By the time they rode back to the corrals, still damp but exuberant over their outing, and nothing untoward had occurred, Kelsey was even more sure the strap had not been an intentional attempt to cause a mishap sometime during their ride. She didn’t say that to the guys, however. One look at their set-in-stone faces as they dismounted and she knew they wouldn’t lighten up.

“Did we overreact?” Greg stood in the den, ran a hand through his hair and around his neck as he watched Kelsey fix a cup of tea in the kitchen.

“Fuck, no,” Devin retorted as he eyed her with a brooding look. “Do you honestly think we should let our guard down?”

“No, just wishing for her sake things were different. I don’t like the shadows under her eyes.”

“If there wasn’t a threat, she wouldn’t be here,” Devin reminded him.

“Yeah, I guess,” Greg agreed, sending him a shrewd look. “You’ve certainly done a one-eighty in the last week.”

Devin shrugged. “She grew on me.”

“I know what you mean. I’m going to have Jordan double check those names and get changed while you stay with her. I’ll hurry to give you time before we start the barbeque. Did you get hold of that last reservation this morning?” With the hunting party checking out tomorrow and the two couples leaving Tuesday morning, they would have an easier time watching Kelsey. To play it safe, they’d decided to cancel the four upcoming reservations that were the last for the year, offering full refunds and a free, five-night stay next year for the inconvenience.

“Yes. He wasn’t happy, but he was the only one to give me grief over it.” Devin’s tone indicated he didn’t care and Greg agreed. One person’s disgruntlement was worth the peace of mind in keeping Kelsey safe.

“Then let’s get through the next thirty-six hours.”

“This isn’t working,” he said as soon as they entered the cabin. “We didn’t factor in on Fisher and Young being glued to her hip.” Frustration colored his tone and took a bite out of his usual calm manner.

“So we go to plan B. Check out at our scheduled time and back track at night. Instead of getting to her after an accident lays her up, we’ll just take her out and run,” his partner returned, stripping off her wet clothes.

“And her self-appointed bodyguards?”

She shrugged. “We’ll do them for free just because they’ve foiled our plans and pissed me off.”

“I’m going to bed.” Kelsey jumped up and looked at the two of them with hopeful expectation. Sitting nestled between her cowboys watching a movie without either man making a move to get under her clothes had added to her frustration of the past few days.

Yesterday, she’d stayed holed up in the house, working while Greg and Devin took turns keeping guard and seeing the hunting party off. They’d disappointed her again by sharing her bed but not touching her. While she was grateful for their protection, she yearned to experience their full, dual possession before she went home. Now that the other guests were gone and the only ones left were Otis and Silas, whom she knew they trusted implicitly, there was no reason why they couldn’t pick up where they’d left off Saturday night at the club. Jordan sent each of them a text that morning, letting them know the Swedish authorities were in possession of the lockbox she’d inherited. As soon as they verified the evidence her father hid in it, they would interrogate her father’s partner and with luck, pull the identity of the hired thug from him so she could return home.

Greg stood and shook his head, hating to dim the light in her eyes, especially since he knew she wouldn’t understand why neither of them intended to touch her again until they neutralized the threat to her safety. They wouldn’t make that mistake again, and just because the guests had departed as of that morning didn’t mean the hired perpetrator wouldn’t double back. “Devin will stay with you in the bedroom. I’ll be on watch out here.”

Her eyes narrowed to blue slits as her gaze volleyed between the two of them. He knew the moment realization took hold and she took it about as well as he’d suspected. “Fine, but I want one kick at the bastard before you haul him off.” She pivoted and all but stomped toward the hall.

Devin winced but Greg’s lips twitched as he murmured, “I have no doubt where she’ll aim that small foot or of its impact.”

“Neither do I. I’ll spell you in a few hours.” Devin followed Kelsey to the bedroom as Greg settled back on the couch and put his feet up.

Silas glanced at the bedside clock and finally gave up on getting to sleep. His insomnia had decided to kick his butt tonight and past experience told him he would continue fighting a losing battle just lying in bed. Grabbing his pants off the chair, he slipped them on and padded quietly out to the small living room. The tight space in the two-bedroom cabin didn’t bother either him or Otis; they spent the month on the ranch for the fishing, peace and quiet and friendly socializing. Grabbing a can of pop from the mini refrigerator, he waited until he stepped outside and settled on the porch chair to pop it open and take a long, cold swig.

The star-studded night and fresh air calmed his annoyance over spending the last few hours tossing and turning while his best friend’s light snores filtered through the walls. He envied Otis’ restful sleep. His gaze swept the moon-lit yard as he brought the soda to his mouth again, every muscle tensing when he caught sight of two dark, hunkering shapes sneaking around behind their host’s cabin. Nobody dressed in black clothing and ski masks ran around in a crouch on the ranch late at night, and given everyone except him and Otis had checked out that morning, his inner alarm went on high alert.

Dashing inside to get his phone and awaken Otis, he prayed he could reach either Devin or Greg.

Greg’s phone buzzed with a text, drawing his frown considering the late hour. He checked the sender and went taut with worry when he saw Silas’ name. He and Otis were the only guests other than Kelsey they’d shared their private numbers with and neither man had ever had a need to use them. The 911 code that popped up followed by two people sneaking behind your place propelled him to his feet and storming down the hall with his gun in one hand and his other thumb texting Silas back. On it, stay put.

He entered the bedroom with a stealth he hadn’t forgotten since retiring, but needn’t have worried. Devin had already slid from the bed and clutched his piece as he rolled Kelsey off and bent to whisper in her ear. Bless her heart, she kept quiet, nodded and scooted under the bed without a word. Using hand signals, he informed his partner he was headed around back, leaving Devin to take the window.

Greg cursed under his breath as he inched around the rear of the house and saw both Otis and Silas creeping up behind the two perpetrators, one of whom was lifting a can of what looked like gasoline. The fuckers dared to force Kelsey out the front by setting fire under her window? He had no doubt their plan was to ambush her, Devin and him as they rushed out of the house.

Before he could take aim and fire, Otis ran forward, brandishing a large branch. Fear for the older man tightened his throat as he shouted, “Otis, stop!” Instead of backing off, Otis swung and knocked the can from the perp’s hand just as the other would-be assailant pulled his own weapon. Greg didn’t hesitate or flinch as he squeezed off two rounds and took the guy down; Devin’s shot, coming from inside, hit the smaller person as Otis and Silas backed off and he swung out the window.

Greg and Devin kept their guns aimed at the downed invaders as they bent to check their pulses. “Is he still breathing?” Greg asked Devin after confirming the one he shot was dead.

“She.” Devin whipped off the ski mask to reveal Mrs. Kilpatrick’s sightless eyes staring up at him. “And I’m happy to say I’m still a damn good shot. She’ll be joining her husband in Hell.”

“Works for me.” Greg looked toward Otis a