Page 37 of Finding Solace

We may not have wanted to talk last night, but we’ll need to soon. I splash my face with cool water and pat it dry before heading downstairs. Passing through the living room, I follow the sounds from the kitchen and find Delilah scrambling eggs.

Her back is to me, which gives me a second to take her in. Her hair is up in a messy bun on top of her head, the delicate lines of her neck visible. She’s in a black tank top that shows off the curve from her waist to her hips, leading my gaze lower to her ass—round enough to fill out that pair of cutoffs that her daddy would never approve of.

As for me? They’ve got my stamp of approval. Bare legs and feet anchor her to a mat with an ugly teapot design. With a hand planted on her side, she tilts her hips as if she’s lost patience for how long it’s taking the eggs to cook.

I ease up behind her. Sliding my hands around her waist, I kiss the back of her exposed neck. Her body tenses at first and then quickly eases. She leans her head back on my shoulder, then kisses my neck. “Good morning,” I say, sliding my hands over the top of the tank until her tits fill them.

The spatula is discarded, and she spins in my arms, weaving her arms around my neck. “Good morning.”

I turn off the stove and move the pan to a cold burner before pressing her ass against the counter next to it. “You smell amazing.”

“That’s the bacon.”

“No. It’s you.”

“I haven’t showered. I’m still dirty from last night.”

With my lips against her neck, I hum. “Yeah, dirty. So dirty. I’m so hungry. For you. Want to go back to the bedroom?” Lifting her, I raise my gaze to meet hers. “Or we could test out that kitchen table like we used to joke about.”

Laughter fills the kitchen, and she languidly gazes into my eyes, something more than lust filling the centers. Like . . . love? The word wife comes back to bounce around the vacant space in my heart Delilah left behind.

“My parents used to have a cup of coffee at that table every morning and eat a meal there every night. They said it was the only time they were guaranteed together with the busyness of their lives.”

“So that’s a yes to the table?” I tease.

“That’s a—”

“What the hell?” Her response is cut short when the screen door opens, and a man’s voice booms. “Jason Koster’s truck is out front.”



“Morning, Billy,” Delilah says as her hands press against me.

I take a step back and let her tend to the eggs in the pan like we weren’t just caught. Looking over my shoulder, I see a goofy wide grin spreading across his face as the screen door slams shut behind him. I shake my head. “Your timing sucks.”

“Good morning to you, too, sunshine.” He sits down at the table, making himself at home like he’s staying a while. “Whatcha cookin’ over there, other than some delicious-smelling bacon and freshly brewed coffee?”

Replying while crossing my arms, I glare at him. “Nothing now. What brings you out to the farm?”

He chuckles and takes off his hat just as Delilah sets a plate in front of him. “I could ask you the same thing.” He smiles up at her. “Thank you.”

She pats his back. “You’re welcome.” When she turns to me, she says, “Hungry for food?”

I catch the food emphasis. “Starved.”

“Sit down and let me feed you.”

“I can make a plate.”

“I’m happy to make it for you, Jason.”

“Thank you.” Sitting across from Billy, who waggles his eyebrows, I give him a harder glare than before. He just laughs and shovels more eggs into his mouth. After drinking some coffee, he says, “Man, your eggs are the best.”

My jaw clenches. I don’t like him talking about her eggs and how they’re the best. I try to shake off my annoyance at how casually he walked into her house, moved around her kitchen, and sat at her table like he’d done it a million times before. She mentioned that Billy had been helping out a lot, but they’re so familiar with each other. Am I setting myself up again for a huge lot of hurt?

She sets a plate in front of me and sits in a chair between us with her own plate. “Thanks, Billy. You’re out here early.”

“I’m heading to Kerbyville to pick up supplies for the week and wanted to check with you to see if you need anything other than the usual.”

Delilah starts to get up, but I touch her knee. “You should eat breakfast while it’s hot. I can help you guys after.”

“Okay. Thanks.” A soft smile plays at the tip of her lips. “Not much to get, but I’ll make a list when we’re done eating.”