Page 38 of Finding Solace

After cleaning the kitchen, Delilah and I go back upstairs while Billy heads out to the barn. “How much does Billy help you out here?”

“Don’t get jealous,” she says, poking me in the side when she passes. Sitting in a chair, she pulls on a pair of socks and then steps into her work boots. Heaven almighty. My memory seriously had failed me when it came to this woman. She is no girl at all. With grown-up curves and a sense about her that draws me to her like a moth to a flame, she’s a fantasy come to life, easily outshining any centerfold I’ve ever seen.

Rolling in the hay and riding in the saddle take on a whole new filthy and oh, so dirty meaning with the vision standing before me.

“What?” she asks with her hands planted on her hips again.

“You sure do have a lot of sass with that hot ass.”

Shaking those same sexy hips as she passes by me, she says, “You seem like you can handle me.”

I smack her hard on her back end, making her squeal as she turns to me. I pull her by the belt loops until we’re face-to-face, only a breath away. “You know I can. No seeming about it. If you want to be bent over this bed or a hay bale in the barn, then I suggest you keep doing exactly what you’re doing.”

Watching her lick that bottom lip is about to do me in, but then she douses the fire burning inside me. “As tempting as you make hay sound, Billy’s waiting out back.” She takes my hands and lifts up on her toes to kiss me. “Spend the day with me.”

“That’s a hard offer to turn down.”

“Then don’t, and I’ll make sure hard is all you are later on.”

Cupping her jaw, I bring her in for another kiss. This time with purpose and passion, a thank you, ma’am, and I look forward to later kiss. A deal struck and sealed with our lips. “I’m going to hold you to that.”

She nips at my jaw and then kisses the spot. “I’m hoping you’ll hold me to a lot of things later. But first,” she says, walking away, “we’ve got work to do.” I’m still standing there admiring the view when she stops and looks back. “C’mon now. Daylight’s burning.”

“So am I,” I mumble and then laugh. She heads outside, and I sit and put my socks and shoes on. When I’m done, I go into the bathroom and scrounge around until I find a toothbrush. I bust open the package and brush before I head out to help. I feel better just in case we need to kiss at the feed store.

In the cab of Billy’s dad’s truck, they talk upfront. It’s a nice ride, so I get more comfortable in the back seat and stretch my legs out when I decide I should text my mom. She’s not been my keeper for many years, but I know she worries about me.

Me: Hi, Ma. Helping Billy and Delilah out today at the Noelle farm. Just checking in.

I lead with Billy, hoping that doesn’t tip her off to ask too many questions.

She doesn’t reply right away, but I get a return text before we reach Kerbyville town lines.

Mom: Hope you got some breakfast out of the deal.

Me: I did.

Mom: I meant food, Jason.

My mom’s got jokes this morning. Although I’ll always be her baby, as she constantly reminds me, it’s nice that she treats me like a man.

Me: Ha! I’ll be home later. Let me know if you need me to stop and get you anything.

Mom: Have fun.

Me: You too. Love you.

Mom: Love you too, son.

Delilah rests her arm on the seat and looks back at me. “What’s so funny?”

I lift my eyes to her curious ones. “Just texting with my mom.”

“That’s sweet.”

“I hate worrying her.”

“She’s such a good lady.” She glances out the windshield and then back at me. “Have you spent any time with Fred Carver?”

What an odd question. “No. Just when I went to General Hardware a week or so ago. Why?”

Her eyes go slightly wide, and she turns away from me. “Oh, no reason.”

“Why would I spend time with Fred Carver?” I see Billy glance over at her, and she looks at him before she keeps avoiding the question. “Delilah?”

With a heavy sigh, she angles back in the seat again. “I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“Yes, you should. Like now is a good time to say something.”

Worry creases her forehead, the look not good enough to grace her face. “Tell me. Please.”

Looking at her side, her hands twist together. When she finally looks up, she says, “Your mom and Fred have been dating. From my understanding, it’s casual, but she told me she likes him.”

“What?” I’m shaking my head in complete denial. “No, no way.” She’s not facing me, but I can see her cringing face. “Is she really?”