I suck in a deep breath and finish stitching the gash. When I’m done, I pack my things, and Gavin puts Sugar back in the stall. He meets up with me before I leave.

“So I’m having a little get-together tonight with a few of the Bishop guys. You should stop by for a beer if you can,” he offers.

It’s been a while since I’ve gone out. Actually, the last time was the strip club incident, which ended up being a huge mistake. Gavin grins as he eagerly awaits my response, and since he seems like a genuinely nice guy, I give in. “Uh, sure. I should be able to swing it.”

“I’m staying at one of the ranch hand cabins on the east side,” he explains.

“Yeah, I know where those are. I’ll see you later.”

As I back out of the driveway, he waves.

Though I’m more of a homebody, I’m actually looking forward to having a beer with him. I don’t get out much, and next month, Olivia will be coming to stay with me, so I’ll be spending all of my free time with her.

After I get off work, I shower and get dressed. I head toward Gavin’s and wonder if Elle will be there. He said it would be the Bishop guys, so for my sanity's sake, I hope she’s not.

I say hello to everyone, and Gavin hands me a Budweiser. Riley and Diesel burst through the door, acting rowdy and holding a birthday cake. It takes me a few seconds to realize it’s shaped like a giant dick. It’s an icing-covered travesty, and I let out a laugh when I get a closer look at their decoration skills. I remember being in my twenties and stupid, having the time of my life while going to school, imagining how my life would be once I graduated. It’s funny how different it all turned out.

When my first beer is empty, I grab another and play a round of horseshoes with Cooper, one of Gavin’s friends. I win a few rounds, and when I look around, that’s when I see her. Elle’s wearing a million-dollar smile, dressed in tight jeans and a crop top that shows off her stomach. Seeing her like this makes me weak in the fucking knees, but I ignore it. Every time our eyes meet, I turn away though all I really want to do is pull her close and devour her mouth with mine.

I can’t believe I was foolish enough to think she wouldn’t be here. After I finish my round of horseshoes and drink, I thank Gavin for inviting me and wish him a happy birthday. When I walk to my truck, the only thing on my mind is Elle and how great her ass looked. Another inappropriate image to add next to the booty shorts I saw her in that one time.

I’ve had Olivia since the first of July, and it’s been an amazing two weeks. During the workweek, she stays with my parents, and I visit on my lunch breaks. We’ve gone to the park nearly every day after work, and she’s been begging me for a puppy after she saw Mrs. Landry’s Cocker Spaniel. If she lived with me full-time, we’d have a house full of pets because she loves animals just as much as I do.

Though it’s Thursday, and I’m supposed to be in the office most of the day, I got a call from one of my neighbors about her horse. After Beverly reschedules the last few appointments for next week, I get ready to go to Mrs. Ashby’s.

“Elizabeth.” I grab her attention. “We have an emergency call that can’t wait. The afternoon appointments have been rescheduled.”

“Who’s it for?” she asks.

“Jeanie Ashby. Says one of her prized ponies isn’t eating and noticed a drop in weight. She was hysterical, so I thought we’d go and take a look and see what’s going on.”

“Yikes. No wonder she’s upset.”

“Sounds like quidding.” I pack my medical bag with antibiotics just in case, along with some other supplies. “When the horse—”

“When the horse chews very loosely and tends to ball up the feed instead of grinding and swallowing it,” she interjects with a prideful smile.

I nod, grabbing the instruments needed to file teeth. “That’s the one.”

“I almost forgot you have that certification.” She chuckles.

When I walk around her, she immediately follows. She’s just as eager as I am to get out of the office. I’m grateful I don’t have to stare at the same four walls every day. I think I’d go crazy.

I let Beverly and Trina know we’re leaving, and I’d see them tomorrow. On the way there, Elizabeth’s on her phone. When I glance over, I see pictures about quidding. While I find it cute that she wants to learn as much as she can, hands-on experience will always trump book knowledge.