Page 68 of Finding Solace

“You know I will.”

Finding some relief, I smile. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

Just as I turn, Jason walks toward the barn looking as devastatingly handsome as always. “You sticking around, Billy?” He’s far enough away not to have heard us talking.

“I was thinking about it. I was also thinking about getting laid.”

“Billy.” I shake my head and pretend I was tending to the rusted tools hanging on the wall. “Gross.”

“Really? Are we fifteen? A man has needs, Delilah. I’m assuming a woman does too, so I’m going to go help one out with those needs tonight.”

Jason’s laughing too hard and smart enough not to get involved in the conversation. I start back for the house, but I stop and go back. “You can’t say stuff like that in front of my sister when she comes to visit.”

Billy swipes a piece of hay and jabs it in the side of his mouth, smirking. “Why not?”

I shake my head at his ridiculousness. “Because she’s used to men with class.”


“And,” I say, then huff, frustrated he doesn’t get my drift without me spelling it out. “And do you have a tie?”

“Delilah.” Now Jason joins in, chuckling under his breath at me. “Leave the poor guy alone.”

“What? I’m just asking if he has a tie.”

Billy responds instead, “Yes, I do. Why, are you trying to set me up with Shelby?”

“Because I like you, and I love her, and I think you guys might work well together.”

“Your sister has hated me since I was eight. I don’t think she’s gonna go for you trying to set us up.”

“That’s not a no. Anyway, nobody even remembers you pushing her into the mud.”

“Except you.”

And my sister. “Doesn’t matter,” I reply. “We’re not kids anymore. Right, Jason?”

His hands are up, and he’s backing away. “I’m not getting involved in this one since it predates my arrival in Solace Pointe.”

Rolling my eyes, I turn back to Billy. “Wear the tie for dinner on that Friday night. Okay?”

Yanking the hay from his mouth, Billy huffs. “Am I going to church?”

“No, but if you play your cards right—oh God, what am I saying?” I laugh at myself for setting my sister up like this. Lord help me if she figures it out. “Just wear something nice—not too dressy but not straight off the farm.”

“Some women like straight off the farm, but I have a feeling your sister is not going to like this setup one bit.”

“What’s not to like? Four friends getting together to hang out and catch up is all good stuff.”

“Guess we’ll find out. As for these tools, I think I can clean ’em up and sell them. You don’t use them, and Paul has his own.”

“If we can make some money, let’s sell them. Every penny counts right now.”

Jason nudges me. “Speaking of money, I wanted to talk when you have a few minutes.”

Although I’m curious to know what he wants to talk about specifically, I don’t push for more with Billy standing here. “I’m free now.”

Billy gets to work, pulling the tools out from the corner, and I join Jason as he walks to the back of Billy’s truck. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you as well, but you go first. Is everything all right?” I ask.

“Yeah, it’s good. I’m good. You?” This is awkward. Dragging down the tailgate, he motions for me to sit.

I hop up and let my feet dangle. “I’m good. Since we’re all good, I wanted to ask about the fair again. With Red River not working out how we planned, how do you feel about going?”

He moves between my legs, covering my bare thighs with his large hands. “I’m fine with it. The reality is we can’t stay holed up here forever.”

“I don’t want to be controlled by my ex.” The tips of his fingers dip under my cutoffs and then work around to my ass. I’ve discovered he’s such an ass man.

“I fucking hate that you even have an ex.” Taking me by surprise, he brings me in for a kiss. It’s possessive and greedy, abrupt and lustful. My body’s temperature rises as does my need for him.

“How do you turn me on from one kiss?”

“Because you know what follows.” He lifts me off the hot metal and rights me on my feet again. “You want to go upstairs?”

Looking back at Billy, I debate briefly but decide against it. “He works for free to help me out. I think we should finish the chores.”

“I’ll wait, but I can’t promise I’ll be good.”

“Good because I love when you’re bad.”

His hands span my lower back. I love being engulfed by him. But thinking about him holding me to the fire with Billy, I also respect him. It wasn’t a callout to hurt me or shame me, humiliate me, or demean me in any way. I’ve not held the same level for anyone since my father. “Hold on to your britches, Ms. Noelle, because I put the bad in bad boy.”