Once I’m full, I head to the bathroom and get in the shower. The hot water relaxes my stiff muscles, and I actually feel a lot better afterward. Before I climb into bed, I put my books in my backpack so I don’t forget them when I leave for school in the morning.

Before I fall asleep, I get a text from my brother.

Ethan: Did you request off for my graduation like you promised?

I snort, then roll my eyes at the conversation it took to get that day off.

Elizabeth: Yes, I did.

Ethan: And did Dr. VetDreamy approve it?

I scrunch my nose. I hate that Kenzie started that shit, and years later, it still continues.

Elizabeth: He said it was fine. And don’t you dare call him that. Dr. Dickhead is more like it. How’s your girlfriend, I mean Harper?

It takes a minute for him to text back, and I chuckle at how much it gets under his skin when I tease him about Harper.

Ethan: If you mean her being a girl and being my friend, then she’s doing great. You gotta try harder with your digs, sis. You’re getting rusty in your old age.

Elizabeth: You better be glad you aren’t home. I’d kick your ass for that one.

Ethan: You sure you can raise your leg that high?

I send him an eye roll and an arm-flexing emoji.

Elizabeth: You coming home this weekend? I kinda miss your pain in the ass.

Ethan: Not sure yet. Maybe! Glad to know I’m still your favorite brother. It’s a hard job, but someone’s gotta do it.

Elizabeth: Ha! GOOD NIGHT!

I’m super proud of him and wouldn’t miss his graduation for the world, especially for Connor, who always has a stick up his ass. He’s not sure what he’ll do on the ranch yet, but Uncle John and Uncle Jackson have promised Grandma they’d figure it out. Ethan wants to help expand what the ranch currently does, and if anyone can do that, it’ll be him. He’s smart as hell, and his agricultural science degree will be put to good use.

Kenzie’s graduating too, but she’s planned her future career already. She’ll be using her education degree by teaching at the private school Aunt Mila started years ago after she moved here.

I look forward to the day when I’m not trying to do so much at once, but then again, I chose this life. Either way, I wouldn’t change a thing.

I take that back.

I would change one thing—Connor’s bad attitude.

Chapter Six



It’s hot as hell today, which is typical for the middle of June, and considering how busy we’ve been this week, I’m crossing my fingers there aren’t any emergencies this weekend. Since there weren’t many house calls scheduled today, I have Elizabeth tackling half of the appointments so we can finish early.

My next stop is the Circle B Ranch. I typically go out there once a week to help with hooves, teeth, and whatever else they need. Today’s visit will be to tend to an infected wound. They have handfuls of horses trained for riding lessons and trail riding and also to herd cattle.

As soon as I pull up to the barn, I spot Gavin, the horse trainer. He’s a former champion bull rider and is a huge guy with broad shoulders. If I had to guess, I’d say he’s around my age. Once I get out of my truck, I grab my supplies from the back seat and meet him.

“Dr. Wallen, hey,” he says, reaching out to shake my hand. “I’m Gavin Fox.”

“Gavin, how’s it goin’? I’m Connor,” I say as I take his hand.

“Nice to meet you. It’s goin’ alright. Just dealin’ with these horses fightin’ each other. Ya know the drill.”

I chuckle, then follow him into the stables. “I sure do.”

We make small talk as he takes Sugar’s lead rope and brings her out into the entryway. I slowly move my hand forward and run my arm down her neck until I find the wound. It’s deep, and I can tell she’ll need antibiotics once it’s clean.

“So Elle works with you?” he asks after I inject her. Just the sound of her name almost makes me smile, but I don’t. I’m used to ignoring the way she makes me feel and am a pro at pretending our attraction doesn’t exist.

“Elizabeth?” I ask. “Yeah, she’s been working with me for a couple of years now.” I think back to when I interviewed her and how much has changed since then. One thing has stayed the same, though—how goddamn gorgeous she is.

“I’ve only seen her a few times, but she seems nice. I hear she’s brilliant too.”

Brilliant is an understatement. “She is a very smart young lady.”

I wonder if he’s interested in her or something or why we’re even talking about this. My lips tighten into a firm line as I think about her dating anyone. I’m sure Gavin’s a good guy, especially if he works here, but no one will ever be good enough.