the mushroom cap as she kept a tight grip on his shaft.

When she felt both cocks harden even more, both jerk with their impending orgasms, she released them and sat back on her heels. “What?” she asked innocently when they frowned at her.

“Caitlin, you can’t win against us,” Jon warned her softly. He knew what she was up to and it wasn’t going to work because this time they weren’t letting her go. She had stepped into the room with her eyes wide open and there would be no going back now.

Caitlin leaned forward again, ignoring his comment and Luc’s silent glare, this time taking Jon’s cock in her mouth and Luc’s in her hand, working them again, using her fist and her tongue to drive them crazy. A few minutes later, the silence was broken with their moans, their hands in her hair, on her neck, coaxing over her breasts as she sucked, licked and pumped their cocks to the very edge of climax. When their hips started pumping with her ministrations, she cupped their sacs, rolling their balls, waiting until they drew up tautly before releasing them again, sitting back on her heels with smug satisfaction at hearing their low growls.

Her satisfaction was short-lived, however, when Luc pulled her to her feet and ground his mouth down on hers, his cock pressing into her waist insistently, Jon’s cock poking her ass just as insistently. Luc released her mouth as abruptly as he had taken it, his eyes going from her to Jon behind her as he said, “Hold her for me then we’ll switch.”

“Works for me.” Jon pulled her slim body back against his, one arm under her breasts, his hand cupping one fleshy mound as his other hand lifted her right leg under her knee, pulling her leg up and out. “Relax against me, darlin’.”

And that quickly they had the tables turned on her, h

ad her eager, more than willing to be fucked by them. Luc wrapped his hand around his cock, his eyes on her spread pussy. There was no hiding her desire, the slick, swollen passage was open for him to see.

Luc reluctantly shifted his gaze from the treasure of her exposed pussy to her face, relieved to see her eyes dark with need, her look accepting and ready. “Tell me you want us,” he demanded, his tone guttural with his own need.

“I want you. Both of you.” She could no more deny that any longer than she could deny she was a redhead.

Luc grabbed her hips and thrust into her without pause, his face tight, his cock filling her completely. Caitlin was grateful for the brace of Jon’s big body behind her as Luc pounded into her, taking her fast and hard, with no holds barred enthusiasm that had her responding in kind. She got off on the way they held her immobile between them, Luc’s tight hold on her hips making sure she had no choice but to take the pummeling thrusts of his cock, Jon’s hard body preventing her from falling back from the force of Luc’s possession. Her climax built with each powerful thrust, each stroke over her clit, with each glide of Jon’s thumb over her nipple. A low growl reverberated from Luc’s chest, making her hotter, wilder, wetter, each deep thrust driving her closer to that edge until she was flying off it in exquisite, body enveloping pleasure.

He loved watching the way her body welcomed his intrusion, the way her smooth lips folded around his cock, the way her slick channel attempted to hold him inside of her. Luc felt the first ripples heralding her climax and then the stronger convulsions as her orgasm soaked his cock with her come, setting off his own climax. The intense pleasure had him leaning toward her, his eyes a fiery glow, his fangs aching to sink into the soft pulse beating just for them.

When she saw his face as well as his intention, Caitlin had no hesitations in turning her head, giving him easier access to her neck. Closing her eyes, she braced for pain, but instead got another fiery dose of pleasure as his bite set off another orgasm that rivaled the first. She was still shuddering from the effects, still lost in the throes of pleasure rippling through her when he pulled away and Jon transferred her into Luc’s arms.

Leaning over her back, Jon kissed her neck where Luc’s bite was visible as Luc handed him the tube of lube they had made sure was handy. “My turn, Cat. Now you’ll have the ultimate pleasure of knowing what it means to belong to both of us.” Liberally greasing two fingers, he slid them between her buttocks and slowly, inexorably, penetrated her ass until both were embedded fully, the small, lingering contractions in her pussy easily felt through the thin membrane separating them.

Draped over Luc’s arm, his hold bracing and secure, Caitlin relaxed, confident this new experience will be as good as everything else they had done to her. The slow, deep plunges of Jon’s fingers in her ass prepared her for the deeper penetration of his cock, the soft stroking of those heretofore unknown nerve endings reigniting her need, had her pussy once again creaming with it, her nipples throbbing in tune with the heated throbbing of the mark on the inside of her thigh. By the time Jon withdrew his fingers and was slowly breaching her anus with the smooth head of his cock, she was writhing against Luc’s arm, her legs shifting with the need to come again.

“More, Jon, please.” She didn’t mind the pleading, desperate note in her voice; she only minded the delay in reaching yet another awesome climax. “Take me, now.”

Jon chuckled at her demand, leaning over her again as he sank fully into her dark channel. “Someday, you’re going to regret your impatience, but not today.” Grabbing her hips, he used his thumbs to spread her cheeks so he could watch his cock taking her ass, then gave her what she wanted.

