Page 85 of On the Mountain

“Exactly. Unseen and unheard.”

“I don’t understand,” Prescott stated when they reached the bottom step. “She couldn’t remember what happened.”

“Very possible.” He nodded. “Her mind would have blocked out the events that were too painful and unbearable. Though I’m certain no amount of amnesia could erase the fear she must have felt.”

Wade conceded the doctor’s words. Fear was one element rarely missing from her eyes. They had reached the front entrance and the RCMP officer placed his hat back on his head and turned toward Wade. “As soon as I know anything, I’ll be in touch.”

He nodded his gratitude while Prescott escorted the officer to the wagon. The doctor was slipping back into his coat and Wade noticed the blood stain on the front of his shirt. He looked away instantly.

“I appreciate you coming out, doc,” he told him.

“Not a problem.” The man smiled, placing his derby hat on top of his head.

“Doctor,” Wade began and hesitated, not sure if he could ask the question. It was the answer he wasn’t entirely sure he could handle. “Was she...?”

The doctor looked at Wade closely and seemed to know exactly what he was thinking. “No. Other than her nudity, there was no indication of rape. You got to her just in time.”

He felt a flood of relief, but remained cold stoned on the surface. “If I had gotten to her in time, she wouldn’t be lying up in that bed.”

The man had nothing else to offer to console Wade so placed a reassuring hand on his arm and said, “I’ll be back tomorrow to check on her.”

“Thanks.” He watched as the man went outside to his carriage. Prescott stopped to have a few words with the doctor after returning from seeing the RCMP officer off. Turning away from the entrance Wade went into the great room and poured himself another drink.

“You might want to cut back on those.” Prescott stated as he entered the room.

Wade ignored him and dropped down on one of the large chairs in front of the fireplace. The weather was far too warm for a fire so Wade stared into the cold interior of the hearth and allowed his mind to go over the conversation he had with the doctor and the officer. He had learned more about Anna in an hour than he had over the past seven months.

“Or perhaps I shall join you.” Prescott made a funny face and went over to make himself a drink. “Today has been shocking to say the least.”

Wade made no reply.

“The men returned from town earlier and very curious as to why there were two de

ad men down by the river and the presence of the RCMP.” Prescott took a small swallow of his drink. “I took it upon myself to inform them what happened.”

Wade nodded.

“Admittedly, they were shocked but very understanding. They asked on how she was doing.”

“Then the secret is out.” Wade stated rather than asked.


“It’s over.” He quietly said.


He should have felt relief, but couldn’t find any comfort in the knowledge that Anna nearly paid the price of her life to set herself free.

* * *

Wade remained awake all night in the guest bedroom. He was mentally and emotionally tired, but his body refused to sleep. A fear that she would not be alive when he woke had him visiting his bedroom several times during the night just to ensure she was breathing.

Shortly after sunrise Kathleen arrived on the first stagecoach and upon seeing her brother’s spent appearance slipped her arms around him in a comforting embrace. For the first time, Wade did not have the strength to brush her aside. He held her for several moments before she released him to step back and look up at him with concerned eyes.

“How is Anna?” she asked.

“Alive.” Though they were meant to be words of good news, he looked far from relieved.