Page 69 of Finding Solace

“Bad boys are my weakness.”

“Then I’m one lucky bastard.”

I’m the lucky one, but I’ll let him own the title for a bit. “We should finish the chores so we can have some fun sooner rather than later.”

“I like the way you think.”

“I like everything about you.”

The tips of his fingers slide inside the waistband of my shorts, and my body responds instantly to his touch. In the heat of the day, he manages to make me shiver from desire while goose bumps pebble my skin.

Billy comes out of the barn. “I’m taking off.”

I back up a few steps from Jason, who says, “Your timing really fucking sucks.”

“Thank you would be nice. Don’t mind me. You guys can roll in the hay or whatever it is you’re wanting to do. Just don’t tell me about it and don’t make me watch.”

I close the tailgate for him. “Thanks for helping out.”

“You’re welcome. About the fair tomorrow—”

“We’ll be there,” Jason replies, surprising me. “Want to ride together?”

He shakes his head. “Nah. I’m hoping to bring whoever I meet tonight to the fair tomorrow.”

Laughing, I say, “You’ve really thought this through.”

“My needs come with plans. I’m not a love ’em and leave ’em kind of guy, despite what you hear around town.”

“Noted,” I reply. “Then we’ll see you there around six?”

“I’ll be there with the football team. I promised to kick their asses at the carnival games.”

Jason adjusts his hat. “You’re stooping to new lows if you’re betting against high school kids.”

“They’re big dudes these days. Anyway, I’ll let them win. Builds their confidence before the game this weekend. Also, I got roped into judging the Mutton Bustin’ race.”

Elbowing him, I tease, “You old softie.”

“Guess they figure the all-time winning champion in Freeland County will make a good judge.”

He’s got me in a corner, but then he says, “And cowboys tend to screw up their marriages. I bet there will be a lot of hot single moms there.” And then I’m reminded why we never hooked up.

“Ugh. I thought you were bringing a date.”

“Date, not wife.”

“Again. Ugh. Why’d you have to go and ruin it? I’m going inside.”

I leave the guys laughing in my wake. Inside, I grab the iced tea container from the windowsill after noticing the deep, bright color it’s turned from steeping in the sun all morning. Jason comes in the back door just as I finish filling two large glasses.

“It’s not sweet,” I warn.

“That’s okay,” he says, coming to me. “I haven’t had sweet tea since I moved away from here.” He licks the side of my neck. “And you’re sweet enough for me.”

“Ahh,” I sigh, giving him easier access. “And sweaty.”

“I know. It’s fucking sexy as hell.” His hands wander as my eyes dip closed.

“We shouldn’t,” I whisper in all the ways that counteract how I’m feeling.

His breath breezes across my skin when he whispers, “You sure about that?”

He makes it hard to tick through my list of chores, much less even remember what they are. “I have so much to do.” I tug him closer.

“I want to do you.” His voice is muffled as he sucks on my neck.

Anxiety takes over the pleasure, and I push back. “Jason, stop.”

Shock and hurt run across his face as we’re forced apart. “What?”

Realizing too late what he must think, I move closer again, reaching to close some of the distance. He takes my hand, clasping it between his. I whisper, “No. No. I don’t mean this. Or us, but if you leave a mark . . .” I stop myself from continuing that thought for worry of upsetting him.

“If I leave a mark, so what? Who’s going to care?” It dawns on him before I can answer, and his puzzled expression hardens. “Because of Cutler?” He knows the answer without me filling in the silence. “It’s none of his fucking business what we do. He’s your ex, Delilah. He doesn’t have a place in our lives, much less a say.”

Gripping the counter behind me, I’m not scared of Jason. His kind heart always puts me front and center, but I am worried about him. The one person who could push Jason too far is the one who would love to do it. Revel in it, in fact. And I’d lose Jason all over again because let’s face it. Cole would never survive an encounter with Jason if it came down to it. I have no doubt about that. “I know. I just don’t want to incite him. If he sees a hickey on my neck, he’ll flip out, and who knows what he’ll do.”

“The fuck?” Wild eyes stare into me as his hands fist at his sides. I’ve never seen him this angry and never at me before.

“You don’t understand. You weren’t here when tiny things would set Cole off. I was. Alone.”