She sighed, her body going lax as they withdrew a few moments later. Another click brought her head back up and the blindfold was removed. She blinked until both their faces came into focus.

“Now it’s your turn, little bit.” Greg kissed her first, then Devin before dipping their heads to her breasts and releasing her wrists.

“Come for us, baby,” Devin ordered in his no-nonsense way.

What choice did she have as the girls went ballistic from their dual suckling and the slutty bitch leapt for joy with the thrust of several fingers in both her pussy and rectum? She screamed, her orgasm breaking on waves of saturating pleasure that drenched her system and flooded her senses as her heart raced and her breathing stalled.

“Again,” Greg insisted, nipping at one engorged tip.

Another climax rolled through her, as if her body decided it had no choice, no defense against those deep, commanding voices and deep-stroking fingers. The forgotten ball dropped from her nerveless fingers as she reached up and sank her fingers into their hair, holding them close until she could think straight again.

Chapter 14

“We’re ready to head out,” Tom told Devin as his manager joined him at the head of the line of saddled horses.

Bracing one hand on Thor’s saddle, Devin squinted, looking over the mounts they’d chosen to take the group on this ride to the lake. “More people signed up than Greg and I planned for,” he murmured, his gaze swinging to the five young guys who had decided just that morning to ditch hunting for this excursion. Between them, the two couples and Otis and Silas’ surprise sign-up, their group totaled fifteen. A number that made him uneasy considering the threat against Kelsey.

“You and I personally saddled the horses, so we know the cinches are secure, and these mounts have all made this ride before and enjoy the swim.” Tom’s eyes conveyed his curiosity as he looked at him. “What are you worried about?”

“There are always risks.” They hadn’t told any of their employees about Kelsey’s troubles; she was their responsibility, and one Devin was now embracing with every fiber of his being. Her submission this past week had reeled him in, hook, line and sinker, and he wouldn’t breathe easy until the threat against her was removed, once and for all. “Let me check in with Greg and we’ll get going.”

Kelsey smiled at him as he strode down the line, taking time to say a word or two to the guests already mounted or standing by their horse. He would miss her, he thought as he searched for signs she wasn’t dealing well with their scene last night. Sometimes, it was difficult to remember how new she was to their lifestyle. She’d fallen asleep on the long drive home last night, and just like last week, they’d carried her in, undressed her and put her to bed. Unlike last week, neither of them had been willing to leave her unprotected, not even in the safety of their locked, secure house, and they’d spent another cramped night squeezed together in the queen-sized bed.

Waking stiff and sore hadn’t bothered him, nor had turning her over to Greg to escort her to breakfast while he grabbed a quick bite at home and met up with Tom to prepare for today’s ride. What did rub Devin wrong was the thought of trying to keep her close with such a large group. If it wouldn’t have meant taking a huge risk of losing the reputation they’d worked so hard to build up by refunding their fees and making up a lie to send them on their way, he would empty out the cabins today. Maybe not Otis and Silas, he mused as he waved to the older men who were beaming in fondness at Kelsey. They’d already cancelled the last, upcoming reservations before they shut down for the year.

“Hey, I’m ready to move.” He drilled Greg with a piercing stare. “Everyone has been milling around the horses since Tom and I saddled them. Have you double checked Cleo?”

“No, but you obviously think we should,” Greg returned, his green eyes darkening.

Kelsey’s bright blue gaze swung from Greg to him, a small frown creasing her forehead. With her white/blonde hair pulled back in a high ponytail, she looked all of fifteen, and just as innocent, which accounted for the tight clench of Devin’s abdomen.

“You saddled her yourself, Devin, so relax.” She ran a hand over Cleo’s flank with a familiarity and fond look that proved how attached she’d become to the little mare.

“It never hurts to double check our work.” Greg slipped between Cleo and Cherokee and flipped up the stirrup. A cold chill skated down Devin’s spine when he heard Greg curse. “Fuck. It’s loose, just enough the saddle could easily work itself sideways by the time we reach the lake.” His icy gaze cut to Devin. “Someone was wily enough to do this with all these people around.”

They both scanned their guests, most of whom had mounted and were sitting with eager anticipation etched on their faces as they bantered between each other. The likelihood one of them was the person hired to come after Kelsey couldn’t be discounted, regardless of the background checks that cleared them. An impotent surge of rage gripped Devin. The incident with Cleo on the hilltop could have been an accident, but he had tightened that strap himself. It did not become loose without help. “I think it’s best if we play it safe and…”

“No,” Kelsey snapped, cutting him off and trying to squeeze past Greg to mount her horse. “I’ve been looking forward to this all week and I want to go.” A wave of desperation tightened her entire body. She refused to give this person the satisfaction of seeing her cower and hide. She’d lost so much already; her trust in the McAllisters, her peace of mind and the freedom to come and go as she pleased, without fear. She wouldn’t give up accumulating the memories she craved to take home with her. Looking up at Greg, who refused to budge, she reached up and pushed his hat back so she could see his eyes clearly. “Please. I want to do this and,” she flicked her eyes back to Devin, “I trust you two to keep me safe.”

She held her breath, waiting for their answer, and when it finally came, she went giddy with relief. Devin gave Greg a curt nod, spun around and strode to the front of the line as Greg lifted her into the saddle.

“I hope to God you don’t make us regret this. I’ll stay right behind you as we ride single file to the creek. Once there, we’ll spread out a little, but you will remain glued to me or Devin, our horses neck to neck, our legs touching even in the lake.”

“I will.” She nodded and took the reins. “I promise.” And she wasn’t dumb enough to break that promise.

Cleo pranced as soon as her hooves splashed in the creek. The afternoon sun warmed Kelsey’s head and shoulders as excited chatter from the other riders circled around her. Vicki turned in her saddle and looked back with a broad smile, the third time she’d done so since they’d started out.

“I thought the water would be too cold, but the light splashes feel good, don’t they?” The younger woman’s eyes bounced between Devin and Greg and then back to Kelsey.

Kelsey couldn’t fault her for the glint of appreciation for her cowboys she didn’t try to hide, but wondered why that light dimmed when the newlywed looked her way. Jealousy? That would be a first, she mused, and an ego-boosting thought. “Yeah, it does, but we might feel differently when we go deeper in the lake.”

“It’s not bad,” Greg said. “Mountain lakes tend to be colder but the warmer temperature will make getting our legs wet comfortable.” He pointed up ahead. “And here we are.”

Kelsey noticed the stunning, picturesque view first as they waded through the gurgling creek right into the lake surrounded by majestic mountain rises and towering green pines. As the horses slowly moved into the deeper water, she took note of the way Greg and Devin kept constant watch on everyone while remaining close to her. If the reason for their over-protective diligence weren’t so nerve-racking, she could learn to enjoy that side of them.

As soon as she felt the smooth glide of Cleo swimming under her, Kelsey shoved all worries aside to have fun. Nothing could have prepared her for the sheer enjoyment of floating through the water on horseback. Mr. Kilpatrick looked over and waved, eying her for a moment before calling out, “I figured a little thing like you would get swept off. Glad to see our hosts are making sure that doesn’t happen.”

“I’m stronger than I look,” she returned with a smile. She still couldn’t believe any of these people meant her harm and preferred thinking there had to be another explanation for the loosened strap after Devin had tightened it.