“Connor!” I hear someone call. When I turn, Elle’s standing behind me, and I take her all in.

“You look stunning,” I whisper, wanting to kiss her.

“So do you.” She beams. “Ready to find my folks?”

I adjust my groin, and she laughs at the erection she’s responsible for.

“In just a second.”

She leads me to the corner of the room where Emily and Evan are eating pecan pie.

“Mom, Dad,” Elle grabs their attention. I stand behind her, waiting for her to make the announcement.

Olivia comes over with a full plate and leans up against Elle’s side. She immediately wraps her arm around Olivia, and my lips turn into a full-blown smile.

“Yes, dear?” her mother asks, then eyes Olivia and me. “Oh hey, Dr. Wallen. Hi, Olivia.”

“Nice to see you guys,” I say. “Merry Christmas.”

After a few moments, Elle clears her throat then begins. “So for the past month, Connor and I have been dating.”

The entire room goes eerily silent, and I swallow hard.

“What do you mean dating?” Evan asks.

Olivia giggles. “They’re boyfriend and girlfriend.”

A roar of laughter rings out.

“Oh really?” Emily wipes her mouth.

“Yeah, I’ve seen them kiss,” Olivia responds.

“Okay…that’s enough commentary from you.” I grab Olivia and pull her into my arms.

“Well, it’s about time. Do you have any idea what it took to make this happen?” Rose blurts out, walking up behind Evan and Emily. “Years,” she confirms. “And I’m not gettin’ any younger.”

“This is your doing?” Emily questions Rose.

Elle shakes her head with a sigh.

“Of course it is,” Maize interjects, chuckling.

“I knew the moment Elizabeth said she needed hands-on experience that Connor was the perfect guy.” Rose winks.

“I don’t think she meant that kind of hands-on experience, Grandma,” Rowan adds with laughter.

“Oh my God.” Elle groans, shaking her head. “Anyway…we’re dating. Now it’s out there.”

“I mean, most of us knew anyway. And I’ll say what Grandma didn’t...about goddamn time.” Maize wraps her arms around Elle, and the Bishops swarm her.

Rose gives me a pat on the back, followed by a warning. “You better not make me regret it.”

“No, ma’am,” I confirm.

“I like Elle,” Olivia says to Rose.

“And I’m sure Elle likes you too, darlin’.”

“Of course I do!” Elle gushes, tickling Olivia. “Who else is gonna play hide-’n’-seek with me?”

When Elle started coming over after work to eat dinner with us, they’d play games after, and soon, it became their evening tradition.

As Rose talks to them, I smile at the two girls who have my whole heart.

“Good luck,” Elle says over the phone as I drive to New Mexico. “Just remember that whatever happens, I’m here for you.”

My heart hasn’t stopped racing all morning. Though my lawyer will be with me in court, I’m still nervous and not sure what to expect.

“Thank you, baby. I’ll call you as soon as I can.”

“Olivia and I will be waiting.” I hear the smile in her voice as she tries to lighten my spirits. Since I knew this day was coming, no clinic appointments were scheduled so Elle could be on call for emergencies only. Olivia invited her over for lunch, so now they’re hanging out at my parents' until I return.

Aside from the anticipation of today, the past month has been a dream come true. Being with Elle and having my daughter home is everything I ever wished for. I’ve fallen so hard for Elle, I’d never recover if I lost her.

I arrive at the courthouse thirty minutes early and meet up with Jacob. When I see Vivian, I’m actually shocked she showed and looks presentable. She avoids eye contact with me, which doesn’t surprise me. What does, though, is when her lawyer tells the judge that she’s decided to sign over her physical rights and to give me sole custody. I’m confused as hell as to why she’d do that, but I’m not complaining. Jacob leans in and explains what’s going on.

“I overheard earlier that she’s moving to California with some guy, and since you had shared custody, she would’ve needed permission to take Olivia with her. This way, she signs over her rights and can leave, but if she wants to visit, she needs your approval first.”

I shake my head at her selfishness. Of course she’d pick a guy over her daughter. Though I shouldn’t be that surprised, I am. She’s not the same woman I married all those years ago, and I hardly recognize her anymore. I’m saddened for Olivia because she doesn’t deserve this, but I’m happy too. This way, she’ll have everything and more with me in Eldorado.

After Jacob accepts the new agreement on my behalf, the judge closes the case. It’s finally over. I blow out a relieved breath and can’t wait to tell everyone the good news. Vivian leaves without a glance, and I shrug. She’ll live to regret this, but that’ll be on her conscience, not mine. I’m not sure what I’ll tell our daughter, if anything. Eventually, she’ll wonder and ask where her mom is, and then I’ll have to decide what to say. I’ve found the truth is always best.