“I’m falling for you, Elle. Harder and faster than I ever expected,” he says, causing blood to pump quicker through my body.

I push myself up to meet his eyes and realize nothing in my life has ever been as real as this. “Me too.”

Chapter Twenty-Two


This is the first Christmas in three years I’ve had Olivia with me where I’m not dreading the day she returns to her mother’s. Vivian and I haven’t spoken since a court date was set to discuss a new custody arrangement. Though it saddens me she hasn’t reached out to talk to her daughter, it only validated my decision—Olivia’s better off with me. I’ve even registered Olivia for school here, and she’s excited to have Ms. Kenzie as her teacher.

Today we’re officially announcing being together to her family. It will also be our first holiday to celebrate as a couple. Most of her cousins know since they’re close but Elle hasn’t told her parents yet. We wanted to wait a few weeks to make sure we could actually balance working and dating. But I’ve liked sneaking around too.

My mom and dad already know since Olivia’s a loud mouth and Elle’s over at the house all the time. Of course my mother adores Elle and was over the moon excited.

“I don’t think Santa liked my cookies.” Olivia frowns as she carries the plate into the kitchen. She’s been up since four this morning, and I can already see the exhaustion in her eyes.

“Of course he did, sweetheart.”

“Then why did he only eat one? I gave him six!”

I should’ve hidden them, but after stuffing myself at dinner, I couldn’t eat anymore. “He has thousands of cookies to eat on Christmas Eve, so he can only take a little at each house, or he’d get sick.”

“Oh, like when I get a stomachache after having too much ice cream?”

“Yep, and we don’t want him to feel yucky.”

“Can we save them for later?”

“Sure can. I’ll wrap them up so we can take them to the Bishops’.”

I asked Elle to join us, but she was adamant about not overstepping and that I spend the morning with Olivia and my parents to keep our tradition. Olivia’s gone through a lot of drastic life changes, so it makes sense to keep this the same as always.

“I think you should take a nap before we go.”

“I’m not tired!” She pouts, crossing her arms.

“Are you sure? You were up really early, sweetie.”

And I could use a nap myself.

“Positive! And I don’t want to miss the party. Elle said she got me something.”

“I promise you won’t miss the party.”

She gives me a look as if she doesn’t believe me. “Pinky promise?”

Wrapping my pinky around hers, I confirm with a nod.

After I’ve convinced her to rest in her bed for a bit, I clean up the toy boxes and wrapping paper filling the living room. My mom and dad came over for coffee and donuts to watch her open presents but went home to start dinner for tonight. Elle’s joining us after we celebrate at the B&B.

Elizabeth: I hope you’re ready for later. My grandmother will probably sprinkle wedding and baby dust all over us.

I chuckle. I can tell she’s nervous, and though I am too, I think her family will be happy for us.

Connor: Don’t worry, I’m prepared. She’s the one who talked me into hiring you in the first place, remember?

Elizabeth: Great, so she’ll definitely think we owe her.

Connor: You say that like it’s a bad thing.

Though we haven’t discussed our future, I only want one with her in it. We haven’t been together long, but I know she’s the woman for me. My feelings for her have never wavered. If anything, the way I felt grew stronger, even as I tried to push her away.

Elizabeth: Of course not…I’m just nervous. My family swarmed Diesel and Gavin when they started dating my cousins. They can be intense. And well, baby crazy. I just don’t want you to second-guess being with me.

Connor: Are you out of your mind? Nothing they could do or say would make me change my mind about us. Thought you knew that.

Elizabeth: I know, and I do.

Connor: Well, guess I’m gonna have to remind you later.

Elizabeth: I wouldn’t object to that.

I smirk, deciding today I’m going to tell her how much she means to me.

Olivia and I arrive at the B&B an hour later, and I immediately scan the room for Elle. When Olivia spots the dessert buffet, her eyes light up. Rose immediately steals her away and hands her a plate.

“Not too much,” I warn with a grin.

Rose waves me off as if she didn’t hear me. Everyone’s eating and chatting, having a great time. Gavin is sitting at a table with Grayson, Riley, and Diesel. Then I spot Jackson’s twin boys, Kane and Knox. I usually only see them when I’m helping Jackson with a horse, but it looks like the whole gang is here.