I sit back in my chair, amused. “Whatever you need to say to justify getting the hell out of there.”

“You’re a real asshole, you know that?” She nearly growls, then walks to the door.

“Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve heard that one,” I mutter.

“Daddy!” Olivia screams as she runs and falls into my arms. I immediately feel the stress melt off my shoulders. I’ve waited an entire month to see her again. Having Olivia a few days over Thanksgiving wasn’t enough, so I’m glad I’ll get her for a couple of weeks during her winter break. Christmas is only three days away, and I plan to make it super special for her.

“Hey, sweetheart.” I squeeze her and kiss her cheek. “I missed you. I think you grew another inch!”

She giggles. “Missed you too, Daddy.”

Vivian hands over her bags and asks Olivia for a goodbye hug. We meet halfway, so it’s another two hours back home.

“Bye, Mommy.”

I wave to Vivian, then get Olivia settled into the back of my truck. We only talk when it’s necessary so we don’t fight in front of our daughter. I’m still pissed she moved Olivia without my permission, but I can’t change that now. I want what’s best for Olivia, and constantly going to court to fight over the custody agreement would have added more tension between all of us. So to quickly finalize the divorce, I agreed to the custody arrangement. Though it’s not nearly enough time.

“You excited to see Grammy and Poppy?” I ask as I pull out of the parking lot.

“Yep! I colored them some pictures,” she tells me.

“They’re gonna love that.”

At only four years old, Olivia definitely gets her creative gene from her mom. She always loved to paint and draw, and I see that same spark in Olivia’s baby blues.

After two bathroom stops and one dinner break, we finally make it to my parents' house. Since I work a half day tomorrow, she’ll spend the night with them, so I don’t have to get her up early.

“Grammy!” Olivia peels her eyes open as my mother opens the back door.

“Hi, my little princess.” She leans in and kisses her. “How was the drive?”

“Boring,” I respond as my mom gets Olivia out of her booster seat.

“I have to go potty,” Olivia says.

“Alright, sweetie. Let’s get you in the house.”

I grab Olivia’s bags and follow them inside. My dad immediately greets her with a hug before she skips off to the bathroom. My parents have always adored Olivia and were just as upset as I was when Vivian left. Now we all have to share her during these visits.

“Poppy, I made you dis.” Olivia hands him a piece of paper once she returns. “It’s you and me.”

“I love it! It’s goin’ right on the fridge.”

“I made one for you too, Grammy.”

“Let me see.” Olivia proudly hands it over, and my mother’s eyes light up. “This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen! I’m gonna frame it and hang it on the wall.”

Olivia giggles.

I hang out until Olivia’s fast asleep in the spare room. My mom gave her a bath, and I read her a bedtime story. While I love having her here, a dark cloud follows me, constantly reminding me that she’ll eventually be leaving again. It makes me want to spend every free second with her even though I can’t.

The following workday is short and mostly for paperwork. I had two walk-in appointments but plan to close at noon.

“Dr. Wallen?” I hear Elle’s voice at my door as she knocks.

“Come in,” I say.

“Hey. I wanted to give you this before I leave.” She sets down a wrapped box. “Merry Christmas.”

Blinking, I eye it, then look up at her. “What’s this?”

“Open it.”

She’s never given me a gift before, and I feel awful for not having anything for her. I gave my employees extra paid vacation days as their annual bonus, but we’ve never exchanged presents.

“I apologize, but I don’t have anything to give you.”

“It’s not much,” she tells me.

I rip the paper and open the box. Inside is a small frame with a picture of me with Beverly, Elizabeth, and Trina. We’re happily standing behind the front desk smiling wide. The Eldorado Gazelle did a front-page feature on the clinic not too long ago and sent a photographer. She must’ve asked for a copy.

“I noticed there weren’t any pictures around here.” Elle bites her lip as she awaits my response. “Thought we could hang it by the front desk, or you could keep it in here.”

No way can I stare at how beautiful Elle is in this picture every day.

“Let’s put it up front. That way, everyone can see it when they walk in.”

When I hand it to her, she smiles. “Sure, will do.”

“Elizabeth,” I call out as she moves toward the door. She spins around, and our eyes meet. “Thank you.”