Page 43 of Finding Solace

She seems to gather her courage, looking determined. “Yes, I did say I like your ass.”

“That has to be one of the hottest things I’ve ever heard.” I push in just enough to make her feel what’s to come. “I want you to grab it.”

Her eyebrows shoot up. “Huh?”

“You heard me. Grab my ass and squeeze to your heart’s content.”

“I bet you say that to all the girls you sleep with,” she smarts back, rolling her eyes.

“I don’t sleep with any girls.” I push in another inch or so.

A gasp escapes her, and she struggles to keep her eyes open, but she does it as if on a mission. “I know that’s a lie.”

“It’s more like let me call you an Uber.”

“Now that does not surp—Oh God, yes.”

Filling her to the hilt, I pause not for some grand effect but because she feels so damn good that I’m about to blow before I can make her come. Lowering my head, I whisper in her ear, “You are amazing.”

She whispers right back, “I’m not doing anything but lying here.”

I lift up to find her eyes. “You don’t get it, do you? It’s not about all the other stuff with us. It’s about being together, our physical and emotional connection. I’m glad I came back.”

Her eyes shine, a glassiness covering them as her expression softens. “I’m so glad you came back.” Caressing my cheeks, she adds, “Now please start moving.”

My body easily finds a rhythm with hers. Her eyelids close, and I lean down and kiss her sumptuous lips, parting them as my tongue meets hers, and everything deepens when I start thrusting. Just as she said earlier, it feels so good to lose myself in something bigger than my thoughts.

We hit that bliss together, our bodies wracked with pleasure and lust melding together. We lie on the bed, catching our breaths with my arm curled around her as she curls around me. This feels normal, as though we do this all the time. Nothing feels out of place. Nothing feels wrong or rushed.

Everything about being with her in this house feels how it should.

Everything about her feels right.

With the only girl I ever loved in my arms, my restless heart finds contentment.


Solace . . .



I stare at the man beside me.

There’s not much light in the room, but there’s enough afternoon sunshine sneaking through the bent blinds for me to see the differences between the boy I once thought I’d spend my life with and the man sleeping next to me.

He’s restless.

Even behind closed lids, his eyes never seem to settle. With my hand on his chest, his heart beats fast even in slumber. There are small lines that remind me more of cat’s whiskers than crow’s feet at the corners of his eyes. They’re soft, but I see them digging in for the long haul. They look so much more distinguished on him than the ones settling in on my face from years of squinting in the sun.

Jason’s nose has a small bump that wasn’t there before. I like it. I’m tempted to run my finger over it and land on the lips that look like pillows where my mouth could rest easy. The stubble is thick, but not so thick that it’s a beard needing to be shaved. It’s hard to decide if I like this look or a clean-shaven face on him best. Both highlight the jaw that’s gotten sharper over the years.

I see the clouds of the design of his tattoo so much better in the soft light of the sun peeking into the room. The artwork of the tattoo is both beautiful and sad. I hope that was him then, and he can find happiness now because I sure do love the comfort of being in his arms again.

Too soon?

I’m not sure.

Although I want to enjoy this time with him, I slip into my usual routine and start to analyze the situation to death. Why did I walk away from this man? He’s never been anything but honest with me, so forthcoming with how he feels.

If given a real second chance, I won’t be that stupid again. I need to trust in the journey. I won’t deviate from this path if it feels this good to be with him.

“Hey,” I whisper.

As if he’s been awake the whole time, his eyes open, showing me those gorgeous brown eyes that always held too much emotion for him to hide from me. Despite his body’s restlessness, his soulful eyes are at peace as they stare into mine. His arm tightens around me, pulling me closer. “Hey,” he whispers, brushing some strands of my hair behind my ear. “Everything okay?”

Resting my chin on his chest, I look at him. “Everything’s good. Better than good.”

A languid smile moves into place and holds steady. “Guess we should get up. I slept harder than I thought I would for an afternoon nap.”