She nods. “You’re welcome.”

As eager as I am to go pick up Olivia, I wrap up my to-do list for the day and send everyone home before leaving. When I get to my parents’, I walk into the kitchen where my mom and Olivia are baking Christmas cookies.

“Hi, Daddy!”

“Hi, sweetheart. Looks kinda messy in here.” I chuckle, kissing the top of her blond head that’s covered with powdered sugar.

“She’s been a great helper today. A real bakin’ machine,” Mom tells me.

“Is that so? Do I get to try any of these goodies?” I ask, scooping up some raw cookie dough.

“Daddy, no! There’re raw eggs in there,” she states matter-of-factly. I bet she got scolded for the same thing.

My mom arches a brow in warning. “Okay, fine. I’ll wait till they’re hot and gooey.”

“That’s when they’re the best!” Olivia beams, and I love seeing how happy she is. Though I’m a known hard-ass, I become a damn softy anytime Olivia’s around.

The next two weeks fly by way too fast. Though I still have to work between Christmas and New Year’s, I spend every spare minute with my daughter. The pure joy on her face as she opened gifts and saw her surprise overnight trip to a hotel waterpark was the best day I’d had since before she was taken away from me.

I meet Vivian halfway on New Year's Day to drop off Olivia, and watching her cry for me as we hugged goodbye nearly broke me again. I won’t get her again until Easter, which is over three months away. I promised to FaceTime every day, and she promised to color me new pictures.

As I watched them drive away, the anger I feel about not being able to see her for that long fuels my rage all the way home. I’ve gotten over Vivian wanting a divorce, but I’ll never get over her taking Olivia from me and moving four hours away. She damn well knew I couldn’t up and leave my practice but did it anyway.

Someday, I hope Olivia’s back with me where she truly belongs.

But until then, I’ll take what I can get and cherish every moment I have with her.

Chapter Five



It’s almost the end of the semester, and I’m mentally and emotionally exhausted. My schedule has been hectic as usual, and I’ve been studying like crazy for next month’s final exams. My nerves are shot, and I’ve already started working myself up over it. By the time I’m done with class on Thursday, I’m absolutely exhausted, but I listen to the recordings of my classes on the way home. The drive is three hours, so replaying the lectures has actually helped me retain more information. They aren’t the most interesting things in the world to listen to, but it helps.

Every week is the same, and I feel like I’m stuck living the same day where the only difference is what I’m wearing. Right now, I’m on spring break, which doesn’t mean much other than being off work on Friday. I’ve had a nice long relaxing weekend and didn’t have to take any emergency calls. Though I kinda missed working.

The weekend passes by in a blip, and Monday morning comes fast. I show up on time, and after Beverly unlocks the doors, I realize Connor isn’t here yet. I wait an hour and do an annual check on Mrs. Morris’ dog before I start to worry. Of course Connor gets called on emergency jobs quite often, but he usually mentions it or at least sends me a text.

When I have a short break between appointments, I decide to ask Beverly since Trina is clipping a husky’s toenails in the first room. Beverly is polite as can be, but she’s quiet most of the time and keeps to herself like our boss.

“Hey, Bev, do you happen to know where Connor is today?”

She looks at me with a grin. “Oh honey, he’s not comin’ in until later this afternoon. Had some personal things to take care of. Sorry, I thought you knew.”

I keep a smile planted on my face, not allowing my annoyance to show. He’s the one who tells me communication is important, yet he hasn’t told me a damn thing.

“Oh okay, thanks,” I say, not wanting to pry but still curious. Connor’s a private person and never openly talks about his life outside of work. I was shocked to learn he was married and is now divorced. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to know about Connor’s life or why their relationship ended. I have a lot of questions when it comes to him but zero answers.

They’ll gossip around the office about anyone and everyone, but as soon as he’s mentioned, I feel like I’ve trespassed. One time, curiosity got the best of me, but Beverly made it very clear that talking about him was off-limits.