Caitlin cried out as Jon moved with steady, sure strokes in and out of her ass, the pleasure nearly overwhelming, shocking her with the quick way her body accepted and responded to this new experience. These addictive never-ending orgasms were a good reason to stay and she wanted to wallow in the utter, mindless sensations they were so good at evoking. When Luc slid his free hand under her, his fingers slipping into her sheath and unerringly rooting out her clit, she exploded in yet more, blistering heated pleasure, pleasure that was enhanced when Jon bit into her shoulder, drawing her blood as erotically as he had drawn out another orgasm.

A few minutes later, Caitlin found another excellent reason to stay with them. Lying on the bed, Luc tenderly washed her with a warm cloth while Jon expertly started massaging her feet, slowly moving up her legs as Luc tossed the cloth aside and started working on her arms. Closing her eyes, she basked in their undivided attention, her body growing mellow under their tender ministrations, her mind floating until she drifted into exhausted sleep.

Damien slowed his pace from a fast jog to a slower lope, his cats by his side as he headed back toward the manor. He hadn’t been on a run since bringing Abby home, preferring exercising with her to running, not that he needed to exercise. Just one of the perks of being dead, he mused as he made another lap around the pond. Besides being able to transport anywhere within minutes, extra strength and the ability to communicate telepathically, he never gained or lost weight just as he never aged. He simply stayed the same as he was the day Isabelle had killed him then brought him back. Thinking of Isabelle reminded him of why he had been so tense the past few days and felt in the need of the extra stress relieving exertion a good, hard run afforded him.

Slowing down to a fast walk, he took in the sight of his huge, antebellum home with nostalgic pride. He had been nine years old in 1789 when his parents fled France and had never regretted their decision to settle in this area. The city founded by Frenchman Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville made them feel close to home, the central square, then called the Vieux Carre because of its French Creole elegance and now labeled the French Quarter, was an exact replica of Paris’s central district. By the time the War of 1812 had broken out, his parents had died and he no longer considered himself a Frenchman, but a proud New Orleanian. He died three years later, but, because of Isabelle, he lived again to bear witness to his city suffering through plagues, wars, imperial regime changes and devastating floods, always to bounce back with a smile on its face. He always thought that was due to the inhabitants easy going demeanor, their way of moving at a relaxed pace.

Now there was the distinct possibility his long life with its many ups and downs was nearing an end, because he knew in his gut, that if there was any one of the brethren Isabelle regretted turning, it was him. The woman had been obsessed with him from the moment she sank her fangs into his neck and drained him dry, and he had let her obsession lead him to commit an unforgivable sin. He may have been out of his mind from blood and sex deprivation, but he had no one to blame for allowing himself to become that far gone, that desperate but himself. He knew she’d never forgive him for leaving her, then besting her by saving the members of the brethren from becoming one of her pets, and, most grievously, for coming close to ending her existence. No, when they went up against her, as they were planning to do tonight, it would be him she set her sights on first and foremost. He was positive they could defeat however many rogues she has accumulated, as well as her, but he wasn’t positive they could achieve that goal before she took him out. Considering that very real possibility was the main factor in his decision to mate fully with Abby tonight. He couldn’t bear to deprive either one of them of that ultimate bonding, couldn’t stand for her to mourn his death, if it should come to that, thinking he didn’t love her enough to make that final commitment to her, couldn’t fathom leaving this world after so long without experiencing the ultimate pleasure of making her his in every way. He could take this final step with her in private, like Jacob and Jon and Luc had with Grace and Caitlin, but he felt the urge to claim her publicly, let there be no doubt among the brethren that he was fully committed to her.

It had taken Abby’s dogged persistence and utter faith in him to make him see she would never come to harm directly from him and he no longer had a fear on that score. What he feared most now was that she, and the brethren, discovered what he had done all those decades ago, what he was capable of if pushed too far. He didn’t think he could bear to see the condemnation, the disappointment and the horror on their faces if he survived the upcoming battle only to lose their respect and friendship. And he knew he’d never survive losing Abrielle’s love.

Damien gave both tigers a belly rub before sending them back to the bayou. Stepping inside, the sound of the three women laughing drew him towards the kitchen. His mansion had always been a showcase of its history and held many fond memories as well as many sad ones. It was a place he was proud of, comfortable in and loved, but it had never felt like a home until recently. Their mates human influence had brought laughter back to the quiet halls, the preparation of real food gave his kitchen a purpose again, the mouth-watering aromas stirring hungers long forgotten and their personal items strewn about gave the place a much needed lived-in look. All things he hadn’t realized he missed until now. Now, he didn’t want to do without them again.

Shoving aside his melancholy, he imagined Abby’s reaction when he took her tonight in front of everyone. He knew she would get off on the exhibitionism, but he was betting it will be his bite that really pleases her. Stepping into the kitchen, he winked at Grace and Caitlin as he walked right over to Abby where she stood in front of the stove. Ignoring Grace and Caitlin’s smirks, he wrapped his arm around her, turned her head, and took her mouth in a deep, tongue probing, wet kiss, his hard cock pressed intimately against her ass, leaving her in no doubt about how much he wanted her.

“Get a room,” Caitlin said, nudging Damien as she passed him taking dishes to the table.