Page 42 of Finding Solace

Not waiting another second, I land on top of her, wedging my big build between those sexy tan legs, and shamelessly squeeze her tits. Rubbing her hand along the roughness of my cheek, the smile disappears. “I like you being home.”

“Is that where I am, honeysuckle? Am I home?” It’s a loaded question I shouldn’t have asked. I know better. I hate being put on the spot, but she makes me want to hear words I have no right to make her admit. Not this soon. It’s not even been twenty-four hours in her presence, and here I am, clinging to her words as if they determine the rest of my life.

Do they?

I don’t know, but then she says, “You could be,” and I’m totally lost to her. Kissing her, I’m not gentle or easy, and she’s not polite or reserved. She’s the opposite—demanding and grabby hands—and I fucking love it.

Pushing my pelvis against hers, I’m so turned on I could fuck her through these jeans. But I want her naked, so I push up and start stripping down. I’m almost done when she lifts a leg. “Help me with my boots, cowboy.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Taking her by the heel and toe of the boot, I wiggle the boot until it comes off, then pull the sock off. Why is this so sexy? I’m quick with the other. Fuck, stripping her down to nothing is the best part of the morning.

A smirk wriggles across her face. “We should be naked already.”

She’s right.

Our clothes go flying, and there’s my goddess—bare innocence with a good helping of vixen mixed in. I’m rock-hard just looking at her. She reaches up and grabs a condom from the drawer while I climb back on the bed, taking hold of that fine ass of hers. “I want you like this.”

She stills, the giddiness from seconds earlier dissipating under my heated request. Looking back over her shoulder, she asks, “From behind or . . .?” leaving her question open-ended.

Reading people is something I’ve become very good at over the years. Tracking them down, reading between their lies, research, when they beg for their lives comes in handy in the most interesting ways. Like now. She’s intrigued, but a little fear resides in her tone. I don’t want Delilah scared. I want her turned on. I want to be the one who turns her on.

Leaning to the side, I say, “Look at me.” She catches my eyes and waits. Rubbing my hand gingerly up her spine, I gently grasp her delicate neck. “We only do what you want to do, what you’re comfortable doing. If you want it slow, want to make love, then we go slow. You want me to fuck you hard, fast, and so deep until your orgasm bursts free, then I fuck you. You can trust me, Delilah. So tell me. How can I pleasure you?”

The tips of my fingers find stillness where her pulse was just beating rapidly. “Breathe. For me. That’s my only request,” I add.

She sucks in a jagged breath and swallows. “I want all of that with you.”

A slow smirk slides into place before I kiss her shoulder. “Good. I want all of that with you, too. How about we start with slow and steady right here.” I dip my hand between her legs and run my fingers through her slick silkiness. Her back bends and arches when her head drops down. “When you touch me, I lose myself. It’s good to be out of my mind and in your world for a little while.”

Moving to the side, I hear what she needs, her body speaking to me through every reaction. Lying on my back, I look at her, and she looks at me, a small smile appearing. “Don’t you want me like this?” she asks.

“Don’t you know, baby? I want you any way I can have you. Tell me what you want.”

“I want to see your face while you make love to me.”

I lift up and kiss her while slowly moving over her. When she’s lying on her back and tucked beneath me, I angle my middle. I could slide right in I’m so close. Her heat. Her sweet nectar. Fuck. I grab a condom and pull it on quickly before moving back into place. “I was just about here—”

“I know we decided slow and steady, but having you here again, feeling your body . . .” The smallest of lines form on the outside of her eyes as her happiness shines through. “I hope you don’t think I’m shallow, but I really like your muscles—your biceps, your abs, your . . .” Her breathing deepens and her eyes leave mine when she whispers, “Ass.”

“What was that?” I tilt her chin in my direction, and her gaze follows. “Did you say you like my ass?